
Orlando police are at Universal Studios this morning after reports of a black bear taking a dip in the pool of the Hard Rock Hotel. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials are at the popular tourist spot to check out the reports.

Although the bear has not been found, Tom Schroder of Universal Studios said it is business as usual at the hotel and theme parks. “We got the OK from the Fish and Wildlife officials to go about with our regular operations,” Schroder said. Police were first told of the bear sighting at 4:13 a.m., after a security guard spotted the bear on a security screen. Reports show that the bear finished its morning dip and left the pool area. The Hard Rock Hotel is located at 5601 Universal Blvd.

Who could blame him. It’s hot in Orlando.

  1. andy says:

    gotta do whatcha gotta do

  2. JimD says:

    Hey, they should have checked the Bar !!! The Bear was there having a Honey Colada !!!

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    He peed in the pool too!

  4. whit says:

    I love the wacky news from Florida but they make up only one-third of the California – Texas- Florida triangle.

  5. emeryjay says:

    The bear, obviously a local, wanted to get his swim in before it got hot and before the tourists started coming out.

  6. admfubar says:

    prolly just some guy that needs to have his back shaved,,,,,,,,

  7. Bill R. says:

    Let me guess. The authorities were called because he wasn’t a guest…

  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    They should have slapped a wrist band on him and let him eat from the all-inclusive troughs.

  9. Ron Larson says:

    It was no bear. Just a furry Lebanese tourist.

  10. hhwindsor says:

    I have this same photo from a newspaper last year saying the bear was in a los angeles pool.
    i keep photo on refridgerator cause she is so cute!


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