A sculpture of a crucified frog holding a mug of beer on display at a Bolzano museum has sparked outrage in Italy.

ANSA reports that local clerics and politicians want the work removed.

The one metre high work by late German artist Martin Kippenberger belongs to his Fred the Frog series and depicts a warty, pop-eyed amphibian nailed to a cross with a frothing mug of beer in one hand.

No doubt, we’ll hear from PETA, tomorrow.

Thanks, K B

  1. god says:

    Loincloth is way too tight!

  2. OvenMaster says:

    A mug of beer?
    A German artist?
    An Italian museum?

    If that were shown in a German museum, ten bucks says that there wouldn’t have been a peep of protest!

  3. Janky-o says:

    If you’re an artist, and not a very good one, the best way to being known is to offend somebody. He would have surpassed Warhol if he’d only been a gay, Jewish, handicapped frog.

  4. Eric Susch says:

    It’s not easy being green.

  5. lmj3325 says:

    The only thing offensive about this is that some people actually think it is art.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    Ho Hum, another lame story about an unknown but supposedly highly-respected arrteeest who created another masterpiece designed to offend Christians. Just add it to the other collections – the chocolate Jesus, Jesus swimming in urine display, the gays at the Last Supper, the bearded Jesus / Osama bin Laden look alike, etc.

  7. gregallen says:

    Insulting Christianity is for whimps.

    Real artists go after another religion in the news a lot these days.

  8. OmegaMan says:

    I posted this on the site, we will see if it actually sticks:

    “I am confused…the crucifix was ancient capitol punishment device. Putting a frog on a cross offends? If ones faith is tried because of this…ones faith is not strong enough.

    The cross cannot become an ‘idol’ to be worshiped… or has basic tenants of the faith changed?”

  9. god says:

    The chuckle, of course, is at the expense of the whiners who say – this doesn’t bother me, I’m a real mensch – but, obviously don’t miss cataloging a single example.

    The high db public whines arrive, as expected, from those who are in the business of religion.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m mostly offended that I can’t figure out what the “artist” is trying to say.

    Don’t give a frog beer? Don’t give a frog beer and let him play inside church?

    The only conclusion I can come to is this “artwork” was intended solely to offend.

    If that’s the case, why not just paint swastika’s on some synagogues?

  11. Sea Lawyer says:

    #10, probably because insulting Jews is considered out of line, just as insulting the other various sacred cows we currently have in our society would be. Christians, in general, are not one of them.

  12. the answer says:

    And no mention about him holding an egg in the other hand? THAT offends me.

    And of course Christians don’t know that crucification was common in olden days. Typical religious lemmings doing typical things.

  13. ZZ says:

    I was thinking it must have generated equal response from American people if there was a green frog tied to an electric chair. But now we are talking about Italians, a green frog behind bars for life??

  14. t0llyb0ng says:

    The word is “tenet.”

    A tenant is someone who rents an apartment.

  15. kanjy says:

    Mug of beer? I thought it was a purse.

  16. HMeyers says:

    The artist could up the ante by drawing cartoons mocking Muhammed.

    We all know angry Christians don’t do anything.

    If you do something anti-Muslim in Europe you either get $10 million bounty on your head (Rushdie) or publicly stabbed in the street in broad daylight (Dutch filmmaker).

  17. DWY says:

    How can we be sure this is a frog and not a ninja turtle?

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    This article is from a Catholic news site, and although it points out in one sentence that the artist did not intend this as a religious statement of any kind, that’s brushed aside because a bishop imagines otherwise.

    It would be nice if there would ever come a day when Christians stopped imagining themselves being persecuted.

  19. OmegaMan says:

    #14….thanks for that catch; those goofy renters and religion, if only I could get them to pay that tithe each month to me.

  20. moss says:

    Does no one here care for the spiritual anguish of our amphibian flock?

  21. K B says:

    #18– “It would be nice if there would ever come a day when Christians stopped imagining themselves being persecuted.”

    What? And take away their sense of purpose?

  22. Geoffrey says:

    “No doubt, we’ll hear from PETA, tomorrow.

    Thanks, K B”


    For the record, Peta hasn’t commented. KB has.

  23. K B says:

    You have to love a guy who doesn’t know how to read a blog.

  24. moss says:

    Tee hee.

  25. Jeffery Williams says:

    As a Christian, I believe that Christ wasn’t the only person to be crucified (there were two thieves with him). Obviously this frog is beer thief and is being properly punished for his crime. 🙂

  26. SAVE THE FROG!!!


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