My trip to Korea last week provoked me to take a random walk with the camera recording the vid. Gives you a flavor of the back streets near Itaewon in Seoul, Korea.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The random walk video is a great idea. Much more interesting and informative than looking at touristy stuff. Thanks.

  2. MotaMan says:

    I imagine it would be funny to see John towering around with his camera in a crowd of Koreans.

  3. A. Curry says:

    Looks like Palisades Park, NJ.

  4. andy says:

    ok, now this is good stuff. would have loved to see it combined with zoom audio

  5. Jaydenn says:

    I really like all the street vendors and small shops thats got to be refreshing to see after walking down so many city streets in America with the same old starbucks, mcdonalds, wallgreens ect…But damn the cars driving by get close to pedestrians.

  6. The Warden says:

    John, did you find any restaurants that serve dog? If so, did you try any? WSJ just had an article about it.

  7. tdkyo says:

    John, you are a fast walker.

  8. Will says:

    I really enjoyed the year that I was stationed there when I was in the Army. The people were great and I loved walking around all the stores and little sidewalk shops they have set-up. The video brings back lots of good memories.

  9. nethawk says:

    Nice! Please keep them coming, and PLEASE watch out for traffic!

  10. Esteban says:

    That was awesome!

    I’ve never been to Korea, but that’s pretty much what I would’ve imagined it to look like.

  11. jcunwired says:

    This is great John, thanks much for sharing!

    I find it fascinating that everyone on the street seems to take no notice of you at all. I could understand if you were Japanese carrying a camera, but a big Caucasian? ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Sying Flaucer says:

    Was that going to or coming from the cathouse?

  13. gbuk says:

    I’ve noticed a lot of people call the country Korea lately, instead of South Korea.

    I enjoyed the video.

  14. qsabe says:

    Darn but since my last visit the town has grown some. Last time I was there, 1954, the tallest building in town was two story and wooden. Does Mama-san still hang on the fence and want you to swap out her MPC when they change colors?

  15. OmegaMan says:

    Wow North Korea is pretty stark and dismal! You can just see the people and their hunger for freedom.


    Thanks for giving us the Hawkeye tour…but were you with a Nurse?

  16. Someone says:

    Didn’t see any Ninjas….

  17. Miss_X2b says:

    #3 You mean Fort Lee, New Jersey…LOL!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    Where’s the videos of you with all the juicy girls?

  19. hhopper says:

    Good quality video. Is that your digital snapshot camera again?

  20. Said says:

    Add some narration next time! Maybe with the bing bubble sound effects…

  21. Said says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  22. deadpixel says:

    :D!!! i know that area… if the video would have continued they would have been on “hooker hill” ๐Ÿ˜› google it.

  23. Opus says:


    I currently live in Seoul, and I lived in that neighborhood a few years ago. I’d like to extend an invitation for you to see some of the other sites during your next visit and maybe eat some dog.

    It looks like the video was shot before 10AM as many shops were closed. But at least you started on your way up “hooker hill”. Yes, that was the last street you were on before you took a right and stopped the video. Itaewon is full of legal and illegal immigrants. You saw a few muslims, Nigerians but the Russians only come out in the evening.

  24. apeguero says:

    Yeah John. Where’s all the pictures and video of you and all of the cute Samsung and LG models? Did you see a lot of Hyundais and Kias?

  25. Matthew says:

    I love this kind of stuff. Thanks John!

  26. Hooker Hill? damn!

    Anyway it was the smallish Kodak cam that nobody would ever suspect was taking a video. And yes, I need to do more of these. I may have a couple of short ones here and there. I’ll splice them together later. This roaming-around video does give you a taste of the area in ways a formal travel report does not. Hopefully more people will do this sort of thing once they get used to the idea.

  27. nathanksimpson says:

    I’ll be headed that way soon! I guess Itaewon is the foreigner district? Where you can buy ‘Korean’ sundries to take home? Did you go to the electronics market area of Seoul? What was the purpose of your trip?

  28. shegs says:

    just so people know… itaewon is right outside an American military base so it is about as American as Seoul gets. most of the Koreans there either speak english or want to. the shops are designed for American conveniences and is the only place to get large size pants, shirts or shoes.

    where else did you go? did you go? how about insadong? it is the other very touresty place but is touted as “traditional” so that even the starbucks needs to spell their name with Korean characters

  29. shegs says:

    just so people know… itaewon is right outside an American military base so it is about as American as Seoul gets. most of the Koreans there either speak english or want to. the shops are designed for American conveniences and is the only place to get large size pants, shirts or shoes. most americans stay there for some stint of time.

    where else did you go? did you go? how about insadong? it is the other very touresty place but is touted as “traditional” so that even the starbucks needs to spell their name with Korean characters

    for the tech district goto youngsan, that is probably the one place that every korean will tell you to go if you want to buy something electronic.


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