Associated Press – May 16, 2008:

Prosecutors say a New York landlord who tried to kill a tenant with a bomb has been indicted on attempted murder and other charges. The tenant lost a leg in the blast.

Prosecutors said Thursday that 38-year-old Yung Tang placed the bomb in a bag next to Israel Halberstam’s minivan while it was parked outside his Brooklyn home in March 2002. The bag exploded when Halberstam tried to move it.

They say Tang wanted his tenant dead because Halberstam owed him about $100,000 in rent on a showroom for his electronics business.

Prosecutors say they don’t know whether Tang has an attorney. No telephone number could be found for his Greenwood Lake home.

If convicted, he faces up to 50 years in prison.

  1. bobbo says:

    Absent more facts, I support the landlord. If the tenant owes money, he should pay or be evicted. I assume the “law” does not require the former and prevented the latter leaving these good folks to their “natural” remedies.

    Love to see an article on “the history” of this relationship.

  2. Miss_X2b says:

    Landlord probably tried to do the eviction himself and botched it. The rules of court for landlord/tenant matters in New York are pretty tough to navigate without a lawyer. Cheapskate landlord probably tried to save himself the cost of a lawyer and now he’s going to need one anyway… 😀

  3. James Hill says:

    Bomb in Israel? Damn terrorists!

  4. Oh … it’s a commercial tenant. That makes all the difference. Right …

    The tenant may have owed $100K. The landlord does not have the right to set of explosives. Sorry landlord. I might have sided with you before the little bomb thing. Now? Um … no.

  5. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Well, that is one way to get the tenant’s attention.


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