Lesbian couples should be blocked from having IVF treatment unless they agree that a father figure would be involved in the upbringing of their child, say the Tories.
In a sign of David Cameron’s determination to campaign for traditional parenting, the Tories challenged the government to guarantee that couples seeking IVF treatment would have a “male role model” for their child…
Lansley told MPs during the second reading debate on the bill: “The government appear to have lost the plot [because it] said the purpose of the legislation would be ‘to ensure that Britain remains at the forefront of medical research’. Legislation is not just about reflecting scientific progress. Because scientists can do something, it does not mean they should.”
On the other hand, demagogues and politicians suffering religious fear and trembling shouldn’t be defining what society accepts as scientific standards.
Tories should be banned from having children at all.
Could one of the lesbians just promise to once a month wear a fake beard, get drunk, and hit the kid??
Should be role model enough to balance the loving environment otherwise established by two people who really want the kid.
What do these idiots have to say about “dads” who lock their kids in a cellar for 30 years and rape them daily? What kind of “family value” is that?
These same people would have argued that some of us are “3/5ths of a person” not so long ago.
Of course, they see it so very differently…
But then again, slave traders saw it differently as well.
With divorce rates as high as they are, the idea of a “traditional family” is delusional at best. At least with lesbians, you know they actually WANT the child, which is more than you can say for some.
Nice to see someone putting the well-being of children ahead of parental selfishness and vanity.
Call me a eugenecist, but here we have a father who apparently doesn’t care about his genetic child and has abandoned him to be raised by his mother and another woman. Those are genes I would like to see eradicated.
To counter previous one-minded posts with some scientific finds from the animal world: absence of strong male figures in upbringing in many species results in extremely and uncontrollably violent and aggressive generation. Most well-known example are relocated elephants where humans intentionally brought over just females and young to the new preserve. When youth grew up they started destruction and carnage (destruction of trees for no reason and attacks on various animals, even Rhinos) never observed in regular populations.
Not all PC is scientifically valid PC.
Just wait a few million years and evolution will provide a way to achieve this progressive goal to the point where there won’t be a need to go squirting thing up a lady’s chuff and hey, you’ll get to laugh at those dumb ID’ers while you’re at it.
Yeah! Those lesbos can do a great job with raising kids because they stay in healthy relationships. Just look at Jodie Foster and her partner! They have been together for 15 yeras. Oh, I take that back. Looks like they just broke up.
Well, just because the tower of babel wasn’t a good idea, that didn’t stop them either.
Who are we to stand in the way of Progress?
I have no objection to Lesbians marrying, having children, and doing whatever they want (in the privacy of their homes), as long as I can watch. I’ll be very quiet. Can I use my cam-corder?
I think many people are missing the issue here.
Its about IVF.
Government subsidised IVF is for a couple that want a child but are **UNABLE** have one.
Generally, lesbians CAN concieve but refuse to do so.
Thats NOT what IVF is for.
Why should a government subsidise IVF for a couple who has nothing wrong with them which would prevent them from becomming pregnant other than a personal refusal to have sex the ‘regular’ way or use a turkey baster then hang upside down from a door for 15 minutes?
If they want to pay for it 100% out of their own pockets, thats fine too, but demanding the state picks up the majority of the bill is just insane!
Now for the record I’m gay and would sometime in the future like to have a kid or two, but I’m damn well not expecting to have my government pick up the tab just because I don’t want to have sex with a woman, even though I’m perfectly capable of it (I guess).
#12, If you knew more lesbians, I’m sure you would retract that demand of yours.
This is what you can expect to happen when you count on the government to pay for all of your medical care.
3 JFStan “What do these idiots have to say about “dads” who lock their kids in a cellar for 30 years and rape them daily? What kind of “family value” is that?”
Damn, well the whole father-thing almost worked. What else can we try?
I was hoping my daughters would be lesbians so I wouldn’t have to foot the bill for big weddings.
That photo is really creepy.
We wouldn’t want any fathers around cause all men are evil and to quote # 16 ““dads” who lock their kids in a cellar …”