Found by Cinaedh.

  1. ECA says:

    1 word…


    I try to tell those TALL guys that like to intimidate me…
    Your FAMILY jewels ARNT UP THERE…neither are your Knee caps..

  2. eblonk says:

    This video should be blocked by net censorship. It hurts to watch it.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Now what kind of person finds this funny AND would take the time to compile all the clips.

  4. Cinaedh says:

    # 3 – Mr. Fusion

    Now what kind of person finds this funny AND would take the time to compile all the clips.

    I just assumed it was a more-bitter-than-average female.

  5. admfubar says:

    #4 uhm this is clip from america’s funniest home videos.

  6. gglockner says:

    Ow! My balls!


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