On his way to hospital. Afterwards.

A Taiwan man grieving over the death of his girlfriend climbed inside a morgue freezer to be with her and was only pulled out alive half an hour later.

The 41-year-old man was discovered when workers detected an unusually high temperature in the freezer and realized the hatch was not securely fastened.

“A morgue manager opened the hatch, saw two people lying inside, felt scared enough to yell out and then even cried,” the Liberty Times reported. “She didn’t stabilize for a long time.”

Twilight Zone only left Network TV – not the real world.

  1. erik says:


  2. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #2, WmDE

    That is so sick I’m still laughing. Good link.

  3. the answer says:

    Why is that guy at the hospital? Is there finally a cure for stupid?

  4. Mark Derail says:

    Love at frost bite

  5. Trying to get some before it got cold ?

  6. kanjy says:

    What does the author mean that he “was only pulled out alive half an hour later”. What is the “only” supposed to be modifying? “Pulled”? Bad grammar.

  7. hhopper says:

    #6 – Good one Derail.

  8. HansA says:

    Bah-ha-ha-ha! A man loses the love of his life and tries to commit suicide! What a rib-tickler!


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