Is this an effective way to quell a protest or to start a riot? If they were there to spot and stop trouble, then why disguise your face?

  1. bobbo says:

    Yah! Why not just fly a few flags and tell everyone to get on their knees and pray?

    That was sarcasm on the HomeOwners Assoc post wasn’t it?

  2. McCullough says:

    But of course, mon ami.

  3. ECA says:

    Standard operating procedure since the 50’s and 60’s…
    ASK MLK, and others…
    ASK those at KENT state..

    TAG them and BAG them, GET them out of the ranks…Watch for them, and KNOW whois supposed to be there.

  4. ECA says:

    that should be since the 30’s and BEFORE…
    Ask the OLD unions trying for a peaceful demonstration…

  5. Mark Derail says:

    Canadian news again?

  6. reallyoldpunk says:

    This stuff has been going on for years. Even now, the FBI and Minneapolis, MN police departments are trying to infiltrate various anarchist and mainstream peace groups in readiness for the Republican National Convention. Some have been trying to get groups to plan violent activities (these agents are usually quite easy to spot) in groups that have no history or willingness to be violent. There might be some similar videos in the wake of the RNC this summer. These groups aren’t all stupid and almost all carry video cameras nowadays.

  7. David says:

    Old news. August 20, 2007. The CAN-US-MEX summit in Montebello, Quebec.

    Yes, they were cops.
    Yes, they got busted.
    Yes, it made the national news.
    Yes, it made them look bad.

  8. wanker says:

    #7. David- Old News blah,blah,blah

    I watch the news religiously and never saw anything in the US about this. If you want to contribute please do, otherwise go somewhere else.

  9. bobbo says:

    Saw a show awhile back where Cesear Augustus planted goons in the rabble. Same reasons, same effect.

    Seems nothing much changes about the human condition, politics, religion, a minority seeing it and either taking advantage of it or trying to warn against it, the majority sheep continuing to browse.

    Will it e’re be the same?

  10. OmegaMan says:

    Thanks for dumbing down the title for those who don’t read the word of the day…but the term is agent provocateur.

    My brother who as at the Chicago 68 convention believes that the police had agent provocateurs in the crowd.

  11. moss says:

    Turning up these kreeps used to be a specialty of mine. Of the many times I treasure because they helped bring forward the fight against bigotry, racism and Uncle Sugar’s egregious arrogance, a few of the best were being able to confront some scumbag agent and expose them for what they were.

    Of course it’s not just cops, it includes slimy rightwingers trying to do the same. They’re so bloody stupid and funny – usually trying to sound “hep” from some 50 year old tract turned out by a defunct red squad.

  12. the answer says:

    must’ve smelled like bacon

  13. Improbus says:

    I wish I could say this was a surprise.

  14. James Hill says:

    It’s a bit overpriced, but I’m sure a few you would enjoy the discipline of a $225 riding crop.

  15. ex-montrealer says:

    Anyone who has lived in quebec knows that the police there are among the most corrupt and racist in North America. I don’t miss that place and their semi-fascist government.

  16. highaman says:

    #15 Maybe you say so because your part of a criminal gang, but theses cops are by far the most peaceful of North America, I’m glad you went whining somewhere else cause you don’t seem to understand a thing about corruption and fascism…
    The cops where feds, Royal Crown Military Police, they’re trained by CIA since we can’t remember when so shut up and try to understand context instead of shooting pointless blame.


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