
  1. WmDE says:

    “Schrödinger’s Cat thinks he has it rough.”

  2. yey365 says:

    I iz clean!

  3. chris says:

    That’s abuse.

  4. Ian says:

    Now that’s one wet pussy!

  5. hhopper says:

    “Hey, take it easy! OWWW, my arm! I’m gonna sue!”

  6. MJ Hopper says:

    Cripes! First a prostate exam and now this!

  7. BertDawg says:

    “You are SOOOOO dead.”

  8. YeahRight says:

    What do you mean, I have to go through the rince cycle AGAIN ????

  9. jcwise says:

    It’s a trap!

  10. Jeffery Williams says:

    You won’t like wet cat hair so much when I use it to fill your shoes tonight.


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