• Apple rolling out four more non-exclusive iPhone deals.
  • Yahoo being sued. They decided to conceal details for some unknown reason.
  • Missouri woman now indicted for cyberbullying.
  • Comcast still being accused of throttling bit-torrent.
  • Comcast upgrade works. Now I get as high as 22 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up. The numbers fall off when you go overseas.
  • Sprint says 2008 WiMax. Yeah, right.
  • I like the Aliph Jawbone.
  • ASUS making all its motherboards “instant on!” Wow.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

  1. J says:


    The extra $10 a month for the higher level on Comcast is well worth it. If yours is anything like mine you will see that 22Mbps climb the longer you have it. I have had mine for a little over 2 years and I am at 34Mbps down 3.5Mbps up on local servers.

  2. Gordon says:

    Go back up to Port Angeles. It’s not boiling up here!

  3. comhcinc says:

    It would be nice if we could get the player fixed in opera.

  4. hhopper says:

    I just tried it in Opera and it works fine for me. You can alternately click on Right click here… with the left button.

  5. Barovelli says:

    Who needs bit torrent when you got cable @ 16/2?

  6. whit says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  7. whit says:

    Godfather 1977 shot in 70mm (listening to TWit) What can I say? If I understood all the techno stuff you (plural) talked about would that sound as misinformed as the above?

    p.s. at least you’re (plural again)entertaining.

  8. Thomas says:

    16mbps?! That is amazing. I think the best I can get from SBC is 6mbps and far less than 1 mbps up. Why does it seem like pulling teeth to get over 10mpbs in the US?

  9. J says:

    #9 pedro

    “The problem is Macromedia,”

    “Opera and they’re working to solve this “nuisance” Macromedia has gotten them into”

    Macromedia was bought by Adobe back in 2005 so “Macromedia” has nothing to do with it. Once again you show the extent of your computer knowledge.

  10. barovelli says:

    #11, Thomas

    Yep, SBC comes out with last year’s speed and calls it “elite”. ROFL.

    Want more phone bashing? At the speed of my old DSL line I could not even download HALF of what Comcast is thinking about capping you at.

    ok, ok, some will harp on about the old ‘shared bandwidth’ thing and I’ll admit that it happens. During peak times my cable internet might slow a bit – even sometimes below 10mb, hate it when that happens.

  11. J says:

    # 13 pedro

    “Adobe does the administrative decisions”

    What company is paying for the development and has been for the last 3 years? ADOBE!!!! It wasn’t a merger. It was a buy out. Calling it Macromedia is not only incorrect it is uneducated. But that would be about the level of your knowledge.

    “but the development team is still mostly composed of Macromedia people”

    The key words for a losing argument “still mostly ” And yes there have been changes in the development team. Adobe made those changes.

    “You’re not even good at this, boy”

    The flash player has been made by Adobe ever since the accusation of Macromedia was complete That would be almost 3 years ago!!! For almost three years it has been under Adobe and not Macromedia and you still want to say it is Macromedia because some of the same people work on it.
    Keep reaching pedro. You made a mistake why can’t you just own up to the fact that you don’t know as much as you think you do?


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