Washington Post – May 12, 2008:

With her campaign falling ever deeper into debt, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton spent a rainy Mother’s Day seeking votes ahead of Tuesday’s primary here, turning a deaf ear to calls for her to leave a Democratic presidential contest she has little hope of winning.

Clinton aides continued to insist that she will remain in the race even while confirming that she is $20 million in debt. “The voters are going to decide this,” senior adviser Howard Wolfson said on “Fox News Sunday,” acknowledging the $20 million figure. “There is no reason for her not to continue this process.” Wolfson said he has seen “no evidence of her interest” in pursuing the second-place spot on the Democratic ticket, contrary to rumors that she is staying in the race to leverage a bid for the vice presidential nomination.

  1. Dallas says:

    I wish Hillary well but now I’m ready to put up Obama signs.

    Seems to me that now that the delegate count is in his favor, it’s time to take down the old man on the GOP side.

    We need to come together to beat the GOP fascist party and save our future.

  2. julieb says:

    I’m starting to associate Hillary with Karl Rove like tactics. She might as well be working for McCain.

    I think her stubbornness will hurt her in 2012 when she tries again.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 – We need to come together to beat the GOP fascist party and save our future.

    While you won’t find me EVER voting Republican, the GOP isn’t fascist… That’s just George and his neocon bedfellows. Real conservatives tend to protect privacy and individual freedom.

    #2 – I think her stubbornness will hurt her in 2012 when she tries again.

    Do you really think she’ll be able to beat President Obama in 2012? I mean especially after he cures cancer, hunger, and poverty then ensuring world peace for all time… and manages to invent cold fusion to boot?

  4. BillM says:

    you just discovered that the Clinton’s are two of the the most ruthless pols in history? It’s fashionable to ring your hands and blame every problem in the world on Rove but don’t think for a minute that there isn’t anything these two maniacs wouldn’t do to get back in the White House.

  5. Eric says:

    Conservatives are smiling through grinding teeth on the apparent demise of the Clinton campaign. While they’re ecstatic to see Clinton going down in flames, but they’re wishing that she could still pull out the Democratic nomination so it can be a Republican who could deal the fatal blow to her career and then they could claim the White House in the process.

    They must secretly be thanking Clinton, however, for testing out some of the tactics they might use to defeat Obama and showing what works and what backfires.

    While the democratic process should be encouraged in its entirety, there comes a point to which the infighting starts to help the other party, not by dividing the party but by giving the other side a tactical playbook with successes and failures.

    Every failed attack from the Clinton campaign right now only benefits the GOP.

    By going negative on her own party she’s essentially trading votes in the primary for votes in the general election.

  6. Sai Kai Lee says:

    If she is $20 Million in debt before getting into power, just THINK of what she could do IN power….

  7. RBG says:

    Think of all the savings in time, money, efforts, in-fighting; and the equality amongst states that would be realized if the primaries could be held simultaneously.

    And what kind of screwed-up system can have Republicans voting for Hillary to subvert the whole process?

    Not to mention the ridiculous, crony-ist, anti-democratic notion of a “super-delegate.”


  8. SN says:

    “Not to mention the ridiculous, crony-ist, anti-democratic notion of a “super-delegate.””

    All people are equal. Some people are more equal.

  9. Improbus says:

    Why would any Democrat wanter her as VP? She can’t manage money and she is a corruption/scandal magnet. If Obama is stupid enough to have her as VP I hope he watches his back because Hillary will be looking for a way to put a knife in it.

  10. GregA says:

    Boy I sure wish someone would ask Obama how much he is planning to raise taxes, because he is proposing 680 billion in new spending, that on top the of the 400 billion dollar deficit (iraq is only 100 billion a year) So are we gonna see a trillion dollar tax increase?

  11. ECA says:

    How many MILLION$ to pay for a job that NETS you <3million in a 4 year term??

    Dont this sound suspicious??

    Benefit of BUYING A JOB in the gov??

  12. The Warden says:

    the debt will be repaid by the Chicoms and Saudis that are still indebted to Clinton for selling out the United States, especially the Chicoms.

    I also think Bill has some of that Mena, Ark cocaine money still left over as well as the tainted plasma money from the blood sold to Canada.

  13. Stinker says:

    Hey, maybe she’ll go for a cabinet seat! 🙂

  14. gquaglia says:

    This is what happens when someone who thinks its their destiny to be President comes face to face with reality. We saw the same thing in 2000 with Al Gore.

  15. MikeN says:

    That $20 million debt, most of it is owed to HILLARY CLINTON!

  16. MikeN says:

    I guess now she is getting an understanding of how Social Security works.

  17. MikeN says:

    #1 the Democrats are the heirs of the fascists, going back all the way to Woodrow Wilson and the Progressives.

  18. MikeN says:

    Why should she drop out? We have Obama firing advisers left and right, and he hasn’t gotten the 2209 delegates he needs to win a majority. He only has 1875 so far, so 150 to get 2025, and 334 more if you include Florida and Michigan.

  19. HMeyers says:

    MikeN, why don’t you start writing letters to McCain asking him if he’ll take her on as VP. 😉

  20. Ah_Yea says:

    At least she’ll get the consolation prize of knowing that she prevented Obama from becoming president as well.

  21. HMeyers says:

    @#20 ..

    I have you seen the map of the states that John Kerry won in 2004. I mean this in the most respectful possible way, but serious it was joke.

    Let me finish …

    With those handful of dark blue states, John Kerry had like 250 electoral votes.

    All Obama has to do is pick Ted Strickland as a VP and it’s a absolute lock.

    Electoral votes are so concentrated in the Northeast and the West Coast that all a Democratic candidate has to do is win Ohio.

    Those that believe Obama has no shot of winning due to the “blue-collar white vote” haven’t looked at the map.

  22. Pmitchell says:

    operations chaos continues…….

  23. MikeN says:

    #21, Pennsylvania was closer than Ohio. All McCain needs to do is flip one state, and he can still afford to lose Ohio.

  24. RBG says:

    And all Obama needs to do for a landslide is convince us all that, never mind how, everthing is going to be radically different and just swell.



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