Click photo for modded video – WARNING: NSFW

An officer of MI5, Britain’s national security agency, has resigned after it was discovered that his wife was one of the prostitutes in an alleged orgy in which Max Mosley, president of the International Automobile Federation, was revealed to have taken part in March…

But MI5 denied Saturday that the agency itself, which is responsible for protecting Britain against threats to national security, was involved in setting up a sting against Mosley…

In a five-hour sex session with the five call girls in an underground “torture chamber” in Chelsea, west London, the Oxford-educated former barrister is alleged to have re-enacted a concentration camp scene in which he played the role of both guard and inmate.

One of the call girls recorded the session on videotape and provided it to the News of the World for payment. The London Times said it was that woman’s husband who worked for MI5.

Is our own Department of Homeland Insecurity jealous over how their British counterparts get all the kinky bits?

  1. Imposter says:

    That Hillary Clinton is something else, huh?

  2. GigG says:

    MI5 is closer to being like our FBI than DHS. And they had Hoover in a tutu for years.

  3. Li says:

    Sexual blackmail is a convenient method for the exertion of control over prominent figures. Intelligence agencies worldwide have been using it since the advent of photography. Most of the time it’s a lot less sloppy than this instance; I’m sure that MI5 had no intention of letting one of these videos slip, and now they’ve got their dirty laundry on public display.

    More of it! I pray for the day when all that is secret is cried out from the rooftops, because that will be the day that man is truly free.

  4. apeguero says:

    I wonder if that MI5 officer is a McLaren (LewHam) fan. I doubt he’s a Ferrari fan 🙂

    I was saying before that Max should resign, I change my mind now. Looks like they tried to set him up and besides, there’s nothing illegal with what he did.

  5. SJP says:

    What’s the deal with the two DU worlds? In this one the article has 5 posts; but click on the “five hour session” link and your taken to the other DU world where the article has 35 plus posts.

  6. testienot says:

    Man. I’m never invited to the fun parties.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>In this one the article has 5 posts; but click
    >>on the “five hour session” link and your taken
    >>to the other DU world where the article has 35
    >>plus posts.

    It’s a link to an earlier posting. April 4.

  8. OmegaMan says:

    Wow this story is twisted…but does the MI5 not pay its agents so well that their spouses have to work as prostitutes?

    That revelation (prostitute married to MI5 person) is bizarre in itself….

  9. apeguero says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good job JD! I never saw that video before. HAHAHAHA!!! Sick bastard. What is it with rich, powerful, old men that seem to get off this whole S&M stuff anyway? At least he was decent enough to have tea with them in the end eh? I bet this would’ve been forgiven by the MI5 had the hookers all worn Ferrari racing suits, hell, or McLaren gear even.

  10. SJP says:

    #7 Thanks.

    I wonder how the MI5 guy got his job? “Yeah, before you make a final hiring decision my wife wants to talk to you.”

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    “National security officer married to Nazi hooker!”

    Isn’t that the definition of the average male CIA agent?


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