“Why can’t we speak of a ‘brother extraterrestrial‘? It would still be part of creation,” he said.
“As an astronomer, I continue to believe that God is the creator of the universe and that we are not the product of something casual but children of a good father who has a project of love in mind for us,” he said.
Stephen Hawking’s answer to the possibility is “probably not“.
“Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare.” He adds: “Some would say it has yet to occur on earth.”
# 29 Misanthropic Scott
I am insulted that you grouped me with bobbo. 🙂
“All four are written for a general audience and will be understandable to either of you.”
I am not sure if I am even more insulted by that comment.
I was trying to let bobbo know that his “idea” is recognized an studied in the world of quantum mechanics.
#31 – J,
I certainly meant no insult. I consider both of you intelligent members of the general population. Did I guess incorrectly? Are you a practicing particle physicist?
I would also like to lump myself in with a crowd of intelligent members of the general population, but do not believe anyone is qualified to rate their own intelligence. So, I could be mistaken.
Anyway, I meant no offense. And, I agree that this aspect of String Hypothesis has been hypothesized about quite a bit, including by Susskind, one of the founders of String Hypothesis.
# 32 Misanthropic Scott
I was kidding. lol
“Did I guess incorrectly?”
With bobbo yes. LOL Just kidding bobbo
“Are you a practicing particle physicist?”
Currently? No.
Without throwing Turd into a tizzy lets just say I have a large amount of time invested in such matters while I attended the University of Chicago. Being kind of familiar with you through your postings I think you will understand. You should see my desk 😉
>>You should see my desk 😉
Yeah. Lots of “papers” to “fill out”, eh?
Bobbo I wonder how many USA catholics really are acceptable to “mother church.”
If you are to comment on the Roman Catholic church, you’d do yourself a big favour by actually learning something about the religion and the church instead of making assumptions based on what you’ve learnt from Fox News and Dawkin’s books.
I am not saying that the Catholic doesn’t have a lot of to answer for, nor am I particular believer in this whole ‘pope is the only true authority’ malarky (not being Catholic myself), but if as prolific pontificator and commentator about all things religious, you really should educate yourself about what they do (and do not) believe in.
# 34 Turd
Yeah. I thought that you would miss the meaning of that.
14. “I think any intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos that is aware of our existence and level of development is reacting to us the same way most of us react to seeing Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
What, by answering the door naked with a pit bull on a leash?
#37 – McCullough,
What, by answering the door naked with a pit bull on a leash?
Leash? Why?
#37 – McCullough,
Also check this for another take on door to door religion, or lack thereof.
As far as insult groupings go, you should all know that I have seen and touched a particle–in fact I vacuum them up from time to time and throw them away. Dead skin cells just as the universe may be the remnants of a once live idea? But I mix metaphors.
Uncle Ben #35–give us your name and mailing address and I’ll send you $5 the next time you post more vaguely and vacuously as you did just there. Do you even know what you were trying to say?
Being insulted, especially on a blog really does reveal the emotions of inadequacy triumphing over the desire for contact.
Sorry if I wasn’t clear. Your comment “I wonder how many USA catholics really are acceptable to “mother church.”” reveals that you know very little about Roman Catholicism.
What you should do is take some time to study and learn about the religion and then start attacking it, rather than just blurting out whatever comes to your mind.
$41–Well UB–that is just a retarded thing to say.
It like===you say anything you wish, then I respond with “Boy you don’t know what you are talking about==why don’t you read a few books and inform yourself?”==see how vapid that is?
In other words–to make a comment like yours, you need to atleast give a hint about what you think is wrong with what I said.
I’ve read “most USA Catholics” support birth control. I have heard many Catholic priest say that if you believe in birth control, you are not a member of the church. And the list goes on and on. Its a nice dance generally called “cafeteria catholic” picking and choosing which articles of faith they choose to believe.
Now, if you think I need to read something else/more==be specific or continue to be irrelevant. You can do better, I know you can.
#39. Scott- excellent video, and exactly how I feel. Why cant they understand we have a right to be left alone? When I moved to a small Caribbean island, built a house in the “bush” with three “no trespassing signs” in my very long driveway, I thought I would never have to deal with them again……but noooooo!
#43, McCullough, kind of makes you wish for the patented “static electricity forever” doorbell button (which rings no bell), doesn’t it?
#44 – BubbaRay,
Never heard of that. What is it? A concealed auto-taser? nice! Would be even better if you could get them to press 2 buttons on either side of the door simultaneously. It’d put the current right through the heart. About 600 volts should do it, if the amperage is right. Bet they’d never make the mistake again.
#25 – Happens once in a while. 😉
interesting –
but what if the space aliens turn out to be homosexuals?