The troops who were injured would rather he gave up some government money to fix the disgraceful conditions in VA hospitals.
“I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf,” he said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal.”
Bush said he made that decision after the August 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, which killed Sergio Vieira de Mello, the top U.N. official in Iraq and the organization’s high commissioner for human rights.
“I remember when de Mello, who was at the U.N., got killed in Baghdad as a result of these murderers taking this good man’s life,” he said. “I was playing golf — I think I was in central Texas — and they pulled me off the golf course and I said, ‘It’s just not worth it anymore to do.’”
Is it just me or does the quote at the end sound like the real reason is “I cant ever finish a game with all this presidenting, so its just not worth it to do anymore”
Heh heh! He gives up golf!! HAW!!
Better he should make The Twins sign up for combat duty in the military. He could wait until Jenna comes back from her honeymoon; after all, we’re going to be in Iraq for 100 years, so there’s plenty of time.
What sacrifice!
Now there is a president that would make FDR blush that he didn’t do enough during wartime!
Damn cripple! He should have given up his cigarettes and booze instead of doing all those negotiations with Churchill and Stalin!
What was he THINKING!?!?!
He made the decision in August 2003. Then he played a round in October 2003, according to the article. Truthiness!
It isn’t even because he’s trying to make a sacrifice, it’s because it looks bad on television.
I am so proud of my President. He is making the ultimate sacrifice for his country. I wish more of those ‘fake’ soldiers were like him.
[end sarcasm]
What a tool.
He really quit ’cause somebody threw an M&M at him….
We owe Natalie Manes a big apology.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
[insert lame diversionary republican argument here]
Andy –
But Clinton took mulligans!
01/19/2009. The day I get to stop hearing liberals and the left complain about George Bush. unfortunately, it’s also probably the Day I get to start hearing them complain about John McCain. If not, it’s the day I get to start complaining about Barack Hussein Obama (though I’m not counting Clinton out till she drops out).
And, no, I’m not inciting racism or hate using Obama’s middle name any more than you guys do by using the Dubbya moniker.
>>I’m not inciting racism or hate
>>using Obama’s middle name
>>any more than you guys do by using the
>>Dubbya moniker.
Why, was there a bloodthirsty dictator named Dubya who caused the deaths of thousands of his people?
Oh….yeah. Right!! You made the point, although I’m not sure it was the one you intended to make.
Bush should give his daughters as sacrifice in this war. If he really believes in the military, he should be proud to have them serve. So many politicians who are for the war, and not many of their kids are fighting. Bunch of hypocrites!
#15 – “So many politicians who are for the war, and not many of their kids are fighting. Bunch of hypocrites!”
Isn’t it up to the kids to choose their path, not their parents? Parents can be pro-war while children are anti-war. It would make more sense for the politicians themselves to serve in the military.
Yes, you are. Dumya’s moniker is a comment on his intelligence, using “Hussein” with Obama is a direct reference to race and creed. One is fair game and the other is a lame shot.
Attack Obama’s policies and you may win people over. This bullshit approach of the sly racist aside insults us both (you more than me, though).
#14, #17, Thanks for revealing the new button pressing word for 2008 and beyond. Hussein, Hussein, Hussein! It’s his middle name, it’s an unadulterated fact. When and if he is elected, the Justice will use the name Barack Hussein Obama to install him. Read anything more into it, and you’re stereotyping me more than I ever am him. Frankly, his UCC views (assuming he is more in line with the nation church than his home congregation) are nearly identical to mine. You’re assuming that using the name “Hussein” will make us unintelligent flyover twits believe he is muslim. You know what they say about assuming? Sticks and stones, sticks and stones.
You get what you vote for? No, yes, maybe?
Watch a documentary called “Hacking Democracy”, I can’t help it, I have to bring it up.
You get what you vote for? No, yes, maybe?
Watch a documentary called “Hacking Democracy”, I can’t help it, I have to bring it up!!!!
The first person to mention Barack Hussein Obama was ….Barack Hussein Obama!
Liberals show fake anger that how dare George Bush play golf while troops are at war. Then they get mad when he stops playing golf and denies them that video. To top it off, in the video Michael Moore shows of himplaying gold in Fahrenheit 911, take a close look and you see it was a meeting with Tony Blair!
Guys, you’re obsession with this president is beyond pathetic. He’s talking symbolism here.
Bush is correct in this case. His percentage for being correct is pretty low, but it’s not zero.
I hope against hope that Bush will be able to play golf with all his misadministration in prison while waiting for the sentencing. Please, the world will be overjoyed at this turn of events and boost US respect everywhere.
Now that’s a sacrifice Bush should consider…
Why did they have to “pull” him off the golf course? Did he throw a tantrum or couldn’t make it without help?
>>Liberals show fake anger that how dare
>>George Bush play golf while troops are at war.
I don’t remember any liberals showing anger, fake or otherwise, at him playing golf. Only REAL anger when, like some faux Catholic giving up sticking himself with hot needles for Lent, he “gave up golf” as a sacrifice meant to quell the anguish of mothers whose dead sons came home in a body bag.
Granted, the amount of time he spends playing golf, clearing brush, and all the other bullshit he does instead of going to the office would seem to cut into the time he has available to run the country.
It’s truly stunning to me that George W. Bush still has backers in 2008. I could understand them not becoming Democrats but to take the time to post in his defence at this point really is an incredible sight.
What would it take for his baby thugs to turn against him? I question my sanity when I read their drivel. Maybe it’s just payed shills or maybe some kind of automated bots posting random propoganda.
If these posts are actually from “real” humans I have to ask you: Do you really consider yourself American? Do you understand that I am not and have never been a Democrat? Do you understand that hating Bush polocies is not the same as pointlessly hating Bush? Do you understand I live within a stones throw of many country folk? What’s with the paranoia and fear? What could be going through your head after all that has come to pass? Are you really proud of the last 8 years?
Now I have to ask myself: *why do I bother*
#27 – “Now I have to ask myself: *why do I bother*”
Because it needs to be said. I voted for GW the first time around. Don’t ask why – I don’t think I’d be able to explain it. I voted for no one the second time around.
I admit my f*ck up by helping put him in office. I look at what he’s doing to our country and just feel sad.
I really wish we could elect a president that doesn’t affiliate with any political party, but chooses to think for him/herself and looks to educated advisers for help rather than pretending to know everything.
Maybe someday – certainly not in the near future.
#26, I gave one example, from Fahrenheit 911. Perhaps Bill Maher has some more.