One of the MP’s Promoting this Bonehead Scheme
Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry ‘carbon ration cards’, say MPs | Mail Online


Every adult in the UK would be given an annual carbon dioxide allowance in kgs and a special carbon card.

The scheme would cover road fuel, flights and energy bills.

Every time someone paid for road fuel, flights or energy, their carbon account would be docked.

A litre of petrol would use up 2.3kg in carbon, while every 1.3 miles of airline flight would use another 1kg.

When paying for petrol, the card would need to swiped at the till. It would be a legal offence to buy petrol without using a card.

When paying online, or by direct debit, the carbon account would be debited directly.

Anyone who doesn’t use up their credits in a year can sell them to someone who wants more credits. Trading would be done through specialist companies.

Sounds like part of the carbon trading scam.

Found by Robert Munn.

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    “The reports of the IPCC reflect the work of literally thousands of researchers around the world. Those reports reflect an overwhelming scientific consensus which has nothing whatever to do with politics.”

    Are all of the IPCC signatories climate scientists? Most of them? Some of them? How many are of the IPCC signatories psychologists (!!) or government bureaucrats depending upon a ginned-up crisis in order to keep their careers as leeches off of us taxpayers?

    Follow the grant money.

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    BTW, this “carbon credits” scheme sounds a lot like the scheme the rich used during the Civil War to buy their way out of combat.

    Anyone else notice that those shouting loudest about this “crisis” are the ones who pollute more than 200 of us little people put together? Let’s see Al and Leo and MP Bonehead (pictured at top) give up their private jets, first class travel, limos and massive houses. Then they can lecture the rest of us.

  3. MikeN says:

    #32, read those reports for yourself. They change with each new release, with the damage assessment getting better each time(less warming)

  4. T.C. Moore says:

    John should support this, because of the recently imposed requirement to reduce our water usage in the SF East Bay area by 19%.

    Now all the people who have been trying to save water are like WTF!?! Households whose consumption is already low have to reduce the same 19% as those water hogs that have made no effort. 19% out of the minimum needed to survive is a lot compared to someone that just has to turn the faucet off for a change, or fix leaks.

    If we do have a Carbon trading scheme — and it seems likely in the US, too — how will it affect individuals, who of course make the choices about whether to take the plane, train, or automobile. There’ll be a ton of marketing to affect our behavior, instead of putting the incentives within our own control.

    Same with electricity. We get lots of marketing BS instead of just giving us meters that reflect the higher cost in the middle of the day. People respond when the see their bill piling up in front of their eyes.

    Also, for you dipshits who can’t be bothered to answer your own obvious question, Carbon trading schemes reduce emissions by slowly reducing the number of credits in circulation year by year. It worked for acid rain.

    Although now there is a growing consensus that a carbon tax would be easier to administer and tweak, versus a complicated trading scheme that will have to run according to set rules for years or decades. Just you wait, you head in the sand types will be rabidly fighting for a carbon trading scheme, as proposed by McCain, over a carbon tax. How ironic.

  5. BigCarbonFoot says:

    You Fools….. Buwhahahahahaha…

  6. Angus says:

    First Carbon, then Water, then Food, and finally, they’ll ration toilet paper just like Sheryl Crow wanted.

    I’d be all for the idea of conservation if I didn’t think that it was just a money giveaway and get rich scheme. No one ever says where the taxes and carbon credit profits go.

    Al Gore is the Jim Bakker of the environmental movement. His schtick would be a lot easier to believe if he didn’t live like a French Bourgeoisie.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>BTW, this “carbon credits” scheme sounds a
    >>lot like the scheme the rich used during the
    >>Civil War to buy their way out of combat.

    Hey, is THAT where Bush got the idea during the Viet Nam war? I’m surprised he knows that much about history!

  8. Pmitchell says:

    Oh mustard I knew if any one in their twisted logic could figure out a way to blame Bush it would be you and your so called pseudo intellectual self

    your a sad person mustard and what are you going to do when Bush is gone, will things in govt still be his fault?

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    >>what are you going to do when Bush is gone,
    >>will things in govt still be his fault?

    It’s going to take generations to repair the damage that Dumbya has done to America. He’s turned us into an impotent, cuckolded laughingstock in world opinion, made millions of patriotic Americans dismissive of and repulsed by “our” “government”. Who knows how long until his toxic waste is flushed from the system?

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>you and your so called pseudo
    >>intellectual self

    I’ve never called myself a “pseudo intellectual”, Mitch.

    Start making sense.


  11. redwolf says:

    How long before someone decides that once you use up your allowance you have to either buy credits or stop emitting carbon dioxide from your lungs?

    Cue the Police, “Every Breath You Take.”

  12. JimD says:

    I could come up with some Legislation for Britain to reduce the carbon footprint:

    No motor cars with more than 3 cyclinders or 10 horse power, whichever is less …

    A 10 Pound Road Tax – every time your car leaves the drive way or parking space …

    Convert all A1 Motorways to Railroad Rights-of-Way for more commuter trains …


  13. MikeN says:

    Also, you should be billed more carbon for organic food.

  14. serialfish says:

    You are all blind. This is obviously a ploy by those scheming Amish lobbyists. They will be swimming in riches gained since they don’t use electricity, gas, oil, or airplanes. Think about it.

  15. Miss_X2b says:

    #47. I’ve thought about it. I’m going home…LOL!!


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