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His name is Chilli and he’s described as a gentle giant. Which is just as well for his handler, Tara Nirula, pictured by his side. His owners have contacted the Guinness Book of Records who are currently assessing his credentials and comparing them to other big bovines. The black and white Friesian bullock weighs well over a ton and at the same height as a small elephant, casts a shadow over his cattle companions who are about 5ft. Despite his grand stature, Chilli only grazes on grass during the day and enjoys the occasional swede as a treat.
I’m not sure what a swede is, but I am pretty sure this cow is personally responsible for global warming.
Thanks to Ian Warner.
holy cow.
Dammit! You stole my punch line!
“Swede” is a turnip variety.
#3. Phew! Thanks for clearing that up!
Give me more cow bell!!!
I need more cow bell!
Going to need one tall stump to train that cow 😉
How does the beef taste? Will it be cloned? That’s one big Cowpie.
C’mon… they Photoshopped the man to look smaller.
#8. I think thats a woman. And I thought it was shopped too, then I saw it on the Today show this morning. I was hoping it would sit on Matt Lauer.
Very big cow, but the image perspective helps it look even bigger. The woman is standing back further than the front hooves, and the camera was close to the ground…
Dude looks like a lady
A Swede is a Swedish Turnip, a Rutabaga.
This message brought to you by Canada, where we need to know both Britspeak and Yanktalk.
#3, 13: Judging by the size of the thing I think that they have misspelled swede vs. Swede. Ie. the first entry in the Wiki for Swede: A resident of Sweden.
If he’s a HE, he’s not a cow, but a Bull. Or, at the very least a steer.
I wonder if that cow suffers from the same thing Andre the Giant did?
Mmmm. Looks delicious.
think of the size of the steaks.. yummy!
All I can say is “Suck it Texas”! Take your girly-cows and hang your head in shame!
Cameras DONT show perspective…
The girl is at least 10 feet BACK.. and there is a small slope…
Its abit OFF, and more af an illusion then you may think.
>Chilli only grazes on grass during the day and…
at night, becomes a ferocious were-cow, terrorizing the local villagers.
This boy like this site is called BULL!!
FTA “He now stands at 6ft 6ins from the floor to the top of his shoulder and he is massive when he holds his head up.” So it’s around a foot and a half taller than normal cows. The woman in the picture could also be on the short side.
I hear Cheney and his secret energy cabal wants to cut him up and see if they can make oil out of him.
Balbas said
C’mon… they Photoshopped the man to look smaller.
They also Photoshopped him to look like a woman too.
they might be playing with perspective a bit, but this definitely doesn’t have the stink of that hogzilla story
Cripes, is no one going to point out the obvious error?? The title and the final comment refer to a cow, but the body of the story says Chili is a bullock (uh, a young BULL). Come on guys, don’t geeks know the difference between a cow and a bull?
i just figured bulls aren’t supposed to be that big either
Imagine the STEAKS!!!
#27. Dennis- Do Farmers know the difference between a resistor and a capacitor….probably not.
Actually I live on a ranch and do know the difference and posted in haste, can you find it in your heart to forgive my egregious error????