Cobb bar protested as racist for Obama T-shirts |

Marietta tavern owner Mike Norman says the T-shirts he’s peddling, featuring cartoon chimp Curious George peeling a banana, with “Obama in ’08” scrolled underneath, are “cute.” But to a coalition of critics, the shirts are an insulting exploitation of racial stereotypes from generations past.

“It’s time to put an end to this,” said Rich Pellegrino, a Mableton resident and director of the Cobb-Cherokee Immigrant Alliance. It was among the organizations planning to gather outside Mulligan’s Bar and Grill Tuesday afternoon to protest the “racist and highly offensive” shirts. “There’s no place for these views, not in this day and age,” he said.

Just down the street from Marietta’s famous Big Chicken, Mulligan’s has carved a provocative niche in an increasingly multicultural area, thanks to its owner’s ultra-conservative political views. If you live in Marietta, it’s impossible not to know what’s on Norman’s mind, as he posts his views on signs in front of Mulligan’s.

Among his recent musings: “I wish Hillary had married OJ,” “No habla espanol — and never will” and the standard “I.N.S. Agents eat free.”

I believe it was one of Rush Limbaughs’ minions who started this nonsense, so its a case of monkey see monkey do. As tasteless as this is, we still do support free speech, right?

  1. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #93, “J”

    “Find me an Italian who is insulted by the notion that they talk using their hands, and maybe you’ll have a point.”

    It doesn’t matter if they are insulted or not. It is not true and is defined as racism.

    Wrong. I grew up with many immigrant and first generation Italians and they do talk with their hands.


    “Seems to me you are looking for quick labels so you don’t have to think about contrary ideas.”

    No he is a racist. He just picks and chooses which race.

    OK, so Mustard likes NASCAR. Big deal. And the correct term would be “race fan”.


    The orient express went through part of what was once Russia and Guess what?????? It was nowhere near China Japan or Korea. It stopped at Turkey

    The Orient Express never traveled through Russia. Starting in France, it traveled through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and into Turkey. Here, “orient” meant “the east”. China was known as the “far east”

  2. great white hope says:

    Damn whiners, you would complain if you where hung with a new rope. The racist people are the damn blacks trying to limit this guy’s right to free speech!!

  3. J says:

    “Chimps and monkeys don’t have big lips.”

    You need to learn how to read you dumb fuck I said “their intermaxillary suture region have a protrusion and large lip structure” Chimps and monkeys have an extended intermaxillary suture region and large lip structure. Just because their lips don’t look swollen doesn’t mean they don’t have large lip structures. The key word for illiterate people like you is structure. Have you ever seen how far they can open and fold up their lips? That is called lip structure You fucking dolt!

    “Sure as shit was. ”

    No surprise there. It was not even close to irony.

    “More likely, I think that you didn’t know that using the term “Eskimo” was politically incorrect. ”

    Sure did. It isn’t as derogatory as calling some one with slanty eyes Oriental though but it isn’t considered proper. See there I did it again. Lets see how long it take a dim fuck like you to see it.

    To use your argument though there are a whole bunch of Eskimos that call themselves Eskimos so I guess it is ok. Oh once again I did it. It isn’t irony what is it?

    # 122 Mr. Gawd Almighty

    “Wrong. I grew up with many immigrant and first generation Italians and they do talk with their hands. ”

    Some do but not all. I know many first generation Italians too and they don’t talk with their hands anymore than the first generation Irish, Polish, French, Spanish, and Russians I know. Fuck all people of that age that I know talk with their hands. I talk with my hands and I am not one drop Italian. So how is it an accurate descriptor of Italians.

  4. J says:

    # 122 Mr. Gawd Almighty

    “The Orient Express never traveled through Russia. Starting in France, it traveled through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and into Turkey.”
    Russia invaded and occupied Romania 13 times throughout history. One of the stops on the Orient express was Bucharest. So I guess it all depends on how you look at it. Was it called Russia. No. Was it under Russina control at any point. Yes. And yes Bucharest was under direct Russian control. So my statement was absolutly correct.

    But you missed the point. The point was that Russia was concidered part of the Orient.

    “Here, “orient” meant “the east”. China was known as the “far east”””

    Yes and the Orient Express brought you to the front door of the Orient. Which was Turkey. It later included ALL of the Asian continent and middle east. Which was my point all along.

  5. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #123, great white dope,

    The racist people are the damn blacks trying to limit this guy’s right to free speech!!

    I implore you to show us ONE post that even suggested this asswipe shouldn’t be allowed to sell his shirts or verbally say what he wants. We acknowledge he is allowed free speech, but that free speech doesn’t preclude our right to judge him on the content.

    I suggest, as you want us to, you sir are a fucking racist too. I think you relish the mantle.

    I picture you smiling behind your white sheet, as you raise your knuckle from the ground to wipe the drool hanging from your chin. The dim, half open eyes picturing some black dancing with a new rope brings a few blackened but mostly missing tooth smile. But hey, it is a new rope.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>you dumb fuck
    >>You fucking dolt!
    >>a dim fuck like you

    Wipe the spittle off your chin, son.

    >>Have you ever seen how far they can open
    >>and fold up their lips?

    Are you saying that all African-Americans can open up wide and fold up their lips??

    Sweet mother of God, who’s the racist now???

    Give it up, dude. Your political correctitude is painful just to watch.

  7. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #125, “J”

    But you missed the point. The point was that Russia was concidered [sic] part of the Orient.

    The only accurate part of your post.

    The issue is that you consider Mustard a racist. Why? Because he says Italians talk with their hands. You have devoted great passages to this theme. I don’t detect anything advancing the topic, only vitriol against Mustard. You don’t like him, fine. You are wasting a large amount of your time in your obvious, short sighted anger though. Grow up and quit acting like a Republican.

  8. bobbo says:

    #128–gawd, you say: “Grow up and quit acting like a Republican.: /// That raises quite a few interesting issues. The prime one perhaps being: can a republican even do that?

  9. J says:

    # 127 Mister Mustard

    “Are you saying that all African-Americans can open up wide and fold up their lips??”

    Not at all. Once again you can’t fucking read and attempt to confuse the issue with crazy claims.

    # 128 Mr. Gawd Almighty

    “The only accurate part of your post.”

    Really? Please point out the incorrect parts and back them up with evidence otherwise your claim is void

    I proved that your knowledge of the Orient express to be lacking so I guess your opinions on this issue don’t count for much.

    “The issue is that you consider Mustard a racist. Why?”

    Because in the past, which you may or may not be aware of, he has chosen to repeatedly make comments like. Jews are pushy and have big noses. He thinks referring to East Asians as as Orientals is just fine and a myriad of other off color and racist remarks about other peoples genealogy that is broad and incorrect at best. It is the pattern that he exhibits not individual comments. Just because he is against this shirt doesn’t absolve him of his bigotry toward other races. Do that is equivalent to saying a person of African decent who hates white people is not racist. You don’t get to make racist statement about Jews and the defend people of African decent and claim you are not a racist. It doesn’t work that way! He, like many others here and in the US, is a hidden racist. He believes his statements toward certain people are justified. Well the people that think this shirt is ok think they are justified too.

    “You are wasting a large amount of your time in your obvious, short sighted anger though.”

    Please define how my anger is short sighted.

    “Grow up and quit acting like a Republican.”

    I am far from a Republican.

    I am sure you like many others here, bobbo, turd, and pedro for example, will avoid answering any of my questions because they put you on the spot about you claims and you don’t have any evidence to back them up. Take a look they do it all the time. They make a claim about someone and then when confronted to show evidence they swiftly ignore or avoid ever giving proof of their claim.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Do that is equivalent to saying a person of
    >>African decent who hates white people is not
    >>racist. You don’t get to make racist statement
    >>about Jews and the defend people of African
    >>decent and claim you are not a racist.

    Learn how to read, “J”.

    I don’t hate Jews, I just said they’re pushy. You know, like you say blacks’ (or “people of African decent [sic], for the pathologically politically correct) “intermaxillary suture region have a protrusion and large lip structure”.

    So either we’re both racist, or neither one of us is.

    Now. Wipe the spittle off your chin, and do something useful.

  11. J says:

    # 131 Mister Mustard

    “Learn how to read, “J”. don’t hate Jews, I just said they’re pushy. ”

    Perhaps you should take your own advice. I never said you “hated Jews”. I said you made racist statement about them. Saying that Jews are pushy is a racist comment. Wake the fuck up!!!

    “You know, like you say blacks’ (or “people of African decent [sic], for the pathologically politically correct) “intermaxillary suture region have a protrusion and large lip structure”.”

    You can’t see the difference can you? First off in my statement I don’t imply that all or most people of African descent have such features. I in no way claimed it was true or accurate either. You however have. I was also taking the third person perspective. I was describing the features that Racists like you use to justify their calling “black” people monkeys, chimps or gorillas. You really need to take a basic reading comprehension class chief.

    “So either we’re both racist, or neither one of us is.”

    LOL yeah I bet it makes you feel better knowing that other share your views. Doesn’t chage a thing.

    “decent [sic], ”

    The true sign you have lost the argument! You comment on my spelling. If I went back and pointed out everyone of your spelling mistakes I would crash this blog with the length of the post. But none the less Thank you.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I never said you “hated Jews”.

    What you said (and this is a quote) was

    [to] Do that is equivalent to saying a person of African decent who hates white people is not racist.

    So you obviously think that saying a group of people talks with their hands or is pushy is EQUIVALENT to someone hating a racial or ethnic group. And I guess that McCullough’s comment that the Irish like to drink (and can hold their liquor) is an example of self-racism. Sheesh, how can you even live with all those tender sensibilities?

    >>The true sign you have lost the argument!
    >>You comment on my spelling.

    Naw, “J”, there have been many instances where I haven’t commented on your spelling. It’s just that I have to keep copy ‘n’ pasting your comment into my message, as you seem to forget what you’ve said (or deny it), and I didn’t want folks to think that I was re-typing it and didn’t know how to spell “descent”.

    Now quit being so pushy, “J”.

  13. J says:

    # 133 Turd

    “So you obviously think that saying a group of people talks with their hands or is pushy is EQUIVALENT”

    Yes equivalent not exact! Get a dictionary! I stand by my statement I never said “you hated Jews” and taking my comments out of context doesn’t change that. You however still are a racist and I have shown the proof of that. Defending “blacks” does not change that. You sound like the person that says “He is one of the good ones.” as to separate one particular person or race from the others that you make racist comment about.

    You always want to jump to the Italian comment because it is without question the mildest form of your bigotry. Nice try though

    “Naw, “J”, there have been many instances where I haven’t commented on your spelling. ”

    Likewise. Do you want to get into a pissing contest about that because you will look foolish. I have noticed numerous spelling and grammar errors on you part too. This is a blog and it is bad form to comment on others spelling and grammar because of the nature of a blog. It is most times, the sign of a losing argument.

    “It’s just that I have to keep copy ‘n’ pasting your comment into my message, as you seem to forget what you’ve said (or deny it), ”

    Oh you mean like this “saying a group of people talks with their hands or is pushy is EQUIVALENT”

    Which I never said!!!! That is your wording not mine.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Oh you mean like this “saying a group of people
    >>talks with their hands or is pushy is
    >>Which I never said!!!! That is your wording not

    You never said it? Your high blood pressure must be affecting your memory, son. What you said was:

    Just because he is against this shirt doesn’t absolve him of his bigotry toward other races. Do that is equivalent (my emphasis) to saying a person of African decent who hates white people is not racist. You don’t get to make racist statement about Jews and the defend people of African decent and claim you are not a racist.

    And, as you know, the only “racist” statement I’ve ever made about Jews was that, overall, they’re pushy. It’s hard to argue that point.

    >>You always want to jump to the Italian
    >>comment because it is without question
    >>the mildest form of your bigotry.

    So you still maintain that saying Italians talk with their hands is a “form of bigotry”? Good lord, boy. You need a shrink.

  15. J says:

    “You never said it? Your high blood pressure must be affecting your memory, son. What you said was:’

    Can you read? Do you know what equivalent means? You can reword or quote anything you want it doesn’t change the fact that I never said you hated Jews. You wan to sidetrack on this issue because you have no weight in the real one. That is that you are a racist and use racist speech.

    You claimed that I said “you hated Jews” I did not! You want to chase rainbows in an attempt to show proof of your claim fine with me. Too bad for you there is no gold at the end of that rainbow.

    “And, as you know, the only “racist” statement I’ve ever made about Jews was that, overall, they’re pushy. ”

    Sure ignore the fact that there is no evidence to justify that inaccurate belief. You also said they have big noses which is also not accurate. But alas Jews are not the only group you have made racist statements about

    “It’s hard to argue that point.”

    Not really I just did and proved you wrong.

    “So you still maintain that saying Italians talk with their hands is a “form of bigotry”? ”

    Yes it is. Is it as bad as saying Jews are pushy or have big noses? Probably not but that depend on who you ask. Anytime you make sweeping and overall inaccurate, un-provable generalizations and base it on a groups genealogy it is racist. Italians talking with their hands, not all do, has very little to do with the fact that they are Italian. It is a common behavior across many cultures and races and periods of time. It in no way describes all or even a majority of Italians.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Not really I just did and proved you wrong.

    Actually, you proved me right.

    Good night, Gracie.

  17. J says:

    # 137 Turd

    “Actually, you proved me right.”

    No. You said “And, as you know, the only “racist” statement I’ve ever made about Jews was that, overall, they’re pushy. ”

    I proved you wrong because you also said “they have big noses.” Not only that but you are now changing what you said by adding in things like “overall”. Sorry that doesn’t cushion the statement. In fact it makes it worse if when you think about it because it singles out that particular personality trait and places it above all others in importance. Are you and pedro in the same English as a second language class?

    You really see the world through some funky glasses there Turd.

  18. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #130, “J”,

    Really? Please point out the incorrect parts and back them up with evidence otherwise your claim is void

    I proved that your knowledge of the Orient express to be lacking so I guess your opinions on this issue don’t count for much.
    You did? here is a map of the various Orient Express routes. In post #109 you wrote

    The orient express went through part of what was once Russia
    As you can see from the map, it doesn’t go through Russia. It didn’t even go through the Ukraine or Belarus.

    In post #109 you wrote,
    it was racist and incorrect. Not all Orientals had slanty eyes and not all people with slanty eyes are Orientals.

    Well, the “Orient” is a proper place so it should be capitalized. Also, it came about meaning those in the near east.
    Initially, the “Orient” referred primarily to the cultures and countries of what are now considered the Middle East. (It should be obvious that the Three Kings of the Orient in Christianity were NOT Japanese Shoguns/rulers, Chinese Emperors, etc.) This particularly included regions that used to be known as Persia, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, and Egypt.

    the same article also contains:
    Controversy surrounds connotations of the term in American English. (See also American and British English differences.) According to Abdurrahman R. Squires, “politically correct terms have taken the place of the word ‘Orientalism'”.[2]

    While a number of reference works used in the United States describe Oriental as pejorative, antiquated or offensive in some instances, the American Heritage Book of English Usage notes that
    It is worth remembering, though, that Oriental is not an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. It is most objectionable in contemporary contexts and when used as a noun, as in “the appointment of an Oriental to head the commission”. In these cases Asian (or a more specific term such as Vietnamese, Korean, or Asian American, if appropriate) is the only acceptable term. But in certain historical contexts, or when its exotic connotations are integral to the topic, Oriental remains a useful term.[3]

    And your own little “racist” tidbit.

    And it was racist and incorrect. Not all Orientals had slanty eyes and not all people with slanty eyes are Orientals.

    Orientals and people from the far east do not have “slanty eyes”. The correct explanation is that they have extra fat above their eyes called the epicanthic fold that appears to make their eyes slanted.

    I could go on with other errors you made but due to length I’ll cut this short. I will finish with this bit, if Mustard is a racist, so are you.

  19. J says:

    # 140 Mr. Gawd Almighty

    “As you can see from the map, it doesn’t go through Russia. It didn’t even go through the Ukraine or Belarus. ”

    Did you read what I wrote? It went through Bucharest which was occupied by Russia as was a large portion of the East side of Romania.

    “Initially, the “Orient” referred primarily to the cultures and countries of what are now considered the Middle East”

    Yeah……..???? I SAID THAT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!

    “And your own little “racist” tidbit.”


    “The correct explanation is that they have extra fat above their eyes called the epicanthic fold that appears to make their eyes slanted.”

    Dude you need to catch up or give up. Mister Mustard and I have already gone over all of this. I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO SAID THEY HAD SLANTY EYES IT WAS MISTER MUSTURD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS USING HIS WORDS SO HE WOULD RELATE!!!!!!!!

    Before thinking you have proof you should probably know more about the topic than what you can find on Wikipedia!!! At the least you should read what the argument is about and understand what everyone position is!!!

    Dude you are positing stuff that don’t contradict what I said but instead backs it up!

    “I could go on with other errors you made but due to length I’ll cut this short. ”

    You didn’t prove me wrong on anything yet! So any so called errors you want to point out please next time make sure you have proof. The only thing you proved was that you can’t read because I already pointed out to you that Bucharest and many other parts of Romania were occupied by the Russian Empire.

  20. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:


    Sometimes when people are in denial, they will deny and try to refute everything that does not agree with their position. YOU asked for any of your claims to be refuted. I did just that.

    You made the claim that the Orient Express traveled through Russia. It didn’t and your knowledge of Russia is extremely poor. It also traveled through Austria when that country was occupied by American troops. By your analogy that would suggest it also traveled through the US.

    Your other error is in referring to “orientals” as “slanty eyed people”. That was in direct answer to Mustard, not a quote.

    In short, I don’t really give a rat’s ass. If, however, you insist on calling Mustard out every time you come across him on this board, then make sure you are clean your self.

    Yes, we all err at times. Many times it is a spelling or grammar error that can change the whole sense of one’s point. Other times it might be something said too quickly that can’t be retracted. Please keep that in mind.

  21. J says:

    # 142 Mr. Gawd Almighty

    “YOU asked for any of your claims to be refuted. I did just that. ”

    No I asked they be refuted with facts or evidence. YOU DID NOTHING OF THE KIND!!!

    “You made the claim that the Orient Express traveled through Russia. It didn’t and your knowledge of Russia is extremely poor. It also traveled through Austria when that country was occupied by American troops. ”

    Hey dumbass!! Reading a little bit off of Wikipedia doesn’t mean you have knowledge. Your “knowledge” is the one that is lacking. Bucharest Romania wasn’t just occupied by Russia it was under direct control of the Russian Empire. So was most of Moldavia and Wallachia. That is over half of the fucking country under direct control of the Russian Empire. Call it an annex or what ever you want. It was still Russia. Peter the Great was in charge!!!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!!

    Stop reading Wikipedia and thinking you “understand” what you are talking about!!!!!

    “Your other error is in referring to “orientals” as “slanty eyed people”. That was in direct answer to Mustard, not a quote”

    How fucking dense are you????? I WAS USING HIS WORDS!!!! HE IS THE ONE THAT CALLED THEM SLANTY EYES!!! So I forgot to put it in quotes. Big fucking deal. I expect anyone who is going to comment doesn’t go off half cocked, like you, and has read the entire exchange. Apparently you have not!! Besides I am part Chinese why in the fucking world would I refer to myself as slanty eyes unless it was to regurgitate the statement of someone else in contempt?????

    “If, however, you insist on calling Mustard out every time you come across him on this board, then make sure you are clean your self.”

    I am clean you dolt. However so may be Mustard as someone has been impersonating him here on the board and he may not be responsible for what he said.

    Once again you have shown evidence of nothing except your own ignorance. Keep trying!!!!

  22. RBG says:

    I think I’m beginning to understand how wars start.


  23. Jack says:

    No surprising that you’re trying to pin this on Rush Limbaugh. He had NOTHING to do with this.

    And other than the copyright infringement, it’s still free speech. Isn’t it the speech you don’t like that has to be protected?? That’s WHY it’s protected.

    And just because of you people, I’m going over there and support the guy and buy some tee shirts.


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