1. Improbus says:

    If you load your Bobcat in this fashion you may be a redneck. That being said I think this person has done this before.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Nice job.

  3. pjakobs says:

    redneck or not, this goes on the cool wall to sub-zero!


  4. wally says:

    OK…I’m impressed. That Bobcat tip-over tendency — that’s not a flaw, it’s a FEATURE!

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    So, who’s the better driver…this guy or guy who strips the woman?

  6. JFStan says:

    How in the hell does one discover this can be done?

    “uh oh.. Whoa!! Hey I’m tippin’ somebody help.. hey waitaminute, this is purdy cool.. Hey Billy Bob, back ‘at truck up over ‘ere, I wanna try somethin’..”

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    hire that guy to do my yard!

  8. framitz says:

    I’ve seen this done behind the building where I work.

    I thought it was normal procedure as the guy did it so efficiently. (faster and cleaner than the video.)

  9. Nikos says:

    The people in the video speak Greek and it looks like Greece too.

  10. SpecielEd says:

    This is pretty common if you work with heavy equipment. You guys need to get out where real men work more often.


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