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Dallas police met a Southwest Airlines plane at Dallas Love Field on Monday after flight staff reported that a passenger refused to stop using his mobile phone during the flight. Joe David Jones, 50, was cited for disorderly conduct, Dallas police said. The incident occurred during a Southwest flight from Austin to Dallas. “After multiple requests, the flight attendants were not successful in getting the passenger to get off the phone,” said Southwest spokeswoman Brandy King. According to a Dallas police report, flight attendants had asked Mr. Jones to turn off his cell phone and he responded with, “Kiss my —.” When asked again, he stated, “Kiss my —. Not happening,” the report said.
He remained on the phone for about 20 minutes. The pilot radioed the incident to the Love Field tower and Dallas police were notified. Officers met Mr. Jones at the gate and he continued to “exhibit disorderly conduct,” police said. He remained on the phone for about 20 minutes. The pilot radioed the incident to the Love Field tower and Dallas police were notified. Officers met Mr. Jones at the gate and he continued to “exhibit disorderly conduct,” police said. Federal Aviation Administration regulations prohibit any use of mobile phones except when the aircraft is on the ground. Ms. King said airlines can be fined up to $25,000 if they permit mobile phone usage during a flight, and individuals also can face fines.
Austin to Dallas is what, a 30 minute flight? But I’m sure it was an “important” call.
Bravo! I bet that twerp will be a bit more quiet on his return flight.
Let him take a bus next time.
What’s going to happen when calls are allowed on some flights and not others?
Aside from the fact everyone with an H2 Zoom recorder is going to have a field day.
I’ve got to get the domain name flightcalls.com for all the inflight recordings I gather.
Asshole meet Karma.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
everyone has seen these a–holes in the wild. some people never learn to function like an adult. take bill o’reilly for example.
Interesting – he was using a cell phone during the flight – and the plane did not crash, and the pilot was able to navigate properly.
Hmm. Maybe FAA regulations against cell phone use are not necessary.
On the other hand, he was clearly an asshole. Send him to Gitmo.
7 chuck. I believe there are some changes coming with respect to cell phone use on aircraft. Like confining no-use to take-offs & landings or some such thing. Engineering tests have demonstrated that there is a remote possibility, under certain circumstances, for cell phones to interfere with sensitive navigation equipment. You ok with that?
I think Chuck #7 takes the idea of freedom a little too far. I love recording these self-absorbed yackers going on and on about whatever needs to be ventilated from their compressed little brains while we are sitting on the plane waiting to leave. Playing it back about fifteen minutes into the flight always get a laugh, sometimes a round of applause and calls for an encore.
How can you maintain a 20 min connection with a cellphone while up in the air? I can hardy keep connected for 5 min in my car here in LA.
#14 If Karma is not available would settle for Brandy??
Ah, just when we were planning for a terrorist attack by carrying 30 mobile phones on the airplane and making all of them to call each other. Now Chuck #7 says FAA is planning to change the rules so that anybody could bring down a jetliner. What’s going on here, are we terrorists being screwd again, who do we sue?
Connie caught in a tail shot. Damn, what a smooth ride, with all of the amenities!
>>Mister Musturd said
Hey, shouldn’t you be doing your homework, instead of sneaking into dvorak dot org slash blog and posting under other people’s names, little guy?
Fucking juvenile delinquents.
“Kiss my hyphen”
that’s the price for being an asshole.
Arrested for talking… You guys can all go rah rah for jackbooted authority but a flying waitress is hardly an electronics engineer, and anyone who still believes a cell phone can scuttle a jet is delusional.
It’s a bus with wings, and considering how bad the service has been getting, I think its high time passengers flipped a collective bird at the airlines. I don’t mind the ticket price. I understand the ticket price. What I don’t get is why you would treat passengers like they were the 4th runner up hog from a 4-H competition.
This guy had a phone call to make and that no one is dead is proof enough he didn’t need to hang up the phone.
Now, a scene from the pilot episode of The West Wing – Just because I loved that show…
The shades are drawn and many of the passengers are sleeping, except TOBY ZIEGLER,
who is busy typing on his laptop.
We ask at this time that you turn off all electronic devices, stow your tray tables
and return your setbacks to the full and upright position. We will be landing
shortly at Washington-Dulles Airport.
[approaches Toby] Sir, I need you to turn off your computer.
I’m just about done.
I need you to turn off your laptop, sir. It interferes with our navigational systems.
You know when you guys say that, it sounds ridiculous to most people, right?
Another Flight Attendant approaches.
Mr. Ziegler? A message was just patched up to the cockpit for you. I’m not sure
I’ve got it right. POTUS in a bicycle accident?
[stops typing and looks up] You got it right. [reaches for his cell phone]
You can’t use your phone until we land, sir.
We’re flying in a Lockheed eagle series L-1011. It came off the line 20 months ago
and carries a Sim-5 Transponder tracking system. Are you telling me I can still
flummox this thing with something I bought at Radio Shack?
You can call when we land, sir.
[calling as she walks away] Also, I never got my peanuts.
#17–OFTLO==rarely are you so irrelevantly objectively WRONG. Often wrong, often irrelevant, but usually not both and objectively so.
I have long doubted that electronic devices (such as my Sony Walkman) had any affect on aircraft operation. I used to play my walkman in the cockpit and never saw any instrument give an affected reading. 100 feet back in the cargo/cattle area—I doubt it.
So, you are correct. The FAA regulations are woefully out of date. But that’s not the issue. Our flying hostesses, or hostitutes as some know them, are following mandatory FAA regulations. Don’t like the rules??? Fine. Turn off your phone and write your congressman.
Your post is just another in the series of you confusing a desire to act as you might like alone, with being a member of society. Just recall, without society, there would be no airplanes for you to bitch about on your cell phone—but then, there wouldn’t be cell phones either.
Flaming hypocrite to be so self centered and present it as a freedom issue. It not.
#18 – There are people who will follow the lemmings over the cliff and people who won’t. I’m not anti-authoritarian for the fuck of it. I’m anti-authoritarian because authority is only authoritarian for the fuck of it. I believe governments needs a compelling reason to govern my behavior, and very rarely do they.
If I am right, and I am, then the FAA needs to back down. And unless my congressmen is a pilot and expert on electronic flight navigation and communication systems, then there is no reason to bother him.
My point is, to all government agencies, if I am not hurting anyone, then get off my back.
#19–OFTLO==Is that a shovel I see in your hand? Yes, that is a big “if” you are digging your hole deeper with. The science of electromagnetic interference is always maturing. It is better to err on the side of safety (no phones except on the ground) until the evidence is overwhelming, then insufferable self important loud mouth privacy invading boors such as the idiot in this story can demonstrate their impatience and lack of civility–under whatever guise they wish to call it.
Oh–and their hangers on and want to be’s as well.
I am most decidedly with OFTLO here… and genuinely disdainful of the sheep all around us who willingly trot along before their political shepherds because it easier than thinking.
As for cellphones, I keep mine off until I need it. I think of it as a lariat (or a leash) and much prefer the end without the loop.
#21 – 22 – That’s the funny thing… I don’t care about the phone. I rarely talk on mine in public. In fact, I rarely talk on mine.
On a crowded plane, I wouldn’t want to use my phone… but I don’t make the assumption that they guy who is talking on a cell phone is a self-important blowhard… for all I know he may be giving lifesaving information to an fellow cardiologist called in on an emergency operation… but who cares… ain’t my business.
What ruffles my feathers is being ordered around by self proclaimed self important authorities who I know are lying to my face.
Want my cooperation? Ask for it kindly. If I ask why, tell me honestly. And since I am the people and the government is my bitch who fills the potholes, IF I feel the state’s need is at least as compelling as mine, I’ll concede.
In this cell phone question, it isn’t. There is no reason what so ever that cell phones need to be turned off. None. Its a lie that they’ve just been perpetuating so long now that they can’t afford to take it back.
Well, they don’t have to take it back. They just need to shut up and SERVE the people instead of bullying the people.
Bobbo… Your problem is that you’ve been trained to wear a collar and chain so well that you can’t seem to operate without one. If there weren’t lines painted on the floor, you’d have to stand still and call out for help. But I am here to tell you that if you just focus, and take short steps, little acts of rebellion, small doses, then one day you’ll be able to function self sufficiently, without the reassuring crack of master’s whip on your back.
#23–OFTLO==I have no doubt the world would be a better place if every rule made had an exception for you and other similarly minded free lance self actualized personalities.
But the world doesn’t work that way and for each one of you, there is a plane load of other douche bags that think they too have good reason to plug in their electronic devices because they cant sit still for 4-6-8 hours and be comfortable reading magazines, books, or be amused by the inflight movies.
It might even be that FAA requires each passenger to received the before takeoff safety briefing. Heard it before OFTLO==yes, another exception for you, and then another conversation with every other passenger who doesn’t want to be treated any differently from you, even though this is their first flight and they want to plug in their expresso maker because they have a right to coffee their way and everyone else can wear their collars of conformity.
All freedoms have limits. Adults recognize that simple fact. Children still have to learn it.
#24 – It’s good thing you are typing to me. If you wanted to say you’d have to ask your nanny state for permission to remove the ball gag.
Obviously, I meant talk rather than say… 🙁
17oflo. Here’s a complete study by a few ieee experts, professors, astronaut. I debated including this in view of the powerful character from The West Wing.
Try not to think of the following next time the pilot is performing a GPS approach in pea soup. But they didn’t cause an accident, so how accurate does a GPS need to be anyway?
“In March 2004, acting on a number of reports from general aviation pilots that Samsung SPH-N300 cellphones had caused their GPS receivers to lose satellite lock, NASA issued a technical memorandum that described emissions from this popular phone. It reported that there were emissions in the GPS band capable of causing interference. Disturbingly, though, they were low enough to comply with FCC emissions standards.”
In one telling incident, a flight crew stated that a 30-degree navigation error was immediately corrected after a passenger turned off a DVD player and that the error reoccurred when the curious crew asked the passenger to switch the player on again.
At present, we believe that passenger use of electronics on board commercial aircraft should continue to be limited and that passengers should not be allowed to operate intentionally radiating devices such as cellphones and wireless computer equipment during critical stages of flight.”