Can you judge her credibility?
We’ve written previously about Ginnah Muhammad, who refused to remove her veil in court and had her case dismissed. She then sued the judge and now that case has been dismissed.

Associated Press – May 13, 2008:

A federal judge in Detroit has dismissed the case of a Muslim woman who sued a judge for demanding she remove her veil in court.

The judge ruled Monday against Ginnnah (ZHIN’-nuh) Muhammad’s claims that her rights to freedom of religion and court access were violated.

Judge Paul Paruk (per-ROOK) requested she remove her veil during a 2006 hearing in the town of Hamtramck (ham-TRA’-mick). She was contesting a $3,000 charge from a rental-car company to repair a vehicle she said thieves had broken into.

Paruk told her he needed to see her face to judge her truthfulness and gave her a choice: Take off the veil or have the case dismissed. She kept it on and sued the judge last year alleging he violated her religious and civil rights.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Freedom of religion means you get to believe whatever dumb-ass malarky your parents drilled into you.

    Citizenship means you take off your stupid veil in court.

    These definitions are not that hard to understand.

  2. malloy says:

    I thought we were fighting them over there so that we won’t have to fight them here….

  3. Achmed says:

    All of you infidels take note! We are coming for you, and you better get used to our sense of fashion!!

  4. George says:

    What is it with all these religious freaks and their weird dark ages outfits. Look as the polygamists from Texas.

  5. apeguero says:

    I only hope common sense keeps prevailing in these cases and that the rule of law is not ridiculed and intimidated by incompatible traditions. I respect their religion but somehow, they must understand that in order to live here with us, you need to show your face in many situations, including while in court and while taking your Driver’s License picture. One would think right?

  6. scottelsdon says:

    Ninja’s Ninja’s everywhere

  7. Mohemadenas says:

    Still can’t decide which one looks more kitsch, the Ninja or the turkish virginity/I-Love-Allah ‘veil’. One thing is for sure: the next couple of years the center of fashion will move from Milan to Ancara or Tehran! Enjoy the view while you still can boys!

  8. apeguero says:

    Oh, and some questions to the possible Muslims or Middle Easterners, or even people knowledgeable of the region reading this: do women there have to remove their Burkha in court? Do they have to remove their Burkha to take driver’s license picture or Military ID card or Government ID card? Two out of my questions, I’m sure, don’t apply since I don’t think they can drive or be in the Military but I’m curious about the rest.

  9. Ron Larson says:

    In the countries where woman have to wear a veil, the issue of taking it off in court is a non issue because they aren’t allowed in court in the first place. A woman’s testimony is worth half of that of a man’s. She is not allowed out of the house without her male guardian. No male judge in such a country would never listen to her in the first place. Isn’t that convenient?

  10. apeguero says:

    So if that’s the case then, should we allow the women to practice their religion to the fullest but in turn we take away all of the rights she’s gained when she came to this country? No driving rights, no admittance in court, basically, they can’t leave their house at all without their male guardian? Also, is this woman really from the Middle East? Or is she, more than likely, a convert?

  11. judge judges says:

    The judge isn’t that good at judging then as the persons voice and body language is still visible as well as the eyes, window to the soul. At least she was free to decide for herself to practice her religion, never being forced by ANYONE to remove her veil, and also not burned at the stake. That in itself is worth forfeiting the $3 grand.

  12. say kai lee says:

    Oh, and I’m sure the “court system” in umma-gumma-land (or wherever she is from) would stone a woman to death for NOT wearing a veil – with no questions asked.

    There is a saying, maybe you’ve heard of it, starts like this “when in Rome…”. The whole religious freedom thing is a big can-o-worms, if you invent your own religion – why not make stopping at red lights against your beliefs?

    The point is, if you wanna live here, you should abide by our laws and rules of conduct. If she really WANTS to wear her veil, why not do it in a country where she would be stoned to death for forgetting. Oh, that’s right, thats the regime she was fleeing to begin with.

    Remember, dress white, and make your flight!


  13. Said says:

    Trick or treat!

  14. Esteban says:

    What’s with the phonetic pronunciations in this article? This isn’t kindergarten.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #10 – apeguero – Or is she, more than likely, a convert?

    She converted when she was ten. And as for the subject… good move by the court.

  16. natefrog says:

    Agreed, good decisions by the court.

  17. gregallen says:

    >> apeguero said, on May 13th, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    >> Oh, and some questions to the possible Muslims or Middle Easterners, or even people knowledgeable of the region reading this: do women there have to remove their Burkha in court?

    I’ve lived in a couple of Muslim countries and visited more.

    There is no single rule. Some Muslim countries like Turkey (and previously Egypt) see headscarves and veils as a political statement — rather than religious.

    Covering up the women is clearly not a universal requirement of Islam — it represents a narrow conservative movement within Islam.

    In the countries where women are required to be covered-up all the time, women don’t usually fully participate in society. They don’t drive, don’t go out un-escorted, don’t serve in the military, etc.

  18. bobbo says:

    Anybody here think a judge should be able to disbelieve anyone’s testimony because of their facial expressions?

    Just an excuse to get rid of a stupid case as quickly as possible.

    As usual when addressing our legal system: “You are all out of order!”

  19. BooshTukka says:

    I’m quite shocked by the intolerance displayed here. Does no-one even see her point? You have a free country, and she is free to practise her religion, and she chooses to. I understand efforts ought to be made to conform, but I can at least see why she is upset. If she believes so strongly she shouldn’t remove it, that is worthy of respect. Perhaps she could remove it in such a way that the judge is her only audience. Small steps.

    I’ve read in this thread “stupid veil”, “religious freaks”, “umma-gumma land”… I find it very sad.

  20. HMeyers says:

    @9 “A woman’s testimony is worth half of that of a man’s.”

    The judge should tell her she can wear the veil, but remind the court that a Muslim woman’s testimony is only worth half of a man’s.

    Because she should adhere to her religious beliefs!

  21. trekrich says:

    I thought a hijab was not part of there religion anyway? So if the court rules are you show your face, thats what you have to do UNLUCKY!

  22. Stinker says:

    ummmm #11… In case you just graduated from kindergarten, the lady was in court to get back $3,000 !

    She disrespected the court, and is too full of herself to figure it out.

    If that was worth $3K, then what was she doing there in the first place?

    She (and you) need to fish or cut bait!

  23. apeguero says:

    Thanks #15 Jägermeister.

    I somehow suspected that the woman was a convert. I also suspect the woman was born and raised here as I highly doubt a woman from a region in the Middle East that follows that religion enough to wear the veil would place herself in that situation. If they can’t participate in society then the chances of them being in trouble enough to go to court are severely diminished. In other words, this self-centered, egotistical bimbo is trying to grandstand and is probably instead making a jack-ass out herself!

    The day when women are allowed to appear in court with their face covered by a Religious veil, or take a driver’s license picture wearing a veil, will be the day that I buy myself a veil too and switch religions then go around committing all kinds of criminal acts wearing that veil. I’ll be the founder of the Veil religion where the Veil all-mighty rules. No one will be able to make me remove my veil for whatever reason because of freedom of religion. And I’ll have people like Ginnnah Muhammad to thank.

    Oh, and #17, Turkey is a secular state, that much I know. Women can wear whatever they want there.

  24. Ben says:

    @9 “A woman’s testimony is worth half of that of a man’s.”

    That is not true. A woman’s testimony is worth one third of a man’s according to the Koran.

    That being said… Does she want the case tried under the Koran or should she take off the veil and try the case according to the law here.

    BTW, I have seen some women who should wear veils, but not for religious reasons.

  25. ck says:

    Am I missing something here or isn’t the symbol of court justice (aka Lady Justice) blindfolded, indicating that those who are brought before the court will be judged only on facts and not other factors such as appearance, clothes, etc? If someone wears a suit vs another person is too poor to own nice clothes does that make them more or less truthful? Why does a judge have to see her face? Why are the facts of the case not enough?

    Hulk Hogan recently was allowed to wear his head bandanna covering half is head in court, what you wear should be trivial as long as you are not breaking decency laws.

  26. bobbo says:

    #24–ck==yes you are missing the point. Judges think they can judge credibility of evidence offered to the court by reading the face. A tick or nostril flare is all an insightful judge needs to see to discount everything you say. CASE DISMISSED.

    Thinking about it, I think testimony can’t just be disbelieved==someone else has to actually disagree so that the “facts” are in dispute? Then the wisdom of the judge can be applied. Note–never make faces at, or stick out your tongue at, any judge.

  27. Jopa says:

    PUT HER IN JAIL!!!!!!!!!
    SHE’S GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!

  28. LtJackboot says:

    -# 3 Achmed said, on May 13th, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    All of you infidels take note! We are coming for you, and you better get used to our sense of fashion!!-
    I hope you’re kidding , if not fuck you, fuck you hard, fuck you twice, fuck you in the ear.

  29. Pyro says:

    What the hell is wrong with all of you? So she is diffrent, so what? and if you think she should have had to take of the veil, fine, whatever, its your opinion, but u dont have to be such arseholes about it! and if you think she shouldnt have had to, same deal, jeez how OLD are you people? if you cant play nice, go crawl into a hole somewere….

  30. pyro says:

    Especially ‘Jopa’, u sick shit.


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