The 2008 Sichuan earthquake shook Wenchuan County, Sichuan province of the People’s Republic of China at 14:28:04 local time (06:28:04 GMT). It had a magnitude of 7.8 Mw according to the State Seismological Bureau of China and United States Geological Survey. The earthquake was felt as far away as Beijing and Shanghai, where office buildings swayed with the impact and Vietnam capital Hanoi.The closest major city from the earthquake’s epicenter is Chengdu.

The epicenter was at 31.084°N, 103.267°E, in Wenchuan County, Ngawa Prefecture, 90 km northwest of Chengdu, Sichuan, China, with its main tremor so far occurring at 14:28:04 local time (06:28:04 am GMT) on Monday 12 May 2008. Early reports of the earthquake’s Richter scale magnitude ranged from 7.6 to 8.0. Five major aftershocks ranging in magnitude from 4.0 to 6.0 were recorded within two hours of the main tremor.

Office workers in Chengdu reported a “continuous shaking for about two or three minutes”, with many people rushing outside.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    I really feel bad for these people. Regular joes just trying to get through the day.

    It also reminds me of how much I appreciate California building codes.

  2. Chris Mac says:


  3. Mister Mustard says:

    I wonder what “booji booji booji” means.

    [You don’t want to know, MM. – ed.]

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Ill bet it Chinese for “bend over and kiss your ass goodbye!”

  5. The Warden says:

    Where is the video of Long Duck Dong falling off the top bunk?

  6. Eideard says:

    Chinese TV, this morning, reporting over 11,000 confirmed dead. Even sadder, best guess is over 18,000 still trapped in rubble.

    No telecom, usable roads or rail near the epicenter. There are a couple of small towns and villages where no one’s has even been able to report out on the devastation.

  7. bobbo says:

    One of the Faux Newsbabes asked an on scene witness how she knew it was an earthquake.

    The answer was “The ground was shaking.”

    You could not get eyewitness news reports like that from Uncle Walter.

  8. sea says:

    “booji booji booji”means “Don’t worry”.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Watching chinese die and suffer is legit porn for Republicans.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    It saddens my heart to see so many people die. 🙁

  11. John Wan says:

    Thanks anybody who to show consideration for us . It’s really terrible .I’m a undergradate Le Shan city of Si Chuan province in Chiana.I readed book on 5 fifth on library when the earthquake happened. I had feld powerful qucke ““Just begaung I don’t know what was happened. Even I don’t thought is earthquake.Maybe it was second time felt it.The first is last summer vacation when I stay at Le Shan ,but just less than 3.2
    So nothing was destroyed.
    5.12 maybe I cann’t forget it forever.““
    everybody live in terror of quake “`any a little aftershock let us afraid ““
    Whatever I hope anything will be well.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – John Wan

    I hope the people who lost near and dear ones will be able to put their lives together again. It’s an incredible loss of lives… latest number is 13,000… in comparison, it would be like if over 2,900 people died in the US… that’s more than the death toll on September 11 (of course, different types of event, but just to put it into perspective).

  13. Springroll says:

    California building code? Are you serious? What did happen to the last big earthquake in CA? A whole stretch of the freeway and bridge collapse on top of each other. Do you remember? Numerous fires in San Francisco.

    Americans should learn from the Chinese’s response to this earthquake. It was quick and well organize. They even had paratroopers jumping in remote locations because the roads were inaccessible. Can we say the same for Hurricane Katrina? And we saw that coming for days before it happen. FEMA, what a joke that was.

  14. Ahmet SERT says:

    We are sad.

  15. twentysixtwo says:

    My heart goes out to all those losing loved ones in this tragedy.

    One thing to note – Chinese building codes are certainly not up to par with the latest California codes, but bear in mind that the Northridge Quake and the Loma Prieta quakes were less than a TENTH the magnitude of this quake.

  16. Nervous says:

    I just want to extend my sympathies to the victims loved ones. My tears are with you and my prayers for quick recovery for those that are trapped.


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