One of the MP’s Promoting this Bonehead Scheme
Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry ‘carbon ration cards’, say MPs | Mail Online


Every adult in the UK would be given an annual carbon dioxide allowance in kgs and a special carbon card.

The scheme would cover road fuel, flights and energy bills.

Every time someone paid for road fuel, flights or energy, their carbon account would be docked.

A litre of petrol would use up 2.3kg in carbon, while every 1.3 miles of airline flight would use another 1kg.

When paying for petrol, the card would need to swiped at the till. It would be a legal offence to buy petrol without using a card.

When paying online, or by direct debit, the carbon account would be debited directly.

Anyone who doesn’t use up their credits in a year can sell them to someone who wants more credits. Trading would be done through specialist companies.

Sounds like part of the carbon trading scam.

Found by Robert Munn.

  1. Esteban says:

    Big Brother goes green?

  2. Mark Derail says:

    Works both ways. Like Kyoto.

    Low carbon individuals can sell their unused credits to higher individuals.

    You then get a social effect going. Credits sold on, given as promotions during events, give to X charity X dollars get X carbon credits.

    It could work, as an alternate currency.

    Enforcing it, preventing piracy, exactitude of the information, is the hard part.

  3. apeguero says:

    What the F is this world coming to?

  4. GigG says:

    And how many trees will be cut down to make these cards?

  5. JimR says:

    Well, according to the IPCC you are going to die if you don’t stop putting more than your share of carbon into the atmosphere. So if we take them at their word… and they feel they are 90-100% accurate… then you had better start demanding those cards today.

  6. MWD says:

    while we’re at it, why don’t we do as scenic Bethselamin did in the HHGG? make it so that we need to obtain a reciept everytime we go to the lavatory…

  7. JimR says:

    The idiotic part is that you can sell your unused portion, and join the carbon trading scam.

    Specifically, if you manage to save the world from a few extra pounds of carbon as insurance against the alleged pending disaster, and perhaps speed up the Earth’s recovery time… why not make a few bucks and let some pig burn up your extra achievements. Makes sense eh?

  8. RTaylor says:

    Fine, if the rest of the world signs on. Just how are you going to keep the rest of the worlds carbon out the British Isles? Bureaucratic feel good bullshit. Gawd help us from the good intentioned idiots.

  9. Grimbo says:

    Isn’t there anything happening in the USA worth writing about?

  10. zeph says:

    I doubt this is about carbon at all. Sounds like another one of those wacky, delightful British schemes to track their citizens’ every move.

  11. Raff says:

    I’d like to chime in with a big “F” that!!!

    What if you own cows? Do you get docked for the methane they produce?

  12. brian t says:

    #5: the cards will be plastic, made from oil, natch.

    Dear Minister: if you want to make people take fewer flights and car trips, sort out the bloody trains! Taking a 737 for 200 miles should NOT be MUCH cheaper than a train!

  13. floyd says:

    Do they have to have a card to eat, breathe, pee and poop too? How about using electricity, city gas, or taking a bus?


  14. WmDE says:

    If this comes to the US, I am going to want credits for my trees. I read somewhere that one tree meets the carbon load of a family of 4. I own around 75 trees. I am sinking carbon and providing oxygen for 300 people.

    Somebody will owe me money.

  15. pagon says:

    “carbon trading scam”

    Carbon trading is a scam. You don’t produce it so somebody else can. Where is the reduction?

    Don’t look behind the curtain, Nothing to see. Move along. (you f’ing fools)

  16. MikeN says:

    This is cool, since it’s the rich who like to hector everyone about living green. Forget about those private jet flights, etc. And they should definitely charge more carbon for first class seats.

  17. Miss_X2b says:

    Looks like they’ve figured out a way to tax the air you breath…. 😀

  18. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Fat people exhale more carbon dioxide than skinny people, so I propose that we declare fat people to be enemies of our new low-carbon state.

    Yo’ momma is so fat that the authorities arrested her for excessive carbon emissions 😉

  19. the answer says:

    how about “get off cctv free” cards. Can the kids get those?

  20. HMeyers says:

    I bet the 20% of wealthy people generate carbon at a 200-1000 times the normal rate of a median income person.

    And I imagine government bureaucracies do it at a rate of 50,000-1,000,000 times the rate of a normal individual (think of the trickle down effect of low productivity, heaps of paperwork and other red tape that achieves very little, the utilities and computers and lights needlessly running all the time).

    Long story short: wealthy empowered government types should look in the mirror first to fight waste.

  21. HMeyers says:

    ^^ oops, typo = empowered

  22. edwinrogers says:

    The Exchequer is absolutely wonderful, a marvel of innovative and wonderous ways to fleece the gullible British tax payers of their hard earned wealth. I expect an oxygen tax, next.

  23. gquaglia says:

    I don’t care how bad people think the government here in the US is, the UK is 1000% worse.

  24. James Hill says:

    Would setting a liberal on fire count against my offset, or theirs?

  25. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    As long as I’m not the liberal in your joke, James, that was pretty damn funny 😉

  26. Thinker says:

    Scam, scam, scam, scam ,scam! Just liberal guilt under another label! Why don’t they do something about it instead of selling indulgences???

  27. JimR says:

    #25… LOL!

  28. The Green Pirate says:

    Har, Dee, Har, Har. Pay up or else!

  29. lou says:

    This guy should take up golf. He has way to much time on his hands.

  30. jim h says:

    For the life of me I can’t fathom why some people won’t accept the reality of what’s happening here. Forget Al Gore, the basic issue has been well known to climate scientists since the 80s . The reports of the IPCC reflect the work of literally thousands of researchers around the world. Those reports reflect an overwhelming scientific consensus which has nothing whatever to do with politics. To ignore it and refuse to act, at this point, is simply foolish.

    Am I supposed to imagine that there is some worldwide “liberal” conspiracy forcing 10,000 scientists to risk their reputations by publishing phony data and unsupported conclusions?

    Do you guys also disbelieve evolution?


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