1. Cinaedh says:

    There didn’t seem to be any safety equipment at all installed on the giant white sausage or the humongous sushi. A such, you won’t catch me crashing either one of those foods, any time soon.

  2. Balbas says:

    Aren’t you forgetting Cinaedh, the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile?


  3. qsabe says:

    From the title I thought there would be music involved.

  4. epp_b says:

    How is this different from any other crappy Youtube video with music in the background because the content itself is too uninteresting by the hands of the talentless hack who made it in Windows Movie Maker?

    (I mean, of course, other than that the music in this particular video isn’t some unbearable emo/metal eardrum poison)

    I expected some sort of percussion rhythm to be made out of various crash tests or, at least, for the music to choreographed to the crash sequences.



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