Too bad this can’t be made a national requirement for all police, sheriffs, etc. At least the push is from a former cop.

N.Y. Senator Pushes For Cameras On Cop Handguns

In a flash, a police officer draws a handgun from its holster. Less than two seconds later, a red laser and bright light shine at whatever is in the gun barrel’s path while a mini-camera records it all.

That’s how mini-cams on police handguns would work under a proposal gaining support in New York, which would be the first state in the nation to require the technology. State police were briefed on the technology and are reviewing it for a possible pilot program, said Michael Balboni, the state’s deputy secretary for public safety.

The device could create a critical visual and audio record of police shootings for use in court, said state Sen. Eric Adams, a Brooklyn Democrat and former police officer. He is drumming up support for testing the cameras with the state police SWAT squad.

Adams said recordings from the $695 cameras couldn’t be altered by a police officer and would quell many questions after controversial police shootings, like the deaths in New York City of Amadou Diallo in 1999 and Sean Bell in 2006.

  1. Alex says:

    When stations around the country made installing cameras on patrol cars a necessity, it was a good step towards culling the wheat from the chaff when it came to good v. bad police work. Good cops were protected because they could show they’ve done nothing wrong; bad cops obviously would have their indiscretions on film.

    Guns on cameras could accomplish much of the same thing. Obviously, they wouldn’t deter all police misbehavior (cameras on nightsticks?), but it would certainly help to clarify the story when it comes to police officers drawing their guns.

    (Contrary to popular belief, they *aren’t* supposed to draw their guns at every tiny opportunity.)

  2. Geoffrey says:

    “Cops make up for it by beating people senseless with their flashlight. The blunt instrument is still the most effective to conceal abuse.” — some guy

    Nah, Waterboarding has you beat dude. Not a mark. That’s why the finest of the finest use waterboarding in Gitmo and Abu G. To protect the PRESIDENT! A man has to take his work seriously when he is protecting George Bush from harm. No messing aroud with rubber hoses and flashlights.

    Cold air and water and noise and isolation torture FTW!!!

  3. natefrog says:

    #30, Michael;

    Thanks for playing, now go back to your Faux News and Rush Limbaugh.

  4. Michael says:

    #34 –

    Why would you assume I’m a Rush or FN fan? I think Rush Limbaugh is a pompous windbag and Fox News is a tragedy in the world of journalism. I dislike both.

    I’m also not a Republican; nor am I a Democrat. No group or organization can tell me how to think and what to believe. I think for myself. Because of that I’m also willing to change my opinion if I see I’m wrong. I also don’t attack others on a ten year old level.

    Remember what your mommy said about assuming? Might be good to consider that before spouting nonsense again.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Remember what your mommy said about assuming?

    I thought it was Felix Unger who said that.

  6. bobbo says:

    #35–mike==you do seem to step in it and rather than step out and clean up, you get out your silver spoon.

    You say: “I also don’t attack others on a ten year old level” and then talk about advice from your mommy? ? ???????


    About as logical and mature as too many of your postings. Would that we could see ourselves as others do.

  7. Michael says:

    bobbo –

    I was referring to others who post simply to belittle others by calling names, using foul language, and resorting to acting like a child.

    I’m sorry I didn’t specify where my sarcasm began and ended. I’ll try again:

    Remember what your mommy said about assuming? Might be good to consider that before spouting nonsense again.

    Does that help?

  8. natefrog says:


    I don’t care what you think.

    Your posts show you’re ignorant and refuse to analyze the topic regardless of ample evidence to the counter your opinion.

    Therefore, I really don’t give a rat’s ass what you think.

  9. Michael says:

    natefrog –

    You must care to some degree otherwise you would have never responded directly to my post. It’s ok to disagree. I never claim to be the one with all the answers. But calling me names doesn’t help either. Argument is one thing; tantrums are another.

  10. natefrog says:


    Main Entry:
    14th century

    1 a: destitute of knowledge or education ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence

    2: unaware, uninformed

  11. Michael says:

    natefrog –

    Great self description – top points to you for realizing it.

  12. natefrog says:

    You criticize me for “calling [you] names” but retaliate likewise?


    Your position on police power abuse shows a great deal of ignorance. Just search for “police” on this website and you’ll see how many stories there are; it seems to be weekly.

    Until you prove otherwise, “ignorant” isn’t “calling [you] names”, it’s an accurate description.

  13. bobbo says:

    #40–Michael==what “answers” are you referring to?

    Try this for being relevant==do you think requiring police to use gun cameras is a good idea or not?==and why? Any other better ideas?

  14. Michael says:

    bobbo –

    From my earlier post in this thread (#16):

    “I actually think it’s a good idea in theory. However, like someone stated before, the video recorded will only present a *very* short portion of an event. It lacks any context. But hey – got to start somewhere I suppose. Just look how much the dashboard camera has helped both the police and the public. Same idea I think.”

  15. Hemp4Life says:

    This is B/S. everyone knows Pigs Tase people to death. “Non Lethal Weapons” are so trendy these days.

  16. Li says:

    I think that a camera attached to their vest would be both more useful, in that it would give more context to the situation, and less tactically cumbersome. I don’t see how a five second video of someone being shot would be either exculpatory or damning in most circumstances.

  17. bobbo says:

    #45–Michael==right you are. Sorry I missed your later posting==goes to show we should always start with our strongest argument?

  18. B. Ware says:

    In New Jersey legal owners of handguns had the so-called “Smart Gun” legislation shoved down their throats, – a technology that DOES NOT EVEN EXIST, – and the police here DID NOTHING to oppose it, and some even ENDORSED IT. The development of this hogwash has been a rat hole for tens of millions of taxpayer’s dollars FOR OVER “TWENTY” YEARS! No matter. The NJ legislature gave it to its sponsor, Senator Loretta Weinberg, because quote: “She has sponsored it for seven consecutive years,” and for no other reason that would have countered “the facts” as presented by people knowledgeable of the technological impossibility of the developing and implementing such a fools errand.

    The irony here is that ‘that’ legislation had its genises in an effort to thwart police from getting shot with their own guns by perps who had gained possession of it , – a common tragic incidence in police work.


    However, because as poster #6 has pointed out, “this will go nowhere,” as the majority of today’s morons, commonly called “the People,” have abdicated the responsibility of fending for themselves to police and subsequently the police weild all the power in legislature common to a “police state” that, for all intents and purposes, now exists in America.

  19. blow me pigs says:

    What’s the difference in another camera? Pigs are so stupid, they’ll commit a crime right in front of a camera. Someone who wants to be a pig hates themselves and tries to make up for it by commiting police brutality,state sanctioned murder or they will lie through the teeth on the report. Any MF pig who does any of these needs to be a cellmate with bubba. Maybe after they get it up the ass a few hundred times, maybe they’ll change their ways. I’ll say it again, pigs are psychos with guns who will murder you or your family and then lie about it. There’s a special place in hell for cops. Burn you bastards, you deserve it.


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