1. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Wow. I am impressed that two morans that like to punch each other out got punched out.


  2. Greg Allen says:

    It’s time to ban ultimate fighting and every other blood sport.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Greg Allen

    If you want to ban most of the violence in the world… ban religion.

  4. Why says:

    Yeah, a ban on violence would work.

  5. maniac says:

    For the life of me I could not see how the guy on the right is knocked out.

  6. CZen says:

    He wasn’t knocked out. He fainted after he realized He was supposed to throw the fight.

  7. rectagon says:

    #3. Do you not read history? I’m sure your anti-religious buddies (Mao,Pot,Stalin) would share your sentiments. Do some reading other than Dawkins and you might be able to see the real world.

    #2. Care to list them? football, basketball, bockey and diving draw blood on a regular basis.

    #5. Trying pausing it. Both get in a clean chin shot.

  8. green says:

    5 – his jaw gets clipped. Hard.

  9. GF says:

    He got hit by the other guys right hand, it’s hard to see.

    We should also ban the sun for causing skin cancer.

    Did Shoemoney put this up? 😉

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – rectagon – Do you not read history? I’m sure your anti-religious buddies (Mao,Pot,Stalin) would share your sentiments.

    Ask yourself why Mao, Pot and Stalin have people killed. Let me clue you in… it wasn’t because of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Oops… should have been “had people killed”… I wish the system had editing capabilities… 🙁

  12. peter_m says:

    This one is too easy…

    Obama vs Clinton and the winner is McCain!

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – peter_m


  14. QB says:

    peter_m wins

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ask yourself why Mao, Pot and Stalin have people

    They had Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and others killed because of their religious beliefs. No other reason.

    >>Let me clue you in… it wasn’t because of their
    >>religious beliefs or lack thereof.

    Uh, I think we just established that it was. Quit drinking that cough syrup.

    Come on, Jäg, we’ve been through this a million times. There have been many people throughout the course of history who oppress, repress, and slaughter others out of blind faith, whether that faith be in the nonexistence of God, or a more traditional theist program.

  16. natefrog says:


    Prove it, Mustard.

    Of course, this would be about the time you slink into the corners and never offer any proof.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Prove it, Mustard.

    It’s been proven 1000x over. Go back to high school and read your history books.

    Sheesh. I can’t believe there’s still debate on this topic.

    Only from the religious bigots of dvorak dot org slash blog could this kind of idiocy emanate.

  18. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #2 – Why?

  19. igor says:

    @17 i dont know about those other tirans but stalin wasnt killing coz of religion

  20. stopher2475 says:

    It’s just like the end of Rocky III.

  21. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #17, Mustard,

    Stalin, Mao, and Pot all killed in the name of their faith. The Catholic Church also killed in the name of their faith. The white settlers also killed indigenous tribes in the name of their faith.

    Their common faith? Power. And few enjoy power as much as the theocracies do.

  22. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #18, Big Carbuncle


    Why not?

  23. Brian says:

    People honestly believe that most wars throughout history weren’t based directly on religion? Give me a break.

    As far as these ‘sports’, I don’t see how anyone can get any joy out of watching men pummel one another to the point of knocking the other out. How depraved an individual must you be to get your kicks from this sort of ‘entertainment’?

  24. natefrog says:


    “It’s been proven 1000x over. Go back to high school and read your history books.”

    Apparently you and I didn’t read the same history books. Stop supporting yourself by saying “my history book said so” and show some damn facts already.


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