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The phoenix has landed! So far everything has been perfect.

Update: Phoenix is level within 1/4 of a degree. Terrific news for both geology and meteorology experiments. You can stay in touch via posts at the Discovery News space blog.

Watched everyone jumping up and down in Pasadena and Tucson – in Hi-Def on Science Channel HD. They’ll be back with updates at 11PM EDT.

Bubba Ray says there also is live coverage continuing at NASA TV online.

First Images:

  1. compulsiveair says:

    Can’t be cranky about finding little Martian cousins!

  2. QB says:

    That is pretty darn cool.

  3. mperkel says:

    Waiting for contact with little green men.

  4. highqham says:

    Congratulations to NASA and JPL.

    Looking forward to the seeing the pictures and hearing about the data from Phoenix!

  5. QB says:

    You’ll have to wait about 90 minutes after landing for Mars Odyssey to fly over head for telemetry data, info about the solar panel deploy,emt, and the first pictures.

    Landed just 0.25 degrees off horizontal (no boulders, etc) which means things should go smoothly.

    Needless to say, I get off on this stuff. 😉

  6. mperkel says:

    I don’t think the carpet in my apartment is 1/4 degree from flat.

  7. The Pirate says:

    Not fake.

  8. mperkel says:

    Positive state of charge – data is coming in …..

  9. mperkel says:

    Pictures of the solar panels have been received. Everyone is clapping so I assume they are correct.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Another picture.

  11. edwinrogers says:

    #11. Great photo. Made my day.

  12. ECA says:

    WOW, this is a long beach…
    whers the water?

  13. chuck says:

    I, for one, welcome our new Martian overlords.

  14. bobbo says:

    The picture looks more like the area North of the Bad Lands in Utah. I hope the truthers get right on this.

  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    why is the date on the “live coverage” of NASA dated 2 years ago? Click on that link and look at the date above the video feed. Our government dollars at work!

  16. Esteban says:

    #16, I noticed that too. Obviously NASA is working on a time machine.

  17. moss says:

    Obviously, they outsourced IT.

  18. Angus S-F says:

    Those of us in TuCSon are really tired of those who can’t take the time or the spell-checking to spell our town’s name correctly.

    Congrats to the Phoenix team.

    [Thanks for the correction. Spell-checkers rarely work on proper nouns]

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    Perhaps the Martian curse has been lifted? Or maybe it’s just that the kinks have now been worked out — everyone now working in the same units, etc….

  20. eyeofthetiger says:

    The APOD archive has some amazing pictures. Here is an interesting one about large black holes in Mars.

  21. green says:

    Wy do they keep adding the red hue to the pics. Strange.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    This is great stuff!!!

    #22, Just for a little info, if you were to stand on the surface of mars, you would see the exact same colors.

    The surface of mars is composed mostly of Iron Oxide (rust), which we know is red.

    “Rovers and landers on the surface of Mars have photographed the planet’s striking sky colors, including sunrises and sunsets. On Earth, the mid-day sky is blue because of the way air molecules efficiently scatter blue light in our dense, relatively clear atmosphere. When the Sun is low in Earth’s sky, sunlight travels through much more of the air and so scattering of red light by dust and haze particles becomes more important than scattering by air molecules and our skies turn reddish and pink. On Mars, the sky color is almost totally determined by dust (only a feeble amount of molecular scattering is possible in the thin Martian atmosphere). Based on their sizes and shapes, dust particles scatter different colors of light more efficiently in certain directions, however. The mid-day Mars sky is reddish to pink because scattering of red light by fine dust particles is most efficient in that geometry. When the Sun is low, scattering of blue light is more efficient. Thus, the pinkish mid-day skies give way to bluish sunsets. Martian sky colors are to some extent opposite to those of Earth.”

    As a side note, often at sunrise and sunset the earth’s sky on the horizon is mostly red. This is because most of the blue light from the sun has been scattered due to the sunlight having traveled through more air to get to you, leaving reds and yellows.
    Also, if you could buy a ticket to outer space and then look at the sun, it would be visibly greener than how it appears on earth because the blue light component has not been scattered (yellow and blue makes green, take away the blue and you are left with yellow.

    So although we think of our sun as a yellow sun, it’s actually yellowish with a green tint.
    If you look at this pic, our sun is actually not right inbetween the G and K, but actually at the upper G.

  23. green says:

    #23 – Or incorrect white balance

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    And as another thing…

    This dust in the martian atmosphere is one reason why everyone worries about how much dust is on the solar panels. On earth, the dust in the air attracts water vapor, eventually becoming so heavy that the dust falls to earth.
    On mars, there is only a trace amount of water vapor and the gravity is only 38% that of earth.

    What this means is the dust in the martian atmosphere can stay suspended indefinitely.

  25. jbenson2 says:

    Th lander was supposed to land where there was ice. No ice in the photos, so therefore this is just another situation where the Bush administration lied.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    >>therefore this is just another situation
    >>where the Bush administration lied.

    Heh. Heh heh. Has the Bush “administration” ever told the truth? That would warrant an entry in the Guinness Book.

    btw, Mr. Benson2, your attitude towards the future First Lady (Michelle Obama) is quite odd. Are you a plain old misogynist, or do you just hate people of African descent? Either way….creepy!

  27. jbenson2 says:

    #27 – Since you asked, I’ll reply but the Dvorak editor will probably censor me.

    I am not partial to a hypocritical first lady who believes “the man” keeps raising the bar to make life more difficult – especially from a woman with a Ivy League degree and currently pulling down $300K+ thanks to some Illinois political high jinks.

    Color me old-fashioned, but I believe a first lady should be optimistic and speak positively about this great country.

  28. BubbaRay says:

    The date on the APOD page for the video is the date the APOD page itself was posted. It has nothing to do with current events or the NASA TV webcast. It’s merely the posting date for the portal to NASA TV. Double-click on the TV picture to make it full screen.

    KD at Cage Match will probably update the science / pictures from the Phoenix mission. Mission control is about to be transferred to the Univ. of Arizona. Last CM article on Phoenix is here. Latest picture and references to more on CM are here.

    Ah_yea has the science right about the color of the Sun as seen from Earth and from Mars. That would be bonus points on CM.

    jbenson2, there appears to be ice in the CM photo. Why blame it on the Bush Admin? I doubt they know nothing more than the $$ amount it took to put this laboratory on another planet. Heck, they probably don’t even know that.

  29. Dallas says:

    #11 is awesome!

  30. moss says:

    If #26 had been following this wonderful venture beyond Fax Snooze coverage, he might be aware that the significant quantity of ice sought in some of the experiments lies beneath a couple inches of dirt.

    But, then, that would require dragging his perception and understanding of life, reality, women, politics, bigotry and war – forward from the 19th Century.

    Great photos! Thanks for Posting them.


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