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Taking the Piss

In homes, apartments, and shanties throughout Buenos Aires, thousands of graying women joyfully pee into plastic containers at all hours of the day.

It isn’t exactly the picture postcard image that Argentina’s Secretariat of Tourism wants spread around the globe.

Gauchos, mountain peaks, tango, Patagonia, steak – now that’s the stuff of travel brochures.

Yet at any given moment, there are thousands more 65-year-old matrons holding a piece of Tupperware between sagging thighs – silently praying that their hand is steady and aim direct – than tight-assed 20-year-olds twirling the Tango.

  1. god says:

    Cripes! Can I find a customer for my farts?

  2. Jeroen says:

    so what do the people that buy this piss do with it?
    i know that a couple of hundred years ago workers in textile-factories in the netherlands collected their pee, the company used it to bleach the wool. people from tilburg are still called ‘kruike-zeikers’ (jug-pissers).
    or do they use it to make perfume, like they use horse-piss.

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: Did you read the article? It tells you pretty clearly.

  4. grog says:

    now you know what to do with an old broad who full of piss and vinegar.


  5. julieb says:

    The link is down.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>The link is down.

    Is not.

  7. julieb says:

    Cool thanks, MM.

    I guess they rebooted the server or something.

  8. JoaoPT says:

    Isn’t it odd they we’re ruled by our genes? Millions of abandoned children of war all around the world, and still people spend millions to have offspring.

  9. JoaoPT says:

    they=that (fat chubby fingers)

  10. KarmaBaby says:

    Soylent Yellow?

  11. GigG says:

    Yes it was in TFA but good editing would have given us a hint in the post.

  12. chE says:

    Sir, after reading your latest post these words came to my mind:
    yellow journalism
    What’s wrong this time? Perhaps your empire don’t agree with latest initiatives of our government? Too bad…
    Only wish Commandante Che Guevara was sstill with us.


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