I want to see blind tests before I believe this. Have to wonder if these people moved to Santa Fe from Florida. Just asking…

Group wants Wi-Fi banned from public buildings

A group in Santa Fe says the city is discriminating against them because they say that they’re allergic to the wireless Internet signal. And now they want Wi-Fi banned from public buildings.

Arthur Firstenberg says he is highly sensitive to certain types of electric fields, including wireless Internet and cell phones.

“I get chest pain and it doesn’t go away right away,” he said.

Firstenberg and dozens of other electro-sensitive people in Santa Fe claim that putting up Wi-Fi in public places is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Found by my brother, Uncle Don.

  1. D. Block says:

    … Not just a blind test, but psychiatric tests too!

  2. MikeN says:

    A good idea, especially since Wi-Fi burns extra energy.

  3. WmDE says:

    I wonder if any of these people have a microwave oven.

  4. keaneo says:

    Last I heard, he’s head of the local re-elect Bush elect McCain campaign. He says the WMD’s were stored in the Manzano Mountains.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    See kids …you just smoke a joint a day …years later you can’t walk into a public library and get zapped by microwaves from the Man. Lesson of the day: 1) Don’t smoke grass 2) Don’t look like the president of Iran and talk about hiding from microwaves.

  6. floyd says:

    I posted this on the KOB blog also.

    What does this guy do around power lines, whose electrical leakage is a lot stronger than WiFi? Like the city councillor said, it isn’t 1692 any more. Arthur and the rest of his group (all two of them?) need to see an MD (heart troubles?) or maybe a psychiatrist.

    Just have public WiFi providers put up “WiFi Here” signs (useful for the rest of us too) and let it go at that.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    You just can’t make this stuff up. Tinfoil hat? This guy needs plutonium-238 body armor, 24/7. Or maybe an endless stream of barium enemas. Perhaps joining the Amish would be a good move.

  8. becagle says:

    I saw on the news this weekend some guy was claiming that Hybrid cars are making people sick from exposure to EMF.

  9. becagle says:


  10. MikeN says:

    No different from wanting to ban cars because they make the planet warmer in 100 years.

  11. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    No, I guess you can’t make this stuff up. There are many types of radio emmissions that exceed that from WiFi.

  12. Sea Lawyer says:

    How can this even be considered to fall under the definition of “discrimination”?

  13. MikeN says:

    Public buildings not being made available to people with disabilities. Sounds like discrimination, and a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act even for private businesses, unless a reasonable accommodation is made.

  14. Sea Lawyer says:

    #13, it’s as ridiculous as saying that the government is discriminating against me because the courthouse is downtown and I’m allergic to smog.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow! I agree with #7 Bubbaray. These guys are way off the deep end. Obviously they don’t understand that standing in the sun irradiates them far worse than WiFi. Not to mention the local radio station, their blender, and that electric toothbrush.

    This phobia reminds me of when home computers first came out. The crazies and nutjobs believed that their computers were intelligent and spying on them when they were not looking!

  16. comhcinc says:

    no i believe these people to a point. i can feel it when i am around high tension power lines. it’s a weird feeling the can get annoying after a while. so i can see how these people can some how be turned in to the wifi specturm and feel it.

    now having said that, does it cause pain? i don’t know. lets assume that it does cause some discomfort. should we abandon a whole technology because a small number of people are negatively affected by it? i don’t think so.

    if it was some how damaging these people in some way i would have to rethink that but it is causing discomfort not damaging these people in any way.

  17. the answer says:

    I say they are aliens and it’s interfering with communication with the mother ship

  18. foo says:

    #13 –

    Stupidity is not a protected disability.

  19. KagatoAMV says:

    I don’t think “Electromagnetically Sensitive” is a recognized disability, so MikeN, I don’t think your statement applies in this case.

    Last I heard, they still haven’t established “Electormagnetic Sensitivity” as a real phenomena, no double-blind study has established it exists.

  20. martrn says:

    I live in a block of residential flatlets (apartments I think Americans call them). i started getting chest pains which I have only just started to get and this happened when a neighbor of mine moved in below and start putting in wifis to connect her computers and/or digital gizmos together.

    I think this is a very serious issue which affects a lot of people and some seriousness should be given to it. Saying you MUST ban Wi-Fi NOW because we’re allergic to the signals probably isn’t the answer, but making people aware and alert to unsociable and unethical habits such as wifi and its associated illnesses should be given some priority.

    Smoking is one habit, but if you do this in your own home it effects nobody, but if you put in or lay Wi-Fi in your home, and you live close or next to other people it can effect your neighbors, as this can be chest pains or sickness in many cases.

    This is a very serious issue that receives not very much publicity.

  21. MikeN says:

    #19,not yet, but there is nothing in the ADA that prevents it, and that their complaint is limited to government buildings makes their case stronger. There have been plenty of new disabilities and situations added through court cases, and I don’t see a particular reason why this should fail.

  22. Joe Blow says:

    Maybe the guy is just po’d because he doesn’t have a wireless device to surf the wi-fi.

  23. hhopper says:

    So I guess you could kill this guy with an RF remote?

  24. John Paradox says:

    The secret is: they’re CYLONS.


  25. Ricosauve says:

    Well, there goes education.
    In my district, schools are a buzz (pun) with WiFi, as all the teachers have laptops, and half the schools have ‘wireless labs’ (carts with a class set of laptops). Has anyone ever complained about chest pains or headaches since the wifi went in? no.
    Do people complain about the middle school boys overdoing it with the Axe and other deoderants? better believe it.

    Do people notice when you bring in a snickers or peanut butter cup? not so much, even tho signs are everywhere for kids so seemingly allergic to peanut oil, that you being in a different wing with a pb&j sandwich can set them off.

    EMI/EMF sensitivity? good luck in this day and age pal… I’m willing to bet the alternator in that guy’s old beater gives off more EMI/F than my linksys AP.

    Just rewatched the vid. the signal is leaking thru “SPECIALLY SHIELDED WALLS”…
    I think the guy needs to stop suing the city and start suing the contractor that “SPECIALLY SHIELDED” his walls.
    Maybe he needs a nice Faraday cage to live in.

  26. xjonx says:


    I say let survival of the fittest take over. Put wi-fi up all over the place. All the crackpots would die off and “the beauty part” is we would have some “killer” internet access. All APs, all max power, all the time!

  27. caa says:

    I wonder if any of these crackpots have 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz cordless phones. 2.4 is the same frequency spectrum as 802.11b/g. 802.11n is 5Ghz. Are they bitching about that too?

  28. chris says:

    Hey I’m on full disability because I’m allergic to work, so why not do away with WiFi. Seeing other people being productive really makes my symptoms flare up. My head hurts, and my energy level goes WAY down.

    Seriously, though. I’d ban cell phones on a case-by-case basis in a hot second. The law would be called Americans with Dumbness Act.

  29. Sai Kai Lee says:

    To #22, I can only say that in the future, technology will only become more important. Therefor, it is imperative in evolutionary terms, to weed people such as yourself out of the gene pool.

    Do you really want your great, great, great, great grandchildren to suffer, not from any fault of their own, but only for the flawed genes that you so callously passed on?

    I would suggest an additional tax to help create a giant underground dwelling were you and your ilk can live in peace, without all of the damaging electro-magnetic radiation you currently suffer. It’s our responsibility to you.

    I said would, not do. Why? Because I honestly believe that you would find some way to subsist on mushrooms, and over the years, would evolve into a new homonid branch that included abilities like seeing in the dark, some kind of sonic sight and attack ability, and super human strength.

    Oh what a future you would have for we poor surface dwellers, with our pigmented flesh, our small eyes, and our insane ability to withstand light. Whereupon you would steal various foodstuffs that would be hard to obtain in the center of the earth, you know, like an apple?

    When you consider ridding the world of WIFI, did you ever stop to consider that the alternative could be a race of subhuman monsters with the potential taste for human flesh?

    How inconsiderate!


  30. martrn says:

    To number #32 [SKL]. I raise a topic like bringing the importance of requiring attention to a topic such as this such as electromagnetic signals or more specifically Wifi signals, and you do not do much but insult me with, the like of ,,,, “therefore, it is imperative in evolutionary terms, to weed people such as yourself out of the gene pool….”

    Charming I am sure. I suppose when smoking was first invented it might have been mentioned that smoking has no health consequences, and later smog was one of those things that could only been seen if you used the electromagnetic frequency for the wavelength of light. Blind people where never bothered about smog so why should anybody else bother with it.

    I could have offered or welcomed a debate about the potential to discuss such a very important issue such as the different wavelengths and pollution of the different wavelengths, of the electro-magnetic spectrum but instead you just chose insults, so I feel sorry for you.

    I hope you find the time to reach out to other humans, a problem with which you obviously find a little difficult at the present.


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