Part 1:

The price of oil rocketed to a record high of 127.82 dollars per barrel on Friday, as US President George W. Bush prepared to urge Saudi Arabia to pump more crude…

US President George W. Bush arrived in Saudi Arabia from Israel for talks with the world’s biggest crude exporter on record oil prices that have hit Western consumers hard.

Bush’s Air Force One touched down shortly before 2:00 pm (1100 GMT) at Riyadh’s King Khaled international airport, where King Abdullah led a red-carpet welcome for the US president and his wife Laura.

Part 2: Bush fell to his knees and begged.

Part 3:

Saudi Arabia today rebuffed George Bush’s appeal to increase production and help cut record oil prices, the White House said.

It was the second time this year that the pleas of the US president, who is visiting King Abdullah, have fallen on deaf ears.

Such willing friends and allies.

  1. moss says:

    “No tongue, today, George. It’s a holy day.”

  2. andy says:

    “i’m tired of sneaking around. it’s either her or me”

  3. Brett says:

    “Please George, please touch my little friend underneath my robe for just this one more time…”

    “Ok. Does this feel good, huh?”

    “Oooohh yeeees, let me grab your biceps while you do that. Yeeesss squeeze out the oils, ooohhh yeees feel so good!”

  4. morbo says:

    I am diagnosing you with chronic halitosis. Take these daily, come back and see me in a year. Oh, and I won’t pump more oil, in case you were going to ask.

  5. bobbo says:

    Did I wipe with my left or right hand? I forget.

  6. No Soup says:

    No oil?
    No food for you fat boy!

  7. chuck says:

    Only 248 more days of Dubya.
    Followed by 1825 days of McCain. (I’m assuming he only lives long enough for the 1st year of his 2nd term.)

    Followed by 3 years of whoever Lord Cheney appoints next.

  8. RBG says:

    American oil companies are so very cunning. Don’t be fooled. They’ve sent their puppet to Saudi Arabia seemingly get more oil pumped to lower the price and thereby cause less profits for all. When actually, US oil companies… uh.. how does the rest go?


  9. Dallas says:


    ” Oh George, you are the queen I never had. Thank you for everything but I can’t lower the price of oil to save the Republican party. I’ve got another castle to build and well, I’m seeing someone else.

    Also, the democrats will soon invest to make the US self sufficient on energy so I need to flll up on Ben Franklin’s till the gravy train stops, right? “

  10. RBG says:

    “Also, the democrats will soon invest to make the US self sufficient on energy”

    What a great bunch of guys.


  11. MikeN says:

    Weird how people who object to producing oil in America complain when not enough oil is produced by other countries.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Weird how people who object to producing oil
    >>in America complain when not enough oil is
    >>produced by other countries.

    No, Lyin’ Mike N. We object to raping and pillaging the environment to line Dick Cheney’s pockets, and we object to being held hostage by the Saudis (who also line Dick Cheney’s pockets).

    There are alternatives to petroleum fuel, and if our “government” and 1/4 ball in their scrotum, we’d be persuing those alternatives post haste.

    Is that clear enough? Or do you think this is just another example of how liberals hate America?

  13. Brian says:

    The people I find complaining most and loudest about gas prices are these buffoons who drive huge trucks and SUVs and now realize how ridiculous and offensive their vehicle choices are. Also curious is most of these people have big ‘bush/cheney 04’ stickers on their vehicles.

  14. ArianeB says:

    The truth is Saudi Arabia cannot increase its production even if it wanted to. All external signs say that their three major oil fields have peaked. The big reserves of oil that they say they have is a big lie.

    If Saudi Arabia admits to this though, they lose all their international clout. So they lie that demand is not big enough right now. They keep making excuses, but the real answer is they can’t.

    Oil reserve supplies are down worldwide. It is NOT speculation, otherwise reserve supplies would be way up, and their would be massive hoarding going on.

    Another sign that it is not speculation is that the long term futures are close to the short term futures. The “Price of Oil” currently is the price of June 2008 future delivery, but the futures 5 years for June 2013 is only 2 dollars less than todays price. If investors believed that it is a bubble, long term futures would be considerably cheaper.

    It is not the result of not enough refineries either. Most refineries here in the US are operating right now at below capacity, because the supplies are short and expensive to replace.

    The price of oil is the result of stagnant production. Its not about how much oil there is in the ground, its how fast can we get it out. In May of 2005 worldwide production of all liquid fuels (oil, natural gas, etc) was 87 million barrels per day. The latest numbers show that today world wide production is still 87 million barrels per day.

    There are many reasons, why we cant get more out, most are geological that we can do nothing about.

    Welcome to “Peak Oil”!

  15. Judge Jewdy says:

    Even if we could increase oil production here in the U.S. there aren’t enough refineries and wouldn’t be for years to come.

  16. noname says:

    Give the dude a break!!!

    You know he always has the best of intentions!!!

    Isn’t that why American’s elected him, he has the right intentions!!!

    If the King doesn’t want to increase oil production, what’s a constitutionally limited President to do. If American’s would grant Bush Kingship, then all those right intentions we elected him for could get done.

    Don’t blame Bush if Americans don’t give him the power to do what he wants!!!

    Shut Up and Submit to the will of Bush!!!!!!!!

  17. noname says:

    As Bush has publicly admitted, what keeps him from having the power to do all he wants to, is not having the “Magic Wand”.

    Lefty Global warming thinking Scientist, have developed THE “Magic Wand” and, they won’t give it to him.

    These Anti-American Lefty Global warming thinking Scientist have a conspiracy, they are saving the “Magic Wand” for Barack Hussein Obama.

    Wake up America!!!!!

  18. Geoffrey says:

    You cats need to observe that the Congress is also in on this gig. Senator Charlie Shumer was pressing the sultan to make a deal this week as well, what a coincidence. $20B of America’s finest weapons, plus ongoing protection, in exchange for some more oil.

    It’s a bipartisan-beg: SELL US OIL! BUY OUR WEAPONS! GRR!

    Peak oil is a b***h. Nobody wins.

  19. ArianeB says:

    #17 There are plenty of refineries. If that was a problem the refineries we have today would all be running at 100% capacity. They are not!

    #19 I assume you are being sarcastic. There is no “Magic Bullet”. We simply have to figure out how to live via electricity based transportation, while simultaneously building renewable energy sources and upgrading the electric grid to handle it. Unfortunately it may take DECADES to get back to where we currently are.

    A couple of promising technologies still in the experimental stage:

  20. noname says:

    # 21 ArianeB

    Do I have really to spell it out when I am being incredibly and most obviously sarcastic?

    If I do, I would rather leave that reader to their own dull and blundering ways.

    Could it be understood any other reasonable way?

  21. bill says:

    I wonder what will become of the Middle East when the oil runs out…

  22. Lou says:

    Even the Bush family friends sre bailing on W.

  23. Bignick says:

    I was reading somewhere that they are building in Dubay or surroundings, the first Institut and University dedicated exclusively to renewable energy in the world. Also they are in a process of building the first city in the world which will run entirely on solar power and will be the most efficient and ecofriendly one in the world.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>they are saving the “Magic Wand” for
    >>Barack Hussein Obama.

    Golly… Barack HUSSEIN Obama? Isn’t he, like, Saddam’s cousin or something? Do you suppose Obama was responsible for 9/11 too??


  25. CurlyH says:

    One reason why the world is in such a mess is that it is run by people who turn up.
    (i.e.) boofheads like George W bush who attack wankers like Saddam and suck up to Saudi potentates who cannot see the danger of what they are doing.

    You have lunatics from some other oil producing countries talking about $200 a barrel.
    The world will sooner or later have to call these black mailers bluff and pay more for other sources, such as oil sands derived gasoline, ethanol and methanol.

    Only real competition will shorten these smart arses up and bring oil back to a sustainable level of around $50 to $70 a barrel.

  26. MikeN says:

    The real story is that the Saudis agreed to raise oil output by 300,000 barrels a day, and as I predicted the Strategic Petroleum Reserve contracts are going to yield another 75000 barrels a day. Turns out I was off by one year, and the contracts run out in 2009, but they are suspending filling with 3% empty.

  27. MikeN says:

    Maybe they should consider producing more oil here? Meantime we have China drilling for oil off American shores while enviros ban it for Americans.

  28. noname says:


    Truth is, I am for and voting for Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

    As I asked in # 22.
    Do I have really have to spell it out, when I am being incredibly and most obviously sarcastic?

    Answering my own question: In practice (because since I hate pandering, I find in most cases, you really can’t educate Americans), I tend to leave those who are obviously dull, to their own lame and blundering ways.


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