Click image to see Cranky Geeks.

Today’s Guests:

  • Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank,
  • Om Malik, Founder,, GigaOm Network
  • Cade Metz, Internet Editor, The Register

The Topics:

  • Are a 3G iPhone and a Game Console Coming Up from Apple?
  • Another Day, Another Lawsuit for Facebook
  • Carl Icahn: Does He Have Plans for Yahoo!?
  • FBI Worries About Counterfeit Cisco Gear
  • Google Extends its Lead in Online Video–What Next?

  1. andy says:

    crankygeeks: old cranks – but all younger than john mccain!

  2. RTaylor says:

    That photo reminds me of an old movie poster of a comedy troupe, e.g. Marx Brothers, Three Stooges.

  3. tomdennis says:

    This was the crankiest show of them all. I wish the Register would pull its “skip ad” off. Every time I see it I go elsewhere. This was the crankiest show of them all.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    Great to see Om Malik back.

  5. Ima Whoresky says:

    Can’t we get Slutsky back?

  6. Cranky Dad says:



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