DALLAS – A plane registered to a Waukesha company landed on top of another plane at an airport in Texas. The pictures are amazing. It happened at Northwest Regional Airport near Dallas Thursday afternoon. The red plane was taxiing into position for takeoff. That airport has only one runway. The white plane was coming in for a landing and landed right on top of it. Believe it or not, everyone walked away from the crash landing and everyone’s okay. The white plane is registered to a Waukesha company, RTJE Bach Enterprises. It was making a quick flight from Abilene, Texas when this accident happened.

  1. Tom says:

    I’ve landed at that airport a few times.

    Granted, when taxiing onto runway 35 the trees are quite high, and if the airplane on approach is flying his final low it might be hard to see each other, but ultimately, it took two pilots with their heads up the asses for this happen.

  2. Flavio says:

    They were making sex when the emergency officials interrupted it!

  3. Erik Blazynski says:

    The planes are not “on top of each other” as the woman states. One is on top of the other.

  4. SN says:

    Beer was involved, somehow.

  5. KD Martin says:

    Probably not beer. Only airline pilots get that privilege [Har!]. High wing taking off (can’t see up), low wing on short final (can’t see down), just an uncontrolled airport unfortunate accident. Very lucky no one was injured. What are the odds the Piper PA-21 pilot flared exactly right to land on the high winger?

    Look at this — it’s already updated!

  6. JimR says:

    I thought two planes always meet at an intersection.

  7. Jimbo says:

    Ah, jeez, even the planes are doing it now. Keep it in the air guys… LOL

  8. John Paradox says:

    Isn’t that kind of a reverse Mile High Club?


  9. jasmoran66 says:

    I just know there’s a Microsoft/Yahoo joke in here somewhere.

  10. Balbas says:

    So… that’s how planes mate.

  11. Balbas says:


    The Microsoft / Yahoo merger is a plane crash waiting to happen.

  12. zeph says:

    The newscaster did sound pretty high, aside from her excellent diction. She was clearly trying to make up a story on the spot, and didn’t have the brains for it.

  13. RBG says:

    A classic low wing over high wing accident, but usually with both on an “uncontrolled” final.


  14. becagle says:

    I remember the teachers at my aviation mechanics school telling us about this type of accident, but I never thought I’d ever get to actually see one. cool.

  15. bkearley says:

    i bet when the tower saw the white plane ming in they had there phones out recording it going look at this jackass.

    [We’d like some of what you’re smoking. – ed.]

  16. andy says:

    how the heck does this happen? all i can think of is that the “top” plane intended to touch down a metre in front of the 2nd plane, the propeller jammed up into it and momentum took care of the rest.

  17. flyingelvis says:

    high wing monoplane; meet the low wing monoplane.

  18. Badcam says:

    Well, it’s completely obvious that the guy in the red plane wasn’t looking in his rear-view mirror and the guy in the white plane, WAS.

  19. McCullough says:

    #18. White plane, obviously yapping on his cell phone….yap, yap, yap, oh fuck me!!!!!!!!

  20. Buzzzwards says:

    looks like the little red aircraft was pounced upon and……….

    M A U L E D ……..

  21. Marty says:

    This is no laughing matter. Only a couple people were intelligent enough to mention the danger of the high wing-low wing problem with visibility at uncontrolled airports. My brother and two others died from that same type of situation almost exactly one year ago. There are way too many accidents occurring because of uncontrolled airspace at smaller airports. THIS is the problem that needs to be addressed!

  22. Stevo says:

    So looks like pilot landing didn’t here the take off clearance of the red one. ( if there were any) Or Pilot taking off didn’t here the landing clearance of the white one ( if there were any) or tower gave both the clearance. But should off only taken one of the three to realize something wrong is happening. If it was an uncontrolled airport, then its pilot error by not reporting position or not listening others report. almost had a mid air collision myself in uncontrolled airspace cause of a pilot NOT reporting position and intention. Pilots, we are suppose to be professional!

  23. mojo says:

    Its a PA-28 and an old Stinson. Regardless of vision, both should have had a vigilant ear on the radio, and announced their intentions on the correct frequency clearly.


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