
  1. MrMushroom says:

    Theres more then one way to skin a cat!

  2. Cool Cat says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  3. RedpawGraphics says:

    ” When my tits are down to here, will you still love me? “

  4. Breetai says:

    “What do you mean I’m in China?!”

  5. Niloc says:

    The label says “dry clean only” ya bastard!

  6. TomB says:

    You were serious about that?

  7. McCullough says:

    I swear by all thats sacred, you’ll pay for this, oh yes, you will pay.

  8. noname says:

    So you want to be a opera star.

    Well singing in the sink is where I can get a hand singing using my lungs with my belly muscles. No Feline Horror. I am always happy doing that. It’s so fun to sing in the sink because the tiles work as a echo chamber. I’d turn on the faucet so the water would run – I like that sound, it’s very soothing to me – and I’d play and I’d sing.

  9. adogg4629 says:

    Unearthed today in Egypt’s Valley of the kings was the newly discovered mummified remains of Zunar-J5/9-Doric-47 (or “Jake” as he was commonly known). His remains have been dated back to before 1978 proving once again that Disney’s The Cat From Outerspace was DOA!

  10. mevans7 says:

    Tastes like chicken!

  11. ctscotty says:

    Do the dog next!!!!!!

  12. ikelleigh says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  13. ikelleigh says:

    Preheat oven temperature to 375 degrees
    Wash animal thoroughly before skinning

    Note: I have two cats and love them dearly. Please no hate mail.

  14. TVAddict says:

    I do my own baths! You Bastard!!!

  15. Mr. Bigglesworth baby picture.

  16. fulanoche says:

    Now ready to place in the guillotine

  17. Zybch says:

    OMG!! I can’t believe you chose that wallpaper!!

  18. JPV says:

    Why you do this to me, Dimmy?

  19. gmkostrivas says:

    Waterboarding, I love Waterboarding!

  20. Chainring says:

    How is it possible that nobody has pulled a LOLCAT yet?

  21. Bryan Price says:

    You’d better get my harbls dry this time!

  22. McCullough says:

    #17. LOL- I get it…..cats head spins around, spits pea soup.

  23. m.c. in l.v. says:

    I’m in ur sinkz, getting teh waterboarding. Do Not Want!!!

  24. admfubar says:

    i tawt i taw a wet puddy!!!!???
    i dwid!!! i dwid see a wet puddy!!!!

  25. Barovelli says:

    “Let me go or you’ll be arrested for kitty porn”

  26. Ivor Biggun says:

    You put my retirement fund where Dvorak keeps his?????

  27. RBG says:


  28. Max Bell says:

    “What do you mean you’re out of cylon copies?”

  29. lynn says:

    Oh man! Thats the last time i make a bet with garfield

  30. RBG says:

    26. Actually, I was going for a picture of “Fleshy,” the identical hairless cat in the Monty comic but dang if the entire internet seems to have only one inadequate photo. What good is this internet-thing, anyway? Also, I detect funny stuff seems to lose something when there’s a lot of ‘splainin to do.


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