Trafalgar escorted back to base after the accident

A nuclear-powered Royal Navy submarine needed $10 million worth of repairs after it struck the seabed because a piece of tracing paper covered its navigational chart, investigators have found.

The tracing paper had been used on the chart to protect it from being written on, obscuring vital information.

HMS Trafalgar was grounded near the Isle of Skye in October 2002 because of basic navigational errors during a training exercise for students, according to the official board of inquiry report, which has been released under a freedom of information request.

According to the report, just 90 seconds before the boat hit the seabed, a crew member realised what was about to happen and was recorded as saying: “We’re going to have to change course. This is too dangerous.”

The reactor plant was unaffected, but $10 million of repairs were needed on the hull.

Truly worthwhile allies in the neocon Cold War. They come up to every American military standard.

  1. JimD says:

    “Truly worthwhile allies in the neocon Cold War. They come up to every American military standard.”

    McTavish’s Navy, perhaps ???

  2. tcc3 says:

    I know its fun to be snarky, but it was a training exercise. For students.

    Sure it was a dumb mistake, but this is why we have the training exercises.

  3. moss says:

    Pedro – perhaps you might study a wee bit of American military history? Ever hear of WW2?

    The United States had probably the most liberal government in our history immediately prior to and through that war. SNAFUs rarely exceeded minimal military standard.

    It was U.S. conservatives – like Bush’s grandfather who were busted for Trading with the Enemy. It was American industrialists like Henry Ford who so admired Hitler.

    And our War Department only invaded nations that directly attacked us. Back then.

  4. keaneo says:

    Uh, #3, you’re not allowed to do $10 million in damage on a training mission. That’s why the officer in charge were court-martialed.

  5. Judge Jewdy says:

    It was probably rolling papers and they were stoned.

  6. James Hill says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  7. James Hill's mom says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  8. James Hill says:

    #8 – Your worship is noted, but I don’t think you’re’s target audience.

  9. James Hill's mom says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  10. James Hill says:

    I see that you’re trying to entertain me, but you’re not doing a very good job. Don’t stop trying, however.

    Besides, the use of personal attacks and the inability to post under your usual name shows how I’ve destroyed you. Owned.

  11. jbenson2 says:

    “They come up to every American military standard.” ?

    The damaged sub was British. The story has no connection with the American military?

    [edit: comments guide]

  12. The Pirate says:

    Will the Hill family please leave the building.

    #4 – moss
    “And our War Department only invaded nations that directly attacked us. Back then.”

    When did Germany directly attack us? And Italy?

  13. ECA says:

    hovering near bottom or in shallow waters?? and NOT useing RADAR/sonar??

    someone changing parameters DURING a mission??


  14. moss says:

    You’re right, #13 – too accustomed to discussing military history with those who’ve experienced it. You’re too young to remember Treaties and the honoring thereof. Guess I should have included something that esoteric…just for you.

    Of course, nutball icons like Bush spring from families that not only didn’t believe in honoring treaties like that – they were busted for Trading with the Enemy.

  15. fool says:


  16. James Hill's mom says:

    I wish I could remember my usual name. Jimbo, you can just call me mom. Hell, I can’t even remember who your daddy was.

  17. RTaylor says:

    Active SONAR and depth meters rely on active pinging. Heap big noise maker that subs like to avoid. Subs has very accurate inertial guidance systems using gyros. This was human error. It is considered rather unforgivable to run your boat aground.

  18. moss says:

    It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been in the control room of a nuclear sub; but, executive sloppiness was not out of the ordinary. Last time was on an American sub.

    Control knobs for every system used to steer the vessel in 3D through the ocean had all been replaced and refitted with balls stolen from a pool parlor in Dunoon. Fine, if you can always count on reflexes and a stable crew. I guess.

    The ExO was one of the boys and didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by changing things back to spec.

    The original control knobs were clearly engraved and marked with their functions, etc.. If you’ve ever held a position of responsibility in anyone’s military, you already know all the reasons for doing things by the book.

  19. . says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    Personally, I think Judge Jewdy is right. Rolling papers. After all, didn’t the sub hit the seabed at FOUR TWENTY??

  21. Likes2LOL says:

    “…They come up to every American military standard.”

    No, you’ve got to have 3 collisions in less than a year like the USS Greeneville did in order to approach our performance expectations:

    More incidents worldwide:

  22. green says:

    So that’s what caused the tsunami.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Pirate,

    When did Germany directly attack us? And Italy?

    All the Axis countries declared war on the US. German subs sank American ships and Italian soldiers opposed Americans in North Africa. Yup, sure sounds like they were belligerant towards America.

    Of course, right wing nuts hate it when one of their own, like Hitler or Mussolini, is presented in a bad light.


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