There are just some places Photoshop should not go. Click pics for more creepiness.

  1. Rich says:

    They seem to be essentially midgets or dwarves- but still disturbing.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    It is easy to do. Here is my son and grandson swapped.

  3. Thinker says:

    Just say no! 🙂 eeessshh!

  4. Daniel says:

    I swapped my mom and step dad’s heads in their wedding photos.

    Mom thought it was funny that I could do that with a computer. Step dad was not amused. Then again, he wasn’t amused either when I called his picture of Jesus standing next to the UN building (at roughly the same scale as the building) “Jesuszilla, son of Godzilla.”

  5. MarkParker says:

    Maybe I’m just easy today… I laughed my ass off.

    #4 Stepfather sounds a little humorless. Jesuszilla is funny.

  6. McCullough says:

    Screaming with laughter….needed that.


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