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FOXNews.com – Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth to Be Performed as an Opera — So who plays the fat lady?
La Scala officials say the Italian composer Giorgio Battistelli has been commissioned to produce an opera on the international multiformat hit for the 2011 season at the Milan opera house. The composer is currently artistic director of the Arena in Verona.
Mozart has to be turning over in his grave.
Found by Oliver Reich.
Well… Its always been a farce, so why not an opera too?
iut doesn’t matter which side you come down on this movie this doesn’t seem like a good idea.
it’s the chino-vegan conspiracy all over again
and it aint over till the fat man sings……..
Al, sit down.
So who plays the fat lady?
(No. I’m not a believer in the Gaia hypothesis. It just sounded like a good answer. For Earth to be a life form, it would need to reproduce.)
Lot of hot air. They better get some British offset credits or its the end of the world.
Obviously it will fail because it hasn’t been written, yet.
#6, But what then is the moon but the offspring of the earth?
Operas are fiction. Perfect fit.
That picture shows that Algore used to be half the man he is now.
#9 – Ah_Yea,
Hmm… Sort of, by some very loose definition I guess. The early earth mated with a Mars-sized object and spawned the moon. And, much like a black widow or praying mantis, Gaia killed her mate. Interesting question.
I’m still sticking with “no” though on the Gaia hypothesis. But, thanks for making me think about it a tad more.
As your reward, consider this:
Mother Nature created humans because she wanted plastic. Once she gets enough plastic ….
It’ll BURN DOWN THE HOUSE, but at what cost to the CARBON FOOTPRINT ???
wow what a way to make the public not care about public issues by putting music to it.
FOXNews.com – Al Gores Inconvenient Truth to Be Performed as an Opera — So who plays the fat lady?
So what intelligent person gets their news from Fox News?
Get a clue dude, one of my employers is News Corp. Try and keep up. And are you implying the story is bogus? Or what?
>>Get a clue dude.
Well, Rupie’s cable news show is not exactly known for “Fair and Balanced(R)” reporting. Lampooning Al Gore would be right up their alley.
The story is not bogus (it was reported in MSM sources like the NYT), but with Fox News, you always have to be on the alert.
#18 – Mister Mustard,
I have no idea what you are talking about. Fox News is The Truth!!
(Before anyone slams me for that statement, please please please click the link. Without it, my meaning may not be clear to some.)
>The story is not bogus (it was reported in MSM sources like the NYT)
Can you say Jayson Blair?
>>Can you say Jayson Blair?
Sure I can. And once he got busted for plagiarizing others’ work, he was fired by the NYT and got sent off to flip burgers for the mentally ill.
At Faux Spews, on the other hand, slanted, misleading, biased, unbalanced, and unfair butchering of current events is not only tolerated, it’s encouraged. It’s LIONIZED! It’s what the whole network is built on, man!
You’d better applaud…
Fox News is biased, but this wasn’t always true.
When it started in 1998 or whenever, it wasn’t.
After September 11th, I think they decided to wrap themselves up in the flag and be a good mouth-piece of the Bush Administration and the pro-American patriotism that was reaching a fever pitch.
When it came time to sell the Iraq war, Fox got even more biased.
I think at some point in time, they decided to preach to the choir and do news they think their viewer base wants to hear or believe.
Now, CNN used to do this big-time and too some degree still does.
But Fox News isn’t bona fide news. In the end, they are very much about broadcasting what their viewer base wants to hear that just isn’t real news.
one more reason to hate opera