• HP going to buy EDS for $13.2 billion (or whatever) to compete with IBM.
  • Sales of Office for Mac highest in 20 years.
  • Dubious stories.
  • Earthlink bails out on the Philadelphia citywide WiFi. This is a disaster.
  • In Europe, complaining about Office not using open doc formats.
  • AMD loses two more top AMD guys.
  • Sat delivers 1.2 Gbps. Yow!

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  1. structured settlement annuity says:

    So, now HP is running the same race as IBM.

  2. ArianeB says:

    Tempe Arizona was one of the first cities in the country to get citywide wi-fi. It got shut down in January due to lack of subscribers.

    Is there any city where municipal wi-fi is a success?

  3. PD says:

    Mac Office sales are high?

    Probably due to increased mac sales, as some windows users switch.


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