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The phoenix has landed! So far everything has been perfect.

Update: Phoenix is level within 1/4 of a degree. Terrific news for both geology and meteorology experiments. You can stay in touch via posts at the Discovery News space blog.

Watched everyone jumping up and down in Pasadena and Tucson – in Hi-Def on Science Channel HD. They’ll be back with updates at 11PM EDT.

Bubba Ray says there also is live coverage continuing at NASA TV online.

First Images:

  1. Miguel says:

    I suggest watching the video of the descent, as witnessed in the control room.

    I thought everyone was smiling a bit too soon while Phoenix was descending. Fortunately it was just confidence from people who knew they did the very best they could!

    I thoroughly expected the lander to crash at any time, and celebrated with some Port when it didn’t!

  2. Judge Jewdy says:

    Here is another interesting picture of Mars.

  3. benji says:

    #26 – It’s gone. You can thank global warming caused by our expanding(technological) footprint.

  4. The Warden says:

    I know it did! I was there at the soundstage out in Chatsworth that doubles for a porn studio. Amazing how they are able to simulate Mars right where they are filming Ramobone #8

  5. oil of dog says:

    Now let’s see..Mars landing..Red soil..Project Phoenix..Red soil..Sedona????:)

  6. MikeN says:

    How much did this cost? NASA should mostly be shut down. They came so close to shutting down the space station 15 years ago.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>NASA should mostly be shut down.

    Fuckin’ A-Right! Most of our money should go for no-bid contracts to Halliburton. Dick Cheney needs to retire in the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed.

  8. noredneck says:

    My hope for Mars exploration.

    In the event people ever land on Mars, I’d like to see real-time video of a Martian creature, the size of the Rock of Gibraltar, emerge from below the surface where it has been patiently waiting. Then while all of us watch, it slowly and casually devours the alien invaders. and lets out a big burp. Finally, it displays the universal middle finger salute. Then it smiles.

  9. Miguel says:

    #40 The ‘universal’ middle finger salute is only ‘universal’ for creatures with an odd number of fingers.

  10. Jopa says:

    Absolutely cool stuff! Bravo Nasa!
    I am dying for them to find some sort of life on Mars – no matter how small, primitive or frozen… it will be the coolest day in human history.

  11. James Hill says:

    I’m glad a Transformer didn’t destroy this one, too.

  12. bobbo says:

    #42–Jopa==nope. Religion is well positioned to claim “all life” was created by god. “others are not of this fold” and BS like that.

    While cool, the coolest day had to be Darwins Publication. Put us on the road to recognize everything evolved from that initial big-bang. If god wants to fit-in the cracks, I guess we can’t stop human stupidity even as we explore the stars.

  13. HMeyers says:

    Mars = Looks like Phoenix 😉

  14. jescott418 says:

    Are we really gonna find anything different then we have previous??
    I am not impressed that we have so much to learn about space but we keep going back over the same territory. For me the WOW factor of Mars is gone. This is not well spent tax payer’s dollars.

  15. lynn says:

    Looks like overdone meringue on a pie to me.

  16. green says:

    NASA budget amounts to no more than 1% of military spending. ’nuff said

  17. QB says:

    green, actually it’s about 5%. That said the money spent on NASA is money well spent.

    The US spends more on food stamps than they do on NASA.

  18. MikeN says:

    NASA’s budget is $17 billion

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>NASA’s budget is $17 billion

    That’s a couple of days’ worth of the Iraq war.

  20. #52 – Now that was pretty damn funny!

  21. bobbo says:

    Everything past getting satellites into orbit is a waste of money. We are going down the tubes here on earth and every effort needs to be put into pollution free energy production. When the energy crisis is fully addressed, then the passing generation of nerds’ wet dreams can be satisfied.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#52 – Now that was pretty damn funny!

    Bittersweet, Mister Tomato Head. That we piss away more money on Dumbya’s silly little war than we spend on understanding the mysteries of the universe.

    Of course, George never was very curious, was he?

  23. Mister Ketchup says:

    #55 – You know what’s going to happen here. Shortly this probe will be up on blocks, the radio will be missing and there will be Martian gang signs spray painted all over it.

    Fuck the war, what a waste.

  24. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #54 – Sorry, it’s this kind of research that will spin off the science that will fix everything else.

  25. BubbaRay says:

    One of the latest photos is on CM – Mars Orbiter captures Phoenix descent.

  26. deowll says:

    If Mars had been about twice as massive and held on to a bit more air and had something as interesting as pond scum I’d be a lot more interested.

    Okay the folks at NASA did a wonderful job an my hat’s off to them. ?8^) Having read John Carter of Mars I do miss the beautiful babes.

  27. pindubi says:

    Pictures of mars are very nice. I enjoy them.




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