Alta Blind Bowler Rolls 300 : The Storm Lake Times : Top Story — I have trouble believing this story, but I suppose that it could happen. It will annoy all the good bowlers who have never managed this feat (including myself). |
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A perfect game. The most difficult achievement a bowler can accomplish. It’s even more impressive when a blind World War II veteran does it.
That was the scene at Saturday evening’s All-League Playoffs at Century Lanes in Alta. Dale Davis, just three months from his 79th birthday, his sight stolen years ago by macular degeneration, rolled 12 consecutive strikes in front of an enthusiastic and supportive crowd. The effort was the first-ever 300 game at Century.
“It was quite a thrill,” Davis said of the achievement. “When I got to the tenth frame, I said ‘Lord, let me throw three more good balls.’ When I did, people on other teams were yelling and cheering. A few guys were hugging me and almost broke my skinny bones.”
Found by Al Cole.
This proves that bowling ain’t that hard to play.
What? That’s impossible! How would he know where to throw it? Half the time, shouldn’t he be throwing it at random people?
He’s legally blind, but can see a bit, his friends help ‘aim’ him, and he can tell a lot by the sound of the ball.
Nothing unbelievable or impossible about it.
I used to bowl in a league … got to see two people throw 300 games. 90% of bowling is good muscle memory – being able to consistently deliver the ball the same way every time. I first heard about this on NPR and they said he just barely see the ball. I might be wrong, but I want to say blind bowlers are allowed to have someone guide them to their starting mark use a beeper at the pinsetter to get them “aligned”.
I completely believe this is possible and my hats off to the fellow. I never got above 218.
Maybe he couldn’t develop the bad habit of aiming at the pins and is force to use the triangles.
Imagine that all public golf courses had tube-shaped fairways and funnel-shaped greens, with the hole in the middle. Bowling has effectively done just that with the oil patterns allowed on league lanes. You have to throw it well enough, but if you do you will be rewarded. Thing is, you don’t have to throw it nearly as well as my dad needed to. The joke among real good bowlers is that even Stevie Wonder could average 200.
There were more than 20,000 sanctioned 300’s shot this past season. Anyone can be real lucky on a given day and shoot 300…averaging 266.4 for a three-game series is far less common. The hard part is nerves on the 11th and 12th balls.
-I had a 300 and a 299 this past season. High series: 778.
Oops, make that 266.66. See what automatic scorers have done to us? We can’t add anymore. 🙂
The funny thing is that he still has problems pissing all over the seat and floor.
Blind but he can still see.
…Or so they told him. He also thinks he climbed Mt Everest and went to the moon.
Where is that Obama I’ll murder him!
Leagly blind is a lot different than blind. Leagly blind is 20-200 corrected.
I am 20-600 without my glasses, and I bet I could put the ball down the center of the lane. With glases I am 20-20, henceforth not “leagly blind”. That term only applies when your vision can’t be corrected to better than 20-200.
I have never broke 210 bowling, so I still think its great of him to do that, but I think it is misleading to say “blind man bowls 300”
Hmm… seems to me I’ve heard something like this before. If you have an infinite number of blind men in tacky polyester slacks…. well you get the picture!
I thought that was an infinite number of rednecks with an infinite number of shotguns in front of an infinite number of roadsigns will eventualy produce all of Shakespeare’w works in braile!
I’ve thrown a couple 300 games. Too bad they tore down the only bowling alley here in town.
Not many bowling posts round here so… lets keep it that way 😉