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Read Keith Olbermann’s take:
There **is** no good time to recall this.
But certainly to invoke it, two weeks before the exact 40th anniversary of the assassination, is an insensitive and heartless thing.
And certainly to invoke it, three days **after** the awful diagnosis, and heart-breaking prognosis, for Senator **Ted** Kennedy, is just as insensitive, and just as heartless.
And both actions, open a door wide into the soul of somebody who seeks the highest office in this country, and through that door shows something not merely troubling, but frightening.
And politically inexplicable.
[A] senator — a politician — a **person** — who can let hang in mid-air the prospect that she might just be sticking around in part, just in case the other guy gets shot — has no business being, and no capacity **to** be, the President of the United States.
But she’s not the only knuckleheaded candidate. Each has made ludicrously stupid and/or inappropriate remarks that are like shooting themselves in the foot. Do we have to worry what they might say to a dictator that might start a war? Bush at least can get away with it because, well, he’s Bush, but these guys should know better. Cripes!
It’s time for Hillary to go. The only good thing that can some out of this is that it will probably push some of the democratic bigwigs to be more firm in pushing Hillary out of the race.
The amount of damage that Bill & Hillary Clinton have done to their own legacies is incredible.
The process of election puts stress and strain on candidates. This is part of the vetting process for office. If they can’t take the strain now, what will happen when they’re behind the big desk? These people are the alpha types. They don’t generally make good buddies, great achievers are usually self-centered and very focused . Of course if he dropped out for any reason she would pick up the nomination. Hell, either way McCain can probably phone in the general election. The democrats tend to self destruct.
#2 said “The process of election puts stress and strain on candidates.”
Nah, she is just showing her true colors. McCain is old, tired. Anything is a better alternative to the current administration.
She was just trying to show that campaigns went on longer than this one. “Remember, Bobby was campaigning in June in California.”
I don’t like her for president, but lets not blow this out of proportion. It’s not like she lied about being shot at herself…. oh wait.
Maybe she is planning or know something that will happen in June. After all Bill might still have some nice CIA or FBI contacts
If we listen carefully, it becomes obvious all she was saying is that even Bobby Kennedy, (who was very popular), didn’t have the nomination wrapped up in June. (Remember, he was assassinated during a political rally).
That’s all it is. Nothing more.
When confronted with a question which you have to answer off-the-cuff, it’s impossible to know all the ways the answer can be misinterpreted.
I’m not a Hillary fan, but guys, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Now as for Keith Olbermann, this guy will say anything to make himself seem important. This guy doesn’t care for anything but being sensational. This guy is the worst of the worst, making idiotic tirades and acting like an overblown buffoon.
It’s ironic how Bill and Hillary complain about the “Right Wing Conspiracy” when it has become obvious that the far left, as personified in Olbermann, is their real enemy.
Bill Clinton once claimed to have won the New Hampshire primary. Actually Paul Tsongas won the NH primary that year. Mr. Tsongas died from cancer in later years. So Bill claimed the NH primary.
Hillary clearly knows what it will take for her to win the nomination.
#6 – I agree with you. Hillary should not have apoligised, she said nothing wrong, just something stupid. How in the world could anyone think that she was implying that Obama should be careful next month is beyond me. Nowhere in this gaff was she talking about anyone being assassinated today, only about RFK being killed 40 years ago. I am not a Hillary fan by any stretch (just to be clear), I am just defending the weak at a time when they should stand tall and on their own two feet.
Stick a fork in her. No, really. Stick. A. Fork. In. Her. If you don’t have a fork handy try a wooden stake. It may be the only thing that will keep her down.
Hillary must know something we don’t. And assassination wouldn’t be beyond what the Clinton’s and their cronies are capable of. If I were Obama, I would be very concerned.
It just hit me! This thread isn’t actually about Hillary, but about Keith Olbermann’s “Editorial Comments” about Hillary!
You see, although the video shows Hillary’s gaff, the actual article is about Olbermann’s response to that gaff.
Keith Olbermann, like Rush Limbaugh, is trying to become the main mover and shaker of his party!
Olbermann has a very loud microphone and he is using it to gain power. What do you do if you want to be the top dog? Take on and beat the current top dog! So, he is taking on the Clintons to prove who’s boss.
This is a very sad and disturbing turn for the Democrats. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, and now Keith Olbermann.
The party of the Whacked-Out Far-Left Radical NutJobs!
She knew exactly what she was saying. She’s talking to the white crackers in her audience who are afraid of a black in the White House. Playing to the fear of white America.
Plus, #8, anyone with a brain will make the connection between her talking about RFK that way and killing someone today. YOU may not have, but everyone else did. It wasn’t that subtle.
Gotta love it.
Hillary’s presidential nomination jumped the shark when she started pandering to racists with her “white voters prefer me” comments.
This is just the rest of her political career jumping the shark.
She doesn’t do anything by accident.
I used to hate Olbermann but for about the last 3 months he’s grown on me big time and I love watching his show now.
Um – remember “issues”? Does anyone still care about them? Or is this endless game of “gotcha” just too much fun?
If I were a candidate out there making speeches every day month after month, all the dumb stuff I’d accidentally blurted out would fill a book by now.
If the biggest gaffe committed by Obama was being candid about the realities of some voters, his comment pales in comparison to the list of Hillary misstatements as reiterated by Olbermann. Those who say Keith is over the top may be missing the nuance here. The Clinton campaign is much too canny to say something sans calculation. The not so subtle message from both Huckabee and Hillary recently is to make assassination an option.
Sadly, America has more than a few citizens who are so twisted they need very little to push them over the edge. If Hillary is not aware of the dark underside of the “electorate”, she is not qualified for any post. The super delegates – like Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, etc. – should now take a stand announcing the math does not add up for the Clintons. Moreover, Bill and Hillary are no longer serving the best interest of the Democratic party or the UNITED States of America.
BTW it’s “gaffe” not “gaff”.
[Fixed. Thanks! -UD]
#11–Ah Yea==whats your deal with Olbermann? “If” he thinks Hillary was saying she was staying in the race on the off chance that Obama would be assassinated, wouldn’t he have every right to the passion and point of view he displayed?
Your post at #6 is simply wrong. No one knows “exactly” what Hillary was thinking but Obermans take is certainly possible and even reasonable and I think in context most likely. WHY is Hillary staying in this race????–Because Obama might die. You have to spin that statement MORE to have it mean as little as you say.
Now–even if you are right, and Hillary just made an ambiguous statement, you have no grounds to criticize Olbermann==he made an opinion piece. Opinion is not news, it is opinion.
We all should find our balance in news by listening to various opinion pieces and viewing the video ourselves and coming to our own conclusions. Trying to censor opinions you don’t like won’t get us to independent evaluation.
Obviously Hillary wasn’t thinking that, because she wouldn’t have to stay in the race to become the nominee in that case.
The real gaffe was in her answer that she’s staying in in case Obama messes up. She should be stressing that she is the legit nominee. By every other way of calculating, she is the real winner. She is winning the popular vote, electoral vote, and under Republican rules. Obama only leads because caucuses have given him a 150 delegate margin, and they are not representative of their states’ voters, as can be seen in the states that have a caucus and a primary. As to the argument that those are the rules, well the Obama camp turned around and said the superdelegates would be stealing the nomination if they didn’t vote for him. According to the rules they have a free vote.
It’s going to be ironic to see members of the so-called party of democracy lining up behind a candidate who is selected, not elected.
Here’s a thought: If something non-violent (ie, politics as usual) happens — Obama says something stupid that causes his delegates to flee plus MI & FL get counted — will they say Obama is staying in the race in case someone shoots Hillary?
>>The party of the Whacked-Out
>>Far-Left Radical NutJobs!
Actually, it’s the party of America. If you think that the Dems are “Whacked-Out Far-Left Radicals”, you’re even more whacked out than I thought.
And Hillary….just STFU. I’m voting for Obama, but every time she opens her mouth, she just makes things worse for herself. Gosh.
First, I’m a big fan of Keith Olberman. I think maybe he went a little overboard on this one. If you watch countdown regularly, you may have caught something he related in an interview. It seems he had an uncle that occasionally baby sat him when he was a kid. One time the uncle baby sat was the day Martin Luther King was shot. Keith said he was absolutely stunned, when the announcement came over on the TV, and his uncle said “Why are they interrupting my program because some [N-Word] got shot.” Even at that young age Keith knew who King was and how important a figure he was. Seeing that kind of racism at a young age can change you and make you extremely sensitive to such things.
As Randi Rhodes pointed out on her show Friday, we sometimes forget that this primary campaign has been going on for 15 months and these candidates have insane schedules. It is possible to say something that you don’t really mean when you are fatigued.
I am an Obama supporter, but I would be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt here. I do, however, hope that she will appologize personally rather than have one of her campaign staff do it for her. This one is bad enough that I think she should admit she made a mistake. Oh wait, she’s a Clinton…
I haven’t listened to news today, so maybe she has. I hope so.
#19–Mike==isn’t it clear that the Dems have a candidate SELECTION process and not a popular vote “election.” Too many people==just about everyone here in fact, confuse a nominating process with the election process. Every candidate is SELECTED. If YOU want to run for president, you can. You get the signatures and you get on the ballot==no requirement for YOU to find someone more popular or more electable. Other parties have the same process according totheir own rules.
What’s the big deal? Hillary was just taking a shot at the darkie…er…shot in the dark.
Sorry. Misspoke a bit there.
Heres a thought. The Rep and Dem National conventions should be canceled if they have already chosen their nominee. Partys over, now go home.
#25, McCullough. I think you’re right. There are only 2 reasons for a convention that I can think of:
A) To choose their candidate. Since the Repugs already have theirs, and should the Dem’s have theirs before then, well that’s one down.
B) To show party solidarity. Since the Repugs are not 100% behind their candidate, nor the Dems 100% behind whoever gets the nomination, well, that’s two down.
Better off saving the money to balance the budget or something…
Change that, the Democratic National Convention will be a good time to see a riot if Hillary gets her way and seats Florida and Michigan.
And #22, I agree with you.
#23, yes they have a candidate selection process, and it is yielding a candidate that is not the choice of the party’s voters. That’s OK for the GOP, but the Democrats have been saying count every vote. Obama’s margin among pledged delegates is almost entirely because of caucuses. He is up 136 delegates among caucus states. The number is even higher considering the states that had a caucus and a primary. He got more delegates from Texas despite losing the primary for example. Yes, these are the rules, and Obama played them well. The thing is, according to the rules, the superdelegates should be free to vote for whoever they want, yet the Obama campaign is basically saying they should endorse the delegate count. If instead the superdelegates went with the popular vote, then Hillary would be the nominee.
Hey, this might work to her advantage. Anybody capable of making such a comment is sure to give us one of the most entertaining presidencies since Ronnie Raygun. After all, the president is just a clown put there to distract the people from the ‘real’ power structure.
Vote for the candidate who will put more money in your own pocket. #1 critera.