I’m the first to admit that I like right-wing talk radio, especially the big boys with the syndicated shows. That said you can see why syndicated big shots are so popular when you compare them to the local lightweights. The worst of this ilk are on the weekends only. They don’t know anything, they ramble. They are the worst sort of knee-jerk wannabees. There must be 100 or more of them. The democrats could do worse than drag them on to the national spotlight to humiliate them like this, but they won’t. And I cannot understand how this James guy didn’t get the memo about Neville Chamberlain. Even I know what’s up with that and I am not in the game. Listen to the most recent No Agenda (linked here) for what’s going on with the Chamberlain references.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And Air America has/had all the answers. That’s
    >>why they had over 100 listeners nationwide at
    >>their peak.

    However, look at the quality of their listeners, vs. DittoHeads, Klan Wizards, etc.

  2. bobbo says:

    #29–Dude==nice lesson. Hadn’t heard it before.

    And my reaction==imagine Chamberlin/Britain had stood-up to Hitler forcing him to back down/regroup. Germany continues developing weapon superiority and is more motivated to partner with Russia. Hitler then 2 years later launches the same war and sweeps Western Union and then takes out Russia.

    In history/life/idea==just too many variables to “know” just what good/bad really means?

  3. MarkParker says:

    What an [expletive deleted] ass! Oops, I missed one… Don’t normally use more than one expletive per right-wing nut job.

    On a more serious note: I know that JCD doesn’t think Obama is electable, but he might just be wrong this time.

    I don’t think enough can be made of the recent loss of three GOP seats in the House in special elections. These were previously safe Republican seats. I don’t normally bet against Dvorak, but I’m going out on a limb and predicting a big win for Obama and the Congressional Dems this November. Even hysterical wing-nut loudmouths like Keven James are sensing that a monumental defeat is imminent… Which may be why he’s yelling, Chris.

  4. The Pirate says:

    Thanks for the heads up John.

  5. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    I like how as soon as he runs out of ways to bluster he goes straight to blaming Clinton. I guess you shouldn’t expect much from the King of Queens though…

  6. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #31 – I was thinking of the quality of their listeners. Kinda right there with the Moveon.org crowd.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I was thinking of the quality of their
    >>listeners. Kinda right there with the
    >>Moveon.org crowd.

    Yes. Educated, intelligent, well-informed, articulate, forward-thinking, reasonable.

    Contrast that with the DittoHeads. “Hey bitch! Bring me another MGD!!”


  8. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #30, iHotAir,

    #22 – And Air America has/had all the answers. That’s why they had over 100 listeners nationwide at their peak.

    #1, Quantity will never surpass quality. Which is a partial explanation of why Republicans continue to throw money into Iraq for projects doomed to fail.

    #2, Most Liberals have much more important things to do with their time than listen to a radio where people vent their opinions.

    #3, Just because the Right Wing Nut Evangelical Republican Conservative Radiohead Shut-in crowd does it is not a good reason for normal people to do it. If all the other Right Wing Nut … were giving each other blowjobs would you join in ? Oopps, never mind that last one. My bad.

  9. Matt Garrett says:

    And I can’t understand how you didn’t get the memo that Kevin James is on KRLA Monday thru Friday evenings and NOT on the weekends ….

  10. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #40, Matt

    Who cares, besides his mother, when this nut job is on the air.


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