(Click photo for extremely dangerous activity)

the Daily Mail

His name is Chilli and he’s described as a gentle giant. Which is just as well for his handler, Tara Nirula, pictured by his side. His owners have contacted the Guinness Book of Records who are currently assessing his credentials and comparing them to other big bovines. The black and white Friesian bullock weighs well over a ton and at the same height as a small elephant, casts a shadow over his cattle companions who are about 5ft. Despite his grand stature, Chilli only grazes on grass during the day and enjoys the occasional swede as a treat.

I’m not sure what a swede is, but I am pretty sure this cow is personally responsible for global warming.

Thanks to Ian Warner.

  1. JPV says:

    I wonder how many Big Macs would he make?


  2. JPV says:

    Some complete and utter moron said:

    Cameras DONT show perspective…
    The girl is at least 10 feet BACK.. and there is a small slope…
    Its abit OFF, and more af an illusion then you may think.


    6ft 6ins tall and 1.25 tonnes. Hmmm… I don’t think the photo is much of an illusion at all. No matter what, that’s a big cow.

    Did you even bother to look at the other photos?

    Probably not…

    [All three links were dead – also pls use TinyUrl for long urls’ – ed]

  3. ECA says:


    [You guys are making me work here- ed]

  4. Elmer Fudd says:

    Wonder what kind of 4H prize it would win ?

  5. Joshua says:

    I’ve never seen so many people who just don’t bother to read the story with the photo.

    When you look at the other photo’s you realize it’s real. Unless those girls are 2′ tall.

    And they ARE girls. And the story refers to the **cow** as a **he** several times. And while *bullock* means balls in English, somehow I think they are referring to the bovines gender.

    Friesian’s can get pretty damned big.

  6. Bob says:

    Just a little Photoshop enhancement…

    Look closer at the animals right side and right rear hoof.

  7. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #35, joshua,

    *bullock* means balls in English

    Once again you show us your lack of intelligence. A bullock is another name for an immature bull or a steer.


    This is a Friesian. They are raised for their milk production. You wouldn’t want a steak from this guy as it would be stringy and tough.

    Most male Holsteins are raised for a short time before being turned into hamburg although some are raised as veal. The hamburg fate is reserved for old cows and bulls past their serviceable life.


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