From Mr Average … to superman: Craig Davidson’s account of using steroids

The needle is 21 gauge, 1.5in. A hogsticker. Forty of them arrived in a package from Greece.
I had a misconception that being ‘on steroids’ involved the ingestion or injection of a single substance, but that was quickly dispelled. […] This stack is injection-intensive: Testosterone and Equipoise twice weekly, Winstrol daily. Eleven injections a week.

But that’s only steroids – you need other drugs to stave off the potential side-effects, which include: hair loss, gynecomastia (build-up of breast tissue due to increased oestrogen, aka gyno; aka bitch tits), testicular atrophy, cranial and prostate swelling, erratic sex drive, liver impairment, haemorrhoids, impotence, cysts, acne, abscesses, renal failure. Hair loss, gyno and testicular atrophy should be considered absolute rather than potential hazards: you simply cannot expect to alter your body’s chemical make-up without your body reacting.
Steroids shattered the limitations of my body. I first sensed their effects while bench-pressing dumbbells. I usually peak at 85lb each, or 170lb total. But after 10 repetitions with the 85s I was stunned: it felt like a warm-up!
Week 12, I peak at 240lb. I’ve packed on 35lb in less than four months. My body has gone through an extreme thickening process. My pectoral muscles are solid slabs of meat hung off my clavicles. My latissimus dorsi muscles flare out from the midpoint of my back: what bodybuilders call a ‘cobra’s hood’. My triceps and biceps have swollen so much my T-shirt sleeves bunch up at my shoulders, too narrow to fit over my arms.

But the list of physical ailments is mounting.

  1. green says:

    I knew The Incredible Hulk was trying to sell me something way back when.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    This is just more self-mutilation, which seems to be all the rage today with tattoos and piercings.

    If you put too many rats into a small cage, they end up mutilating themselves, too.

  3. WmDE says:

    The article can be somewhat condensed. Leave out everything except “Dumbshit Canadian.” (No offense intended to Canada, but he is one of yours.)

    I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky he did not write a book about terrorism.

  4. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #2, Cinaedh,

    I agree. A short time ago we had a discussion of the NYPD now checking for steroid use in their drug tests. There was a lively discussion when one poster claimed steroids are harmless and it was a drug cabal conspiracy to ban them from OTC sales.

    I wonder if the same deniers will comment on this.

  5. Cinaedh says:

    # 4 – Mr. Gawd Almighty

    It’s kind of spooky, having Gawd Almighty agree with me when I haven’t agreed with God Almighty for about 50 years now.


  6. Wally the Engineer says:

    If you’ve not read the entire article, it’s a very good, and disturbing, read.

    The most amazing part is hearing that after bulking up so quickly, how quickly it all went away (the bulk) when he stopped his steroid use.
    He should have told his Dr. what he was really up to and why so that he could get real help for what may have damaged his liver and other organs.
    Just another way to say, “there’s no free lunch”

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    I am the poster named above, but the guy in this article has real mental problems.

    Unfortunately, there is a small but very visible group of people who cannot stop themselves when it comes to “improving” their bodies. They suffer from a condition where no matter how good they look, they see themselves as ugly and imperfect, and then they take steps to “correct” the problem.

    Anorexia is one of the most common signs of this disease. Bulimia, excessive plastic surgery, etc.

    It has been said that many if not most bodybuilders have the male equivalent of this disorder.

    These excerpts highlight that he has this disorder as well.
    “My own steroid cycle went as follows: Dianabol (10mg tabs, 3 per day for the first 4 weeks); Testosterone Cypionate (500mg per week, 10 weeks); Equipoise (400mg per week, 10 weeks); Nolvadex (anti-oestrogen drug; 1 to 4 pills daily, depending on week); Proviron (male menopause drug, 25mg daily); HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is derived from the urine of pregnant women”…”Or was I just chubby and still out of shape?”…”I have a scalp of unruly, bushman-like red hair.”…”I had never been able to convince a woman that I was a viable prospect to make a baby with before”…”Did I take steroids to write a book, or did I write a book as an excuse to take steroids?”

    This guys needs a doctor for his head, not his body.

    Of course, if we banned something based on the misuse of a mentally sick individual, then say goodbye to twinkies as well. “Remember the ‘Twinkie” defense?”

    More people suffer and die from eating ice cream and “little Debbie” snacks than steroids. In fact, if you followed the last thread, there has never been a confirmed death due to steroids, but plenty of confirmed deaths due to Ben and Jerry’s.

    On top of this, it’s a publicity stunt to sell his book.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    To add a further note, this guy, Craig Davidson, is writing a book about this experience. May I suggest he “took a page out of Morgan Spurlock’s book”. Morgan Spurlock made the film “Super Size Me” about eating nothing but McDonalds food for a 30 day period and how it nearly killed him.

    It was very sensational, made a lot of good press, and Mr. Spurlock made a lot of money.

    But then, given that he showed that eating fast food can nearly kill you in 30 days, why do people still go to McDonalds? Are we all stupid, or do we realize that Morgan Spurlock represents an extreme case?

    If Craig Davidson’s experience wasn’t sensational, he wouldn’t sell a single copy. Because it is sensational, he gets free publicity like what he is getting now.

  9. marshall says:

    Winstrol is the stuff Big Brown is on, he is going to be so limp there is going to be no point sending him out to pasture.

  10. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #7, Steroid Denier,

    More people suffer and die from eating ice cream and “little Debbie” snacks than steroids.

    Ya, right !!! Would you have a cite to that claim or is it just another claim from your drug dealer?

    One side effect of steroid use is paranoid psychosis. Commonly known as “Roid Rage”. So when Chris Benoit killed his wife and son, while under a “Roid Rage” can we blame the steroids or just put it down as another wacky athlete?

    Another effect is liver disease. How about testicular cancer. Nope. Because when the person dies they die from he liver disease, not what caused it.

    As for ice-cream v steroids? Can you honestly show me ONE person who overdosed on ice-cream?

  11. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #5, Cinaedh,

    Careful. I’m practicing throwing my lightening bolts.

  12. borat says:

    I heard if I used steroids my balls would atrophy and then [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  13. Bubb says:

    Its like a page from my life.

    “Wake up, eat, jerk off, work out, eat, jerk off, eat, work out, eat, jerk off, eat, sleep.”

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    It could be worse! LOL!

  15. Esteban says:

    Let’s just hope this guy doesn’t start writing murder mysteries.

  16. JimD says:

    I understand that ‘Roids come with a Magnifying Glass so you can find your ‘Nads !!!

  17. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #12, Ah Denier,

    said that Benoit may have been suffering from repeated, untreated concussions

    Yup. Turn that MAY into a resounding sole cause and ignore that he had steroids in his system. Forget that steroids do cause paranoia and psychosis. This Nowinski didn’t participate in the autopsy. And to back all this up is an article on “Obesity”.

    Your comment: “Can you honestly show me ONE person who overdosed on ice-cream?”
    You can’t be serious. Your comment is purely idiotic. I can’t show you,

    Why can’t you. You made the claim. Your CDC links didn’t show any cases of ice cream or Little Debby being the cause of anyone’s death. They both linked to poor nutrition and obesity.

    This is the same stupid argument as guns don’t kill, torn flesh and massive shock does.

    So admit it. You wasted our time by making frivolous, silly claims.


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