Unleashed: Unanswered 9/11 questions
The collapse of New York’s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001 is arguably one of the most well documented events in human history. Less well documented is the controversy over why the buildings fell as they did.
At the time of writing, 357 architectural and engineering professionals have signed a petition which directly challenges the National Institute of Standards & Training’s official finding that the destruction of these massive buildings was caused solely by structural damage from the impact of jet airliners and the resulting fires.
Current research indicates that an incendiary (thermite) may have been used to sever the massive box columns of the towers, causing the buildings to plummet to the ground at close to free-fall speed.
“As no reports have come to light of any steel framed buildings collapsing due to fire, and as all steel framed buildings which had collapsed had done so due to explosive demolition, the logical way to have started the investigation of this surprising event would have been to question whether explosives had been used. This apparently did not occur.
William Rodriguez, an acknowledged hero of 9/11 who single-handedly rescued fifteen people from the North Tower, described a massive explosion in the basement which occurred before the first plane struck, pushing him upwards out of the seat of his chair.
The New York Fire Department’s oral histories project contains 118 witness statements which are strongly consistent with explosive demolition. Incredibly, none of this shocking testimony was included or acknowledged in any official investigation, including the 9/11 Commission.
If the towers were wired with explosives by terrorists prior to the planes, that would imply a lack of security on a massive scale that would be worth hiding. On the other hand, how do you hide that much work to rig buildings like that? If terrorists didn’t do it, why would the towers be rigged with explosives? Leaving aside the wacko’s government conspiracies, are other buildings routinely wired to blow to bring them straight down if something happens to prevent them falling onto other buildings? An interesting ‘protection’ scenario for the neighborhood that would be worth hiding for many reasons.
And then there’s this article from a few months ago with quotes from military experts like this one:
“A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible,” said Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret). With doctoral degrees in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Col. Bowman served as Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.
“There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up,” continued Col. Bowman. “Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible. Who gained from 9/11? Who covered up crucial information about 9/11? And who put out the patently false stories about 9/11 in the first place? When you take those three things together, I think the case is pretty clear that it’s highly placed individuals in the administration with all roads passing through Dick Cheney.”
I’m proud to say I aint got a clue about the whole nine yards, except for this.
I didn’t do it.
Now, everybody that didn’t do it hold up your hand.
Ok, everybody, attack anyone who is not raising his or her hand right now.
See, justice served, now then, let’s get back to important stuff, like buyin crap we don’t need on E-Bay.
Twoofers !!! Sort of like flies and shit.
This thread has removed any and all doubt I had about it being an inside job. All the “twoofers” are polite, well read and patently convincing, while the “true patriots” are name-calling, immature scripted patsies who are in deep denial. I checked the facts and guess what? The twoofers win hands down.
Fact: 5 Israelis were filming the attack on that day.
Fact: George W Bush was told a second plane hit the south tower and did nothing.
Fact: The transponders were turned off on all planes … why? It doesn’t “hide” the plane from radar
Fact: Other war games were going on at just the same time as the attacks
Fact: Dick Cheny knew there was a plane heading for the pentagon and did nothing to stop it.
Fact: Building #7 was a 47 story office building that took up one complete city block. It collapsed in under 8 seconds, completely. No plane hit it, it had a couple of fires on a couple of floors.
Fact: Numerous police, firemen, business men, paramedics all reported hearing bombs going off before and during the collapses.
Fact: Building #7’s collapse wasn’t even mentioned by the 911 Coverup Commission.
It was only after viewing 20 to 30 videos on 911, reading 80 to 100 articles and spending one year digesting this material including much other material on related subjects, that I was finally able to realize and accept that, without any question, the Trade Towers were brought down with internally placed explosives. I don’t know who did it but parts of the government were certainly complicit. I stress that it takes quite some time to accept this but, once the evidence is painstakingly reviewed, the conclusion is obvious.
Eveybody knows the Russians couldn’t even have pulled off 911 during the cold war without help on the inside let alone men hiding in caves.
It’s interesting how you government worshipers claim an operation such as 911 would be ‘too elaborate’ for those in control of the U.S. government to pull off, but of course NOT to elaborate for men hiding out in caves in the middle east.
All the evidence I need to know about who pulled off these terrorist acts was to see who benefited. How can you government worshiping wackos type on your laptops and expect the majority of us not to realize who benefited and continues to benefit by these government sponsored terrorist attacks?
Nice try. Sorry polls show you haven’t fooled enough people to continue government sponsored terror to further your control.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
The U.S. Administration was embarrassed two weeks ago when the Army’s final report on explosive devices being used in Iraq, the intent to find proof they were coming from Iran. The Army concluded they couldn’t have come from Iran, following an analysis of their explosive chemical signatures, their design, fabrication techniques, metallurgy, etc. They came from somewhere else – possibly even Israel.
At this point, it’s clear that we need a general court martial convened by two flag – level officers from each branch of the military. This court would decide when and how to turn George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and several others over to the UN War Crimes Court in the Netherlands for indictment and trial.
Even after these individuals exit public office, it is the obligation of the United States to turn them over. The U.S. is a signatory to all four Geneva Conventions. Once ratified, this became law of the land within the U.S., and violations are felonies.
If found guilty of the lesser war crimes, such as wanton destruction of civilian and historical sites, with the intent of spreading terror and to force depopulation and create refugees – punishment would likely be prison time of no more than ten years. The operation of torture camps and the intentional targeting of women and children for thrill killings and hiding the evidence and tampering with investigations would result in more severe sentences – even hanging.
Those officers that actively participated in these atrocities or in their cover-ups would be found as culpable as those committing the crimes themselves. They will not be able to hide behind, ‘I was just following orders’ as a defense.
It is clearly time for Americans to do some soul-searching. We have murdered tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. In the course of an invasion and occupation that were fully based on a series of known lies and fabrications. These were carried out with criminal intent.
We are now in the process of committing the same lies and fabrications’, as a pretense to launch war against Iran. The U.S. has been threatening Iran, engaging in sabotage, assassinations, PsyOps and insertion of known terrorist groups to attempt an overthrow of Iran, countless times since 1979 when Iran rose up and threw out the Shah, a paid CIA puppet. He had over 100,000 of his own people arrested, tortured, murdered by CIA-trained thugs. The level of barbarism was unparalleled since the Nazi occupations. The U.S. was tossed out for this, and more, yet still to this day refuses to admit their atrocities against the Iranian people. If this must end in a bad way for the U.S. – then so be it, and we must stand side-by-side with our Iranian brothers.
If you are asked to commit war crimes, then you are obligate to disobey any such orders. The U.S. is at this very moment considering a massive attack on Iran, including heavily populated areas.
Each of us must decide now, before it is too late. An attack on Iran would be as illegal and criminal. The potential for other nations to be drawn into such another needless war, with the high probability of the U.S. employing nuclear weapons, would be disastrous.
17 men from Saudi Arabia flying airliners into buildings in the U.S. would have justified inserting teams of counter terrorism units into Saudi Arabia, to destroy their strongholds. We did not. – The Bush family’s fortune is extremely close to those that planned the attacks of 9-11. John McCain is a large shareholder in a charter air company that quietly whisked all members of the Bin Laden family and Saudi Royals family out of the U.S., the day after 9-11, while the rest of the country was enduring a full shutdown of commercial air travel. That same air charter was a proprietary front company of the CIA.
If an attack on Iran is perpetuated, it would likely be preceded by a false-flag action carried out by Israel or the U.S.
If that war commences, it will be time for all enlisted and officers to render their consciences and walk away.
Someday your grandchildren will ask whether you stood up for reason and the law or if you were swept up with the mass hysteria, delusions, and hyped fear and a rage and hatred that has bankrupted our nation for generations to come.
They will ask what you did to try to stop the insanity
They will ask when you took a stand.
Note that the CIA is aggressively recruiting for operations in Iran and Russia
Dick Cheney ordered the murder of the DC Madam
General Petreaus ordered Blackwater to murder Colonel Ted Westhusing in 2004
in Camp Dubline, Baghdad, before he could testify about massive corruption on the part of the
US government in Iraq.
George H.W. Bush ordered execution of Senator Paul Wellstone and JFK Jr.
George H.W. Bush ordered the execution of author Gary Webb, about to publish
his second book, an expected bestseller, about another generation of drug
smugglers in the family, after having been successful at importing 24,000 pounds of pure coke on CIA planes in the 80’s from Colombia under cover of the Contra’ mercenary war against Nicaragua.
Now it’s tons of coke and heroin, using CIA ‘rendition’ planes to and from Afghanistan, then Iraq for refuel, then on to Europe to refuel and drop off shipment, and to continue to US to drop off more shipment.
Same for US to Gitmo and on to Bogota, and back with coke.
Gary Webb was murdered for planning to reveal this truth, though he was warned he would lose his life if he tried. He tried and then they took his life.
the government of the United States is not the same thing as the American People who were liberated from tyranny in 1776 and handed a republic. We have lost that republic to a police state. You have not only the right, but an obligation to return this country to a true, Constitutional republic
Read your Declaration of Independence, it has specific instructions. While your at it, continue on and read the first ten amendments to your Constitution, ie, the Bill of Rights. These collectively are your birth certificate and owner’s manual for your country. The current regime, with full cooperation of the traitors in both parties in Congress have removed at least four, possibly five of your Constitutional Amendments
Remember your country is not owned by those in power – it is owned by YOU.
For those of you who took an oath to protect and defende the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic – be aware that the time has come to be vigilent, and prepared.
Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
The U.S. Administration was embarrassed two weeks ago when the Army’s final report on explosive devices being used in Iraq, the intent to find proof they were coming from Iran. The Army concluded they couldn’t have come from Iran, following an analysis of their explosive chemical signatures, their design, fabrication techniques, metallurgy, etc. They came from somewhere else – possibly even Israel.
At this point, it’s clear that we need a general court martial convened by two flag – level officers from each branch of the military. This court would decide when and how to turn George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and several others over to the UN War Crimes Court in the Netherlands for indictment and trial.
Even after these individuals exit public office, it is the obligation of the United States to turn them over. The U.S. is a signatory to all four Geneva Conventions. Once ratified, this became law of the land within the U.S., and violations are felonies.
If found guilty of the lesser war crimes, such as wanton destruction of civilian and historical sites, with the intent of spreading terror and to force depopulation and create refugees – punishment would likely be prison time of no more than ten years. The operation of torture camps and the intentional targeting of women and children for thrill killings and hiding the evidence and tampering with investigations would result in more severe sentences – even hanging.
Those officers that actively participated in these atrocities or in their cover-ups would be found as culpable as those committing the crimes themselves. They will not be able to hide behind, ‘I was just following orders’ as a defense.
It is clearly time for Americans to do some soul-searching. We have murdered tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. In the course of an invasion and occupation that were fully based on a series of known lies and fabrications. These were carried out with criminal intent.
We are now in the process of committing the same lies and fabrications’, as a pretense to launch war against Iran. The U.S. has been threatening Iran, engaging in sabotage, assassinations, PsyOps and insertion of known terrorist groups to attempt an overthrow of Iran, countless times since 1979 when Iran rose up and threw out the Shah, a paid CIA puppet. He had over 100,000 of his own people arrested, tortured, murdered by CIA-trained thugs. The level of barbarism was unparalleled since the Nazi occupations. The U.S. was tossed out for this, and more, yet still to this day refuses to admit their atrocities against the Iranian people. If this must end in a bad way for the U.S. – then so be it, and we must stand side-by-side with our Iranian brothers.
If you are asked to commit war crimes, then you are obligate to disobey any such orders. The U.S. is at this very moment considering a massive attack on Iran, including heavily populated areas.
Each of us must decide now, before it is too late. An attack on Iran would be as illegal and criminal. The potential for other nations to be drawn into such another needless war, with the high probability of the U.S. employing nuclear weapons, would be disastrous.
17 men from Saudi Arabia flying airliners into buildings in the U.S. would have justified inserting teams of counter terrorism units into Saudi Arabia, to destroy their strongholds. We did not. – The Bush family’s fortune is extremely close to those that planned the attacks of 9-11. John McCain is a large shareholder in a charter air company that quietly whisked all members of the Bin Laden family and Saudi Royals family out of the U.S., the day after 9-11, while the rest of the country was enduring a full shutdown of commercial air travel. That same air charter was a proprietary front company of the CIA.
If an attack on Iran is perpetuated, it would likely be preceded by a false-flag action carried out by Israel or the U.S.
If that war commences, it will be time for all enlisted and officers to render their consciences and walk away.
Someday your grandchildren will ask whether you stood up for reason and the law or if you were swept up with the mass hysteria, delusions, and hyped fear and a rage and hatred that has bankrupted our nation for generations to come.
They will ask what you did to try to stop the insanity
They will ask when you took a stand.
Note that the CIA is aggressively recruiting for operations in Iran and Russia
Dick Cheney ordered the murder of the DC Madam
General Petreaus ordered Blackwater to murder Colonel Ted Westhusing in 2004
in Camp Dubline, Baghdad, before he could testify about massive corruption on the part of the
US government in Iraq.
George H.W. Bush ordered execution of Senator Paul Wellstone and JFK Jr.
George H.W. Bush ordered the execution of author Gary Webb, about to publish
his second book, an expected bestseller, about another generation of drug
smugglers in the family, after having been successful at importing 24,000 pounds of pure coke on CIA planes in the 80’s from Colombia under cover of the Contra’ mercenary war against Nicaragua.
Now it’s tons of coke and heroin, using CIA ‘rendition’ planes to and from Afghanistan, then Iraq for refuel, then on to Europe to refuel and drop off shipment, and to continue to US to drop off more shipment.
Same for US to Gitmo and on to Bogota, and back with coke.
Gary Webb was murdered for planning to reveal this truth, though he was warned he would lose his life if he tried. He tried and then they took his life.
the government of the United States is not the same thing as the American People who were liberated from tyranny in 1776 and handed a republic. We have lost that republic to a police state. You have not only the right, but an obligation to return this country to a true, Constitutional republic
Read your Declaration of Independence, it has specific instructions. While your at it, continue on and read the first ten amendments to your Constitution, ie, the Bill of Rights. These collectively are your birth certificate and owner’s manual for your country. The current regime, with full cooperation of the traitors in both parties in Congress have removed at least four, possibly five of your Constitutional Amendments
Remember your country is not owned by those in power – it is owned by YOU.
231 Nathan Hale. All that for this tiny bit of on-topic?
“17 men from Saudi Arabia flying airliners into buildings in the U.S. would have justified inserting teams of counter terrorism units into Saudi Arabia, to destroy their strongholds.”
I think you mean Afghanistan. Of course you know that these same men would dearly have liked to kick out the King and set up an “Arabia” without the “Saudi” part, run strictly by the religious leaders? Oh, you know nothing about Saudi Arabia.
233. Okay, now I’m for gun control.
Uh, Mr. Ed… Anything in the rule book about rants by racist trolls? The only thing is that, if this is on the level, it is kind of interesting as to the kind of people we could be sitting next to on a bus.
Zbigniew “Kissinger-Lite” Brzezinski and Vladimir Putin: Warn of New Fake 9/11 and WW3 and We Can Stop It! (March 06, 2007)
Author: Black Krishna
Published: 2007
Book Contributor: Black Krishna
Language: English
Notes: Zbigniew “Kissinger-Lite” Brzezinski and Vladimir Putin: Warn of New Fake 9/11 and WW3 and We Can Stop It!… Black Krishna… March 6, 2007… Prologue: Many people know the neo-cons mentor was Leo Strauss, but most don’t know his mentor was Carl Schmitt, Hitler’s lawyer. That’s why they act like Nazi’s as racist and fascist salesman for the elite, and don’t care if billions die in World War Three. We need to stop it, Webster Tarpley has the best solutions having studied this happening for 30 years as an internationally respected summa cum laude academic, author, historian, activist and journalist, so check him out and pass it on… Webster G. Tarpley – How To Stop World War Three – Feb 24, 2007 ::: 60 MINS ::: SOURCE FOR SURVIVAL – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbS7hAxJ954
To the poster of #234:
No, I said exactly what I meant to say. The U.S. should have and could have inserted counter-terrorist teams into Saudi Arabia, without asking for permission.
Al Qaeda was already preparing to evacuate Aghanistan following 9-11. The Taliban was created by the US CIA and Pakistani ISI. 12 Dec, 2001
Rumsfeld ordered a 24-hour standdown to allow 4,000 ISI to air-evac from Mazar-i-Sharif Taliban-held airbase, before it fell to US forces.
Same 24 hour period, Bin Laden and 100 top Al-Qaed a convoyed across the border at the town of Kunar-i-Kapeh into Iran. From there they continued to Iran’s Meshad AirForce base, and Bin Laden was met by ex-President Rafsanjani. 25 of Bin Laden’s leadership and family were flown to Tehran with Rafansani, and then escorted by black SUV’s to the Al Qod compound in Karaj, 40 Km west of Tehran.
He’s been there since. DCIA and DDIA know it.
Saudi Arabia? I lived there 48 months – Riyadh, Jeddah, 1985-1987, and then back during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, then 28 months in Kuwait, and then 15 months in 2003-2005 in Iraq.
No need to get educated about Saudi Arabia by you,
ente kharra.
Saudi Arabia’s House of Saud is enemy.
# 218 bobbo said, on May 20th, 2008 at 2:41 pm
bobbo, look up Shock & Awe. It’s the reason Deborah Pelfrey was murdered. She exposed the design behind the Towers collapse. Shock & Awe created an excuse to invade Arab nations to murder non-believes, thinkers and steal oil while creating the Green Zone which is purely a money-making venture. The “Green Zone” is going to be turned into a 5 billion dollar mall.
You’ve got to stretch just a bit more more. Or rather, instead of sounding so skeptical and defensive, just ask the question. Ask. Ask. Ask.
They don’t want us asking questions. The mass media’s job is to keep us from asking questions. They hide video, evidence, truth and witness statements. Their job is to spread lies and propaganda.
Shock & Awe is what the falling towers created. The plane crashes would’ve been written off as bad flying or a million other excuses. Bush called it bad flying. They wanted a spectacle that they could call terrorism. They needed to justify a whole scale military invasion. One plane crash wouldn’t do it. They shot missiles into the Pentagon, shot a missile in Shankstown Pennsylvania and took down 3 tall buildings to prove to us that losing 3 trillion dollars in a fake war was justified, even by failing to find evidence of WMD.
Silverstein had the WMD to pull down Buiding 7. He admitted he pulled it on video. Who in their right mind, would not assume that he also rigged the Twin Towers. He leased all 3 buildings, of course he pulled them all. Wherever he got the nukes to take down Building 7 is where he got the nukes to take down the Twin Towers. He owns the Sears Tower now. I’d like to see you walk through it or rent space in that building now that Larry owns it. If you don’t believe in Shock & Awe. Why don’t you read it while sitting inside the Sears building, or while riding in it’s elevators. Maybe it’ll become more clear.
How much trust do you have? Why do you trust Larry Silvestein and not your compatriots? Because he has money?
I’m not talking about you specifically, I’m talking about doubters in general.
So there, we have one colluder in the 9/11 attacks, the author of Shock & Awe. Does anyone doubt that as truth? If he didn’t collude then Palfrey would still be alive. She predicted they would murder her for speaking out.
I say we declare Palfrey a national hero and that we give her mother some of the insurance money set aside for widows of 9/11. She’s not a widow, but she lost a daughter due to the 9/11 attacks because she exposed a man who told her that part of the plot was revealed in a book he’d written. She told us. She’s a hero. She provided a piece of the puzzle and risked her own life to tell us. I abhor prostitution, but we still have Deborah to thank for leading us to this truth about 9/11 mass collusion. How many politicans and business men and brokerage houses can be linked to that book. Let’s do some research and see if Charles Schwab or Lin Wood (Howard Stern’s attorney who had an office in the Twin Towers but he MIRACULOUSLY survived, perhaps thanks to a call from Willie Brown former S.F. Mayor and pal to Diane Fiensten.) Let’s see if Feinstein has paid for a copy of that book, why don’t we. Which of our loyal and trusty politicians read Shock & Awe before 9/11. For curiosity’s sake.
# 218 bobbo said, on May 20th, 2008 at 2:41 pm
Look up Shock & Awe. It’s the reason Deborah Palfrey was murdered. She exposed the design behind the Towers collapse. Shock & Awe created an excuse to invade Arab nations to murder non-believes, thinkers and steal oil while creating the Green Zone which is purely a money-making venture. The “Green Zone” is going to be turned into a 5 billion dollar mall.
You’ve got to stretch just a bit more more. Or rather, instead of sounding so skeptical and defensive, just ask the question. Ask. Ask. Ask.
They don’t want us asking questions. The mass media’s job is to keep us from asking questions. They hide video, evidence, truth and witness statements. Their job is to spread lies and propaganda.
Shock & Awe is what the falling towers created. The plane crashes would’ve been written off as bad flying or a million other excuses. Bush called it bad flying. They wanted a spectacle that they could call terrorism. They needed to justify a whole scale military invasion. One plane crash wouldn’t do it. They shot missiles into the Pentagon, shot a missile in Shankstown Pennsylvania and took down 3 tall buildings to prove to us that losing 3 trillion dollars in a fake war was justified, even by failing to find evidence of WMD.
Silverstein had the WMD to pull down Building 7. He admitted he pulled it on video. Who in their right mind, would not assume that he also rigged the Twin Towers. He leased all 3 buildings, of course he pulled them all. Wherever he got the nukes to take down Building 7 is where he got the nukes to take down the Twin Towers. He owns the Sears Tower now. I’d like to see you walk through it or rent space in that building now that Larry owns it. If you don’t believe in Shock & Awe. Why don’t you read it while sitting inside the Sears building, or while riding in it’s elevators. Maybe it’ll become more clear.
How much trust do you have? Why do you trust Larry Silvestein and not your compatriots? Because he has money?
I’m not talking about you specifically, I’m talking about doubters in general.
So there, we have one colluder in the 9/11 attacks, the author of Shock & Awe. Does anyone doubt that as truth? If he didn’t collude then Palfrey would still be alive. She predicted they would murder her for speaking out.
I say we declare Palfrey a national hero and that we give her mother some of the insurance money set aside for widows of 9/11. She’s not a widow, but she lost a daughter due to the 9/11 attacks because she exposed a man who told her that part of the plot was revealed in a book he’d written. She told us. She’s a hero. She provided a piece of the puzzle and risked her own life to tell us. I abhor prostitution, but we still have Deborah to thank for leading us to this truth about 9/11 mass collusion. How many politicians and business men and brokerage houses can be linked to that book. Let’s do some research and see if Charles Schwab or Lin Wood (Howard Stern’s attorney who had an office in the Twin Towers but he MIRACULOUSLY survived, perhaps thanks to a call from Willie Brown former S.F. Mayor and pal to Diane Fienstein.) Let’s see if Feinstein has paid for a copy of that book, why don’t we. Which of our loyal and trusty politicians read Shock & Awe before 9/11. For curiosity’s sake.
# 235 RBG said, on May 20th, 2008 at 11:01 pm
Uh, Mr. Ed… Anything in the rule book about rants by racist…?
RedBlueGreen, Jew isn’t a race, it’s an idea.
In case you try to use the bogus anti-semite argument, forget it. Egyptians, Lebanese, Saudis, Iranians and Assyrians are Semites. I’ve dated a few, was proposed to by one. None were Jews. Get a clue about race. Learn the difference between a race and a religion because you’re slowing down the conversation and adding nothing. You are a detractor.
You are clearly no expert.
One of the problems with those who forced the “official” account of 9/11 on us is that they failed to realize that some of us wouldn’t rush to judge the Muslims because we truly believe in being fair. We did not judge them by their race nor religion. We looked at the evidence.
So, you can take you race card and shove it. It’s not realistic to believe I’m racist when semites have proposed marriage to me, one in fact, begged for marriage.
Where’s the logic in your argument. Go back to your cheap beer and whistling through your teeth on your 1960’s beat up sofa. That’s about all the mental energy you seem to be able to handle.
# 229
True. It started with an instinct. Then, I spent several years researching the evidence before being fully convinced. Admittedly, I was on the fence awhile.
Clearly, there are those who are making an all out attempt to ridicule truthists into silence. These attackers are threatened for many reasons. It appears to be a matter of self-interest when they attack others with insults. It’s more like a psychological attack than a rational debate. Their motives are suspect.
Congress should be hauled into court. They profited from 9/11 through stock fraud. They are war profiteers like Cheney, Haliburton and GE. Congress is dominated by Jewish congress persons. They will not go willingly to court. They’ll have to be dragged kicking and screaming. They picked 9/11 commissioners that are also war profiteers, profiting from the Iraq invasion, profiting from Green Zone money.
It’s all scripted. They are all actors playing roles. Saddam warned us that they were all part of a big charade. He just didn’t know that they were going to loot his country first. They wanted easy money and his oil and “reconstruction” was why he was targeted by “enterprising” industry leaders of first world nations.
The Civil War was not about race or slavery. It was about northern elitists who were loyal to the British in the Revolutionary War wanting to rob the southerners and make them more poor. Part of the design was “reconstruction” that favored northern industrialists. It was an extension of colonialism really. It was about greed. Most wars have been manipulated into existence by greedy liars. For instance, Abraham led his people into many nations ordering them to pillage innocent people who he falsely claimed as bigots who would surely not let the Jews lead them. So Jews willingly and gleefully killed innocent people who they supposed would not accept them. Jews were brainwashed and turned into murderous bands of pillagers. This is how Israel grew stronger. Abraham walked in and out of Egypt. He was no slave. He told the pharaoh that his wife was his sister. He wanted his wife to become pregnant by the pharaoh so Abraham’s son could lead Egypt and steal its wealth and take control from within. Leaders of ancient Egypt were chosen by birth. Abraham knew that. He lied. The Old Testament is a book of lies. It claims Abraham and his wife were the victims. In truth, the Pharaoh and Egyptians were victimized by the sperm thief Abraham. The OT tells the Jew that they can profit by lying. Abraham left Egypt with a very valuable flock of animals that the Pharaoh sent him away with. Abraham taught the Jew to lie and steal. He taught them that lying pays and crime pays. Then you have Larry Silverstein and Howard Stern, modern day Jews who commit atrocious crimes and get away with it and are rewarded for it. Poster boys of the idea called Judaism.
# 68 SJP said, on May 16th, 2008 at 8:06 am
Uncle Dave, I think you should post a poll
asking who believes in the following conspiracy
Robert Kennedy
Moon Landing
Income Tax Legality
Aliens at Roswell
The handful of rich guys that control the world.
The New World Order and Mars
FDR knew about Pearl Harbor
The many others I can’t think of right now.
Each person can choose one or more, all or none.
We will find out which theories are the most popular.
911 – Conspiracy. AIPAC, Bilgerberg, PNACers did it.
JFK – Jewish bankers hired Kissinger to murder Kennedy to install the fascist LBJ who would promote war profiteering by escalating the Nam war. They blocked JFK from exposing the national bank fraud, the Federal Reserve Bank, being robbed from the inside by AIPAC, PNAC and the Bilderberg committee.
RFK – the same reasons as JFK
Moon landing – It happened. We have 7 rovers and orbiter combined at least on Mars and have been all over the damn solar system for god’s sake.
Holocaust – it was human sacrifice designed by the Jewish bankers in collusion with rabbis and war profiteers.
Income Tax Legality – It was made legal. It was supposed to be temporary. The greedy thieves make it mandatory, they abuse us through it and deny us our freedoms. It’s extortion now, nothing more.
Aliens at Roswell – Didn’t happen. Though there is life on other planets for sure. The odds are in favor of it. The form of life is unknown. Bacterial life certainly exists. Higher forms exist too. Intelligent life exists out there. Has it landed here? No. Will we land on planets with life on them? We already have, many times. We just didn’t realize it. I’ll give you a clue … it’s in our solar system.
Handful of rich guys who control the world – the Jewish banker families: The Rockerfeller and Rothchilds, Solomon Bank and brokerage houses, Alan Greenspan and Bernanke are Jews who control the American economy by their daily statements over the mass media. Everyday they talk about rising or lower employment rates, it effects everything. Of course they lie, they’ve sent jobs overseas and created unemployment here, it’s part of the Jews plan to ruin us financially from within.
FDR – knew and tried to warn us about it. He warned us about AIPAC, the Jew cabal that lobbied for the Rothchilds and Rockerfellers and other Jew bankers that manipulated all wars into existence.
American Patriot.
You are anything but what your name implies. You are just some rambling paranoid. Unable to accept facts yet so quickly willing to support any theory based on thin air.
Abraham has nothing to do with 9/11. Nor does the Civil War, colonialism, the Old Testament, or a Semite proposing marriage to you. It is about 19 men flying airplanes into three buildings at cruising speed. It is about two of those buildings falling and destroying several other, smaller buildings. It is about the 2700+ people who died that day.
Maybe you can present your credentials. What makes you an expert?
Yes, Mr. Gawd, just willing to accept “facts” so quickly,like the greatest fairy tale ever written- the bible, which there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support any of it…who is the real fool? what are ur credentials,what makes you an expert? just b/c you accept and believe the story as told by the USA government? wouldnt expect less from a believer in fairy tales though…..
This is fun for me BECAUSE I don’t have an engineering degree. Makes me laugh the guys who know the most aren’t dignifying this thread.
But==my mind is still in neutral. One good way to examine a theory is to “go with it” and see where it takes you. Bush wanted to invade Iraq with the publics support so he orchestrated planes to fly into WTC so he could invade Afghanistan? Bush is stupid. He wouldn’t be circuitous. So, I don’t buy it.
I like the way conspiracy theorists point to other proven conspiracies. Point being, THEY WERE PROVEN!!!!!! That is, 3-5-10 years after the event, people involved come out and provide evidence of the plot. Maybe we have to wait some more time?
Sophla at #224 shows another technique==claim the evidence against the conspiracy is “forged.” I heard Bin Ladin on tape say he was surprised when the buildings actually came down (ironic given he is a civil engineer by training?). I have not heard any expert say the tapes were forged. Anybody can say anthing is forged or plotted.
So, it takes energy to consider competing theories especially when one has no expertise/experience in the matter (as in Global Warming). So, I’m starting to close my mind with the following take-away idea==if I ever want to create a cover story, make sure the event is filmed from multiple angles. That is sufficient to convince most people. After that, so many conspiracy theories will sprout up that if there is a plot, it will get lost in the haze.
To RBG (#209):
You are either a government shill or an out-and-out liar. Steel only retains 10% of its strength at 750C? What bullshit. And since when are firefighters structural engineers? And the NIST report is total crap. NIST said quite a long time ago that they can’t account for the collapse of WTC7. That means they aren’t allowed to tell the truth. The Village Idiot knows why that building came down. The $64,000 question, though, is how did “Lucky” Larry Silverstein manage to have that building “pulled” with no demolition crew around, when it takes weeks or months to wire a building of that type? Gee, I’m not quite sure I can figure that one out. I’m quite certain that it’s just a coincidence that he ramped up the insurance on the buildings, specifically against terror attacks, just weeks before the “Arabs” destroyed the WTC. Right. And pigs fly.
In fact, in 2005 or 2006, a guy named Jim Dwyer, who reputedly worked for NIST, said iin an interview with the NYT that controlled demolition of the towers was a ridiculous theory, because it would take such a huge amount of high-grade explosives, it wasn’t feasible. So he was admitting, indirectly, that a plane crash and a kerosene(!) fire couldn’t possibly collapse those structures.
Your office building fire link is a crock. The Windsor Building in Madrid burned for around 20 hours, was engulfed in flames that reached extremely hot temperatures, and even with a crane on the roof, and a couple of upper floors collapsing, the building stayed intact and did not collapse, much less get blasted into powder in mid-air. Steel-framed buildings have NEVER collapsed from fire before or since 9/11!
Here’s something the “mainstream” media won’t report on: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc_1975_fire.html
And the buildings were giving off plenty of dark smoke before they came down, which is an obvious indication of an oxygen-starved fire, not a raging inferno. How do you explain the pictures that FEMA mentioned in its report, showing a woman standing in the gash in the North Tower? HOW DID THIS WOMAN WALK THROUGH A RAGING INFERNO?
I suppose the next lie you’ll try to foist on people is that when planes with 60-70 tons of metal in them crash into a building like the Pentagon, or crash in a field, the tail sections, the tubular steel seat frames, the 6-TON tempered steel outboard engines, all of the passengers, all of their luggage, and the virtually INDESTRUCTIBLE black boxes are all going to disappear without a trace, because those vampire Muslims, who don’t even show up on boarding videos, could suspend the laws of physics.
I could go on ripping your misinformation to shreds, but I have other things to do.
You can go back to your job being Bush’s underwear now.
Who is making the money?
Cons and their piracy.
Bin Laden’s are rebuilding Iraq a black sheep named Osama gets shit on at the end of his life and Bush and Cheney make bundles of soon to be toilet paper dollars selling what ever the fuck they sell in Iraq. Which is a convenient launch pad to attack Iran and introduce “democracy” to the region a.k.a. the birth of civilization. Is it not odd that King Bush the 1st could have wiped out his arms purchasing buddy Saddam back in the 1st gulf war? I suppose George and his uttering of “new world order” was not meant to be at that time. They had more people to make in to self propelled stomachs , beer swilling swine, and kool aid drinking Jones street boys.
Any of you nay saying mocking bird agents are really pathetic. You know you will be first on the chopping block if the clown shoe elite get their eugenic, bio ethics, playing god agenda in full swing.
Hate to preach to the choir but have a goodnite and the man with one eye is king in the land of the blind……bitches
247 Big M. Already dealt with eye-witness accounts of damaged WTC7 and the determination that it would fall down in #157 RBG above. You have… what exactly?… your opinion?
Silverstein: Already dealt with in #157 RBG. Pull is used to refer to pulling out people.
Wonder if Silverstein insured with the usual WTC insurance company? You know, the one with that other inside worker, the Prez’z bro “Lucky” Marvin Bush.
“Bush left Stratesec after 1999 but currently remains an adviser to HCC Insurance. HCC lost $29 million at 9/11, largely from World Trade Center property losses, medical payouts in New York City, and workers’ compensation reinsurance losses.”
Love your Jim Dyer logic. Guess he was also admitting indirectly that they didn’t land on the moon either.
I cite pix of Windsor only to show deformations in steel from fire. If you want to compare fires, you’ll have to first fly a fully-loaded fully-fueled 757 into the Windsor for a bit more damage and fire insulation removal.
And the buildings were giving off plenty of dark smoke before they came down, which is an obvious indication of an oxygen-starved fire, not a raging inferno.
Tell yourself what happens when a raging inferno becomes somewhat oxygen starved in the confining depths of WTC. There’s that smell test thing again.
Did you see an orange raging inferno behind the woman or was it relatively cooler standing by the gash? How bad must it have been for people to jump rather than wait for rescue? Don’t make me have to dig up photos showing almost entire floors of orange windows. Have the woman stand there.
All but one of the passengers and aircraft has been ID’d at the Pentagon site. I already posted links showing and identifying the correctly expected engine parts. You have what? now… oh, your opinion again.
You can have your own opinion but not your own facts.
But all your stuff has thoroughly debunked elsewhere for your edification and in far more detail than I can manage. Knowing this, you troll for unwashed converts to your brand of superstition.
241 American Patriot. If I’m no expert on racism, maybe these guys know a thing or two:
According to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
the term “racial discrimination” shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. ‘[1]
This definition does not make any difference between prosecutions based on ethnicity and race, in part because the distinction between the ethnicity and race remains debatable among anthropologists.[2] According to British law, racial group means “any group of people who are defined by reference to their race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin”.[3]
# 238 Nathan Hale Re your Al Qaeda rantings: No they didn’t. And I’m using the same quality of proof you use. In any case, I don’t care. Your soap box is way OT.
Then you agree The House of Saud has no particular love for the extremist Bin Ladin types. And would probably use either of its two armies to eradicate these folks as it continues to demonstrate, and if it could.
“The U.S. should have and could have inserted counter-terrorist teams into Saudi Arabia, without asking for permission.”
We’ve already seen KSA denying permission for the US to use it’s country as a staging area for Gulf War II. How do you think this would go down with the Arab people – and the King’s delicate balancing act he performs daily with the anti-West population set – if the US did it anyway? I’ll give you a moment to think about that.
I very clearly recall Sept. 11th 2001. I was on maternity leave and watched everything unfold on television. One thing that still disturbs me is the fact that on one broadcast I clearly heard explosions just prior to the first collapse. I began scanning multiple channels to find anyone who was talking about the explosions and found one station that mentioned it briefly and described it as possible bombs in the building. After that, there was no mention of it anywhere. I continued to look for information regarding this and since 9/11 I’ve noticed that most videos of the event that I’ve seen on television are either narrated over or set to music. Those videos that I’ve found on the internet so far have no sound. I know what I heard and I truly wish I could remember which station I was watching when I heard it. This experience is the only thing that leads me to believe that the official story is untrue.
When a fully-loaded, fully-fueled airliner crashes into a building, you can logically expect a lot of subsequent and progressive failures that are sure to make a hell of a big bang. Especially as steel & other structual members began to deform. I recall one affected floor contained a banks of batteries. Anything that is airtight and heated could be a source of explosion.
Heated combustibles could give off plenty of gas before exploding. These towers are like complete cities unto themselves. There could be gas piping, tanks of compressed gases, aircraft tanks, perhaps even dust explosions, & who-knows-what-else was in there all echoing through the other buildings.
I’m not sure if you were replying to my message or not but I’ll further explain myself. I’ve not discounted the possibility of other causes of the explosions that I heard.The fact that there were multiple explosions in a rapid fire manner is what gave me the impression that they were bombs. I liken the sound to a package of firecrackers where the reports are in quick succession, obviously much louder though. Also the fact that this immediately preceded the first collapse strongly reminded me of other building demolitions I’d seen. If this could be explained, I’d like to hear it. The fact that it’s not mentioned at all is what bothers me.
#254–tshirt==it was cans of spray paint exploding in a stock analysts office. Happy to help you on that one.
LOL! You never know..Thanks for the laugh.
#256–tshirt==a truther with a sense of humor????? Congrats.
I’ll bet you can count many things you evaluate as you “simply don’t know” and life continues in a very fulfilled way?