Might have been an appropriate way to go

Two Israeli fighter aircraft threatened to shoot down a private jet transporting Tony Blair after coming under the misapprehension that the aircraft was staging a potential terrorist attack.

Blair…was en route to Israel from a World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting at Sharm el Sheikh, in Egypt, on Wednesday morning when the warplanes were scrambled to intercept the jet.

It was only after the warplanes were positioned in attack mode that the aircraft’s crew made contact, informing air traffic control that Blair was on the flight.

New systems have apparently been set up in the past few months to identify suspicious aircraft and Israeli forces have been on heightened alert for threats after Hamas knocked down a wall on the Egyptian border five months ago.

Protecting walls from being breached is a perfectly good reason to threaten to shoot down civilian aircraft – if you’re the Israeli government.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Carlo Rossie Burgundy
    >>how the effites
    >>What’s your excuse?

    I’m studying my spelling lessons!

  2. bobbo says:

    Yep, in the best of times, I can’t spell, can’t type, my keyboard sticks, and I think one thing while typing something totally different. Funny how differently what I type can sometimes depart from what I intended to say.

    What?–efites?===effetes. I had to look it up. Saw the helpful red underline before I posted but many words I use have underlines but are completely appropriate. I think I conflated effetes with elites, and got all fubared.

    Mustard, “whatsamattayou?” Left with spelling and punctuation complaints?

    You can do better.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mustard, “whatsamattayou?”

    I believe that’s “whatsamattaFAyou”, Bobster. The that’s followed by “pastafazool”. Pronounced “wassamattafayou, pastafazool?”.

    Jeez. Get with the program.

  4. MotaMan says:

    I Hope I haven’t offended good working class people.

    Don’t want to be part of a movement, just to aquire knowledge about the world.


  5. Jopa says:

    MotaMan, people like you baffle me.

    Israel is the aggressor?! You gotta be kidding me….

    The amount of ignorance in our world is just unbelievable.

    We, the Israeli’s (Jews), have been expelled from our land several times in history. The worst have been the romans that almost completely oblitarated our nation (almost!). Then we have been beaten, murdered, chased out of every place we have been to for 2,000 years by christianity and islam. The only thing we ever wanted was to come back to our home land – Israel. It is called ISRAEL not Palestine. Palestine (or Philisitin) was a name given to a part of the land that was settled by Plishtim – a people long gone that were driven out of their land by the Babylonians when they conquered this area. It has NOTHING to do with the Arabs that came and (in their turn) conquered Israel some several hundred years ago.

    Israel is the only place we have – the ONLY place that we can call home. It has been our home for more than 3,500 years, long before islam, long before christianity. Jerusalem is our capital, our holy city – the only one we have. Take ANY place in Israel, dig for 10 inches and you will find something written in hebrew. Not Arabic, not greek, not english – HEBREW. If I conquer Mecca and hold it for 400 years, does it make it Jewish?! or will it still be muslim? What about the Vatican? will it stop being christian?! Shouldn’t the muslims do anything and everything to take it back?!

    And WE are the Conquerors?!

    If you are ashamed of being a lucky person from a rich western country it can help you think of it this way – The Jews (me) are the Indians (those with the feathers), taking back their home from the evil white men that took it from them in the first place! OK?!?!? WE ARE THE FREAKING INDIANS! NOT THE ARABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Know this – we will defend our only land to the death. No matter what you think, say or do. Because we have NO OTHER place to go. We didn’t come here because of the Holocaust or any other atrocity rained upon our people. We came back because we FINALLY COULD!
    At last the muslim conquerors where week enough for us to grab the opportunity and TAKE IT BBBBBAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God bless Israel,and god BLESS America – the only other country in the world with a pair…

  6. Motaman says:


    Don’t get so mad, I’ve never hated anyone for what they are… only what they do.

    I will defend your (anyone’s) right to be who you (they) are, but who needs a state to segregate and opress existing populations or an imaginary friend telling you who to kill?

  7. bobbo says:

    #36–Motaman==everyone needs a state to segregate and oppress existing populations until a standstill is reached. All people live in organized states. States contend for land/wealth as they perceive their interests.

    One might analogize to YOUR house. Why can’t anyone live in YOUR house–don’t all people deserve to have a house? So–open your house to all or you are acting just like “a state.”

    Civilization has evolved to the goal of each person having their own house but some people want YOUR house. YOU can decide whether or not to let them have it, but most people say you can have their house only over their dead bodies. I don’t see any alternative—do you?

  8. MikeN says:

    By the way, the Koran says Israel belongs to the Jews.

  9. god says:

    We can all rest assured that someone told MikeN about that. He certainly didn’t read the Q’uran.

  10. Jopa says:


    I have no imaginary friend telling me who to kill or what to do. We defend ourselves from people that try to kill us EVERY DAY.

    If you are referring to God, let me tell you something about it – he/she/it is not ordering us to kill anyone – at list not in the last 2,000 years. Of course it is written that God promised us this land, but even so, what does it matter? the simple FACT is that Israel was and is our home for the last 3,500 years – it’s good enough, God or no God.

    By the way, I am not a right wing nut cake. I wish that the Arabs wanted to live side by side and be good neighbors. I voted, several times, for left winged leaders in Israel that WANTED to make peace, but the only peace we get from the Arabs is a piece of shit.

    Man, you should visit Israel. See it for yourself.
    Look at pictures of Israel from about 1900. The land was broken… BROKEN. After centuries of Arab conquest it was almost dead. The forests where gone, no trees, no nothing. It was becoming a desert… Look at it now – we brought it back! And we did it with almost zero resources – with our own love! And you should meet the people of Israel – these are some of the nicest, warm hearted and intelligent people you will ever meet.
    All are welcomed, as long as they do not bring violence with them. I don’t know who you are dude – but I can guarantee that a trip like that will turn your vision of the situation 180 degrees.

    And in regards to segregation (are you referring to the huge defence wall we built?) – Since we built it suicide bombing became a distant memory. The only other option was to go into their cities and villages and masacre the Arabs – all of them. Is that a better solution? Eh?!
    I always ask myself – why is it, that the suicide bombings began in ernest when the peace process was at it’s hight?
    How come?! And why is it, that Arafat whom with we negotiated for peace was the primary figure FUNDING the suicide bombers in the first place?!

  11. Jopa says:

    [edit: see comments guide]

  12. MotaMan says:

    And god said “Git er Done”

  13. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #35, Jopa,

    Know this – we will defend our only land to the death. No matter what you think, say or do. Because we have NO OTHER place to go.

    Not too long ago there were more Jews living in New York City than in Israel. There are sizable Jewish groups living in almost every North American cities. Don’t confuse defense with aggrettion.

    We didn’t come here because of the Holocaust or any other atrocity rained upon our people. We came back because we FINALLY COULD!

    Yes, we know that.

    At last the muslim conquerors where week enough for us to grab the opportunity and TAKE IT BBBBBAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yup. You took their land by force. Subjugated the Palestinians. Killed without retribution. Stole without compensating.

    So who did the fucking Jews take the land from in the first place???

    You are the fucking ignorant asshole.

  14. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Bobbo, go sleep it off.

  15. bobbo says:

    #44–gawd==I detect some kind of negative review of my comments/position?

    Can you be more specific?

    All land everywhere, everytime, without exception, is taken and maintained by force -OR- so out of the way or poor, nobody wants it.

    THAT is the basis of my posting whenever land issues come up.

    Now, let me reconsider that for a few moments . . . . . . . . . . yep, ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.

    Now, your position is what?

  16. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #40, Jopa,

    If you are referring to God, let me tell you something about it – he/she/it is not ordering us to kill anyone – at list not in the last 2,000 years.

    Israel has been killing in the name of their “god” for thousands of years. Or did Saul and David let America do their fighting for them?

    I wish that the Arabs wanted to live side by side and be good neighbors.

    While you live in their houses and on the land their families passed from father to son for hundreds of years.

    the only peace we get from the Arabs is a piece of shit.

    Such as bombs from F-16s blowing up entire apartment buildings. Tanks spraying machine gun bullets into crowds. Hit squads killing and arresting Palestinian politicians. Ya, Israel really wants peace.

    Look at pictures of Israel from about 1900. … There are still areas in Israel where the land is broken. What you are now considering fertile areas, were farmed for generations long before you showed up. Olive groves, hundreds of years old were uprooted so Israel could build new settlements.

    And in regards to segregation (are you referring to the huge defence wall we built?) – Since we built it suicide bombing became a distant memory.

    It was built on land stolen from the Palestinians. Farmers were cut off from their fields. Roads were cut. Villages forced to evacuate.

    I always ask myself – why is it, that the suicide bombings began in ernest when the peace process was at it’s hight?

    Maybe because Israel continued to kill and arrest Palestinian politicians and citizens. Maybe because Israeli roadblocks were set up to stop the flow of food and goods throughout the West Bank and Gaza. Maybe because Israel really didn’t want peace.


    There should not be any confusion between self defense and overt aggressive behavior. Israel has a right to exist. That same right also belongs to Palestinians.


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