Is this a necessary trend? Why can’t they just leave us alone? And where are the taser carrying cops when you need them?

  1. James Hill says:

    Just because you don’t appreciate art is no reason to get pissy.

  2. green says:

    Some spook sends out mass email. Voila! torch relay protests…. errr musical in london.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Better that than sleeping on the indoor/ outdoor carpet (or the linoleum floor) at O’Hare, when your flight is delayed from 8pm until 3:40am.

  4. JPV says:

    Again, I want to strangle little kittens after listening to that song. God how I hate show tunes.

  5. noname says:

    Bravo! Applause! Bravo! Applause!Bravo!

    Shortly after, a lock step brigade of American trained State Security Dragoons took these anarchists out and repeatably tased them. the state always wins.

    People -0 State -1

  6. Thomas says:

    I have no problem encouraging people to go to the theatre. I think everyone should see at least one show a year. However, going to the theatre is done on my terms where I get to select the show I wish to watch. If I’m stuck in the terminal and forced to watch the theatre, that is different. This is almost as bad as the airports that play awful television programs at high volume in the terminals.

  7. James Hill's mom says:

    Of course my boy would like it – show tunes!

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Of course my boy would like it – show tunes!

    Tee hee! Titter titter titter! Your homophobia is showing, Mr. Hill.

    Personally, I think songs in the airport are a great idea. Traveling by plane is a nightmare right now; some singers and dancers would really liven things up.

    Sorry if you only like “Psycho”.

  9. mrhappy says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  10. mrhappy says:

    Nothing like have stuff jammed down your throat. 🙁 I couldn’t even watch the whole thing.

  11. James Hill's mom says:

    #8 – Look again. Do your lips get tired when you read?

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    I thought it was very cool. Maybe I’m too cultured.

    On the other hand, it would have been way cooler is a real cop tased the singing and dancing fake cop!

  13. ECA says:

    LEt the bum sleep..

  14. bh28630 says:

    Why not? As street theater it was unexpected, brief, and harmless. Other than picking your nose in public, when was the last time you gave anyone an amusing free show?

  15. Esteban says:

    I hate show tunes, but siting at the airport is so horrible that this would be an improvement.

  16. The Man says:

    I liked it, it was much better then Cat’s, I could see it again and again.

  17. Jim says:

    I don’t see the problem, they did it during the day and weren’t super disruptive from what I can see. Get over yourself, if you were there and didn’t like it you could turn up your iphone to obnoxious level 2.

  18. Nimmo says:

    I actually quite enjoyed that show there, then again, it may be partly because I work for BAA, who owns Stanstead airport and only get people telephoning up when something is broken. (But thankfully vending machines aren’t our concern, unless they have no power)

  19. Daav0 says:

    American airports treat passengers rather like people to be punished. I think I would rather get dental work than spend another hour in LAX. This brief (four minute? five?) performance would bother you that much? These people were actually quite good, on pitch—the story was clever.

    I give it an eight. RENT for the airport…

  20. Miguel Correia says:

    Absolutely fantastic! Bravo!

  21. Tyrant says:

    Looks like another group trying to join in on the fun of Improv Everywhere.

  22. James Hill says:

    Ouch, even my mom owns Mr. Mustard.

  23. jrtiberius says:

    That was wonderful!!!!

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ouch, even my mom owns Mr. Mustard.

    Jimmy, I’m not sure you mommy even has a pot to piss in.

    In any case, I think the airport musical was an excellent idea. Perhaps, Jimmy, if you’d ever been to an airport, you would know how unpleasant the experience can be. A little musical interlude would certainly perk things up. Not all of us are happy sitting there for 12 hours reading “Stuff” and “Hustler”.

  25. epp_b says:

    Everyone is like, “What the heck?!”

    And, hey, if there’s any place that needs livening up, it’s an airport.

    Cheesy, yes. Entertaining? Certainly.

  26. jaded says:

    Hah, I actually believed those airport police were for real.
    I enjoyed it, it’s like griefing only IRL.
    Grief those airport noobs IMO.


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