Mr. and Mrs. President

First, President Nicolas Sarkozy’s party accused Agence France-Presse of “censorship” for not publishing one of its press releases. Ten days later, the government suggested that the news agency create a service dedicated to publishing press releases…

The UMP, as Sarkozy’s party is known, has issued four additional statements accusing AFP of “censoring the statements of our movement.” And last Wednesday, Sarkozy himself joined the fray.

At a reception for center-right lawmakers, the president accused the press of being lenient on the opposition…

Still, he has some loyal allies: In this week’s edition of Paris Match, Sarkozy is on the front page with his wife, Carla.

The first lady was allowed to pick the photographs and write the captions for the article, according to a journalist at the magazine, who declined to be identified. In one of those captions, she described herself as the president’s “ray of sunlight.”

Well. Finally, Europols are learning that The Press should be managed on the American model.

  1. Said says:

    Mrs. President, how YOU doin?

  2. JPV says:

    Yeah well, that’s what happens when you vote a Zionist in as President in your country.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    Any time a politician complains about bias in the media, it’s just one set of rich people, who are currently in power complaining about another set of rich people, who are currently not in power.

    It doesn’t have anything at all to do with the rest of us. We’re just the brainwashees.

  4. bobbo says:

    Yea, complaining about lack of free propaganda services and calling it censorship. I wonder if the word/concept has the same meaning in France as it does the USA=====restricted to something the government does?

    Also, I thought the French rightly took pride in its web/iphone based services? I assume the statement is on the governments website AND if they wanted to, they could spam every account in France with their vital spew of the day? Or maybe they’re too busy eating snails?

  5. Eideard says:

    With a little garlic butter and fines herbs, a nice little treat.

  6. bobbo says:

    #5–very true. And as with all carefully crafted sauces, get it right, and you can’t even tell what you are supposed to be eating.

    The magic of french cuisine, and perfume as well?

  7. the answer says:

    With a first lady like that, I bet the French are doing all right overall.

  8. mike cannali says:

    Has the first lady considered Hustler Mag as an official outlet?

  9. gmknobl says:

    “on the American model?” Not the current, corporate magnate model. That’s just totally slanted and frequently censoring. You must mean the old model that existed before the neocon movement started up way back in the ’60s or so.

  10. stopher2475 says:

    It’s good to be the king.

  11. hhopper says:

    Yeah, she’s not bad… not bad at all.

  12. floyd says:

    Last I heard, there was no rule in the US, France, or any other democracy/republic requiring press releases to be printed in newspapers. If it’s news, they print it. Otherwise the press release is used to wrap fish or line a kitty box.

    One exception (in the US anyway): government legal notices, which are usually buried in the want ads.

  13. Esteban says:

    This is another reason to support Obama, though if I had to pick a president based on the hotness of the first lady, I’m afraid I’d have to go with Dennis Kucinich.

  14. ZIllik says:

    Nicolas Sarkozy is the best President we had since Mitterrand. No surprise americans hate him.


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