The original Papa Bear video can be seen here. In case the video fails to load, you can always try this.

  1. andy says:

    his storming off the stage makes this video.

  2. Lou says:

    That was good. I missed the link that was on this site. Vid no longer message. I guess ytube yanked it.
    God to see Papa Bear get it back out on the net.

  3. Dallas says:

    I would love to hear Al Franken weigh in on this.

    If anyone has found something like this. Please share.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    #3 I don’t think you will see much from Al Franken. He has some more important issues to address with the tax authorities for his tax avoidance over the past 5 years.

  5. jcunwired says:

    Leave it to Colbert to tell it like it is!

  6. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #4, jbenson

    Perspective is a bitch, I know, but that doesn’t let the right wing nuts off the hook. I mean, so Al Franken’s accountant screwed up? Big deal. What next, stunning news that his cleaning lady put a plastic-wrapped microwave burrito in the compost?

    Frankin had paid his taxes. The problem was his accountant overpaid some states and underpaid others. He didn’t shirk his taxes as the right wing nuts have a tendency to do.

    Instead of attacking issues, right wing nuts have gone past ad hominem attacks and now want to just attack people the Democratic candidates KNOW.

  7. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    As usual, Colbert is very funny. Unfortunately, the right wing nuts would never understand his humor.

  8. Jeroen says:

    now all we need is Kent Brockman flipping out!

  9. andy says:

    8, comparing kent brockman to o’reilly is an insult to cartoon characters everywhere

  10. w says:

    Colbert lucky he isn’t spoofing Jerry Lewis instead of O’Reily. He’d be on the air one week.


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