Americans going to play golf.

Los Angeles Times

Well, you can’t say the feds aren’t getting serious about border enforcement. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is about to “deport” an entire U.S. business. Plans for the fence the feds are building along the Texas/Mexican border will slice the Fort Brown Memorial Golf Course in Brownsville off from the rest of the U.S., locating it onto the Mexican side.

KNX Newsradio has the story:

Audio clip courtesy KNX Newsradio 10.70

Found by ECA.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Thanks, xenophobes. Another laughable fuck-up in the virtually endless list of fuck-ups perpetrated by this “administration”.

  2. JPV says:

    WOW! That’s one huge golfer!

  3. JPV says:

    “Americans gong to play golf.”


    [Oops… fixed. – ed.]

  4. JimR says:

    10th hole par 400.

  5. andy says:

    i’m guessing the minute men won’t be joining the country club

  6. Somebody_Else says:

    One of these days we’re just going to have to purchase/annex northern Mexico. It’s the best solution in the long run, and it would probably be cheaper than building up a massive border defense network.

  7. Esteban says:

    #6. We already did that 150 years ago. That’s the whole problem.

  8. Bob says:

    A better question would be, why a golf course that caters to American golfers is in Mexico to begin with?

    Probably has something to do with cheap taxes, and cheap labor, so you will have to excuse me when I don’t shed any tears of sympathy.

    And this so called “crack down” on the border is a joke and everyone knows it, its not nearly enough, and as soon as the elections are over it will all go back to the way it was, no matter who wins.

  9. Bob says:

    Bah, my fault didn’t read the entire article (should always click though), and jumped (no leaped) to a conclusion. Not sure what to say on this. On one hand, a read fence is needed, on the other I really don’t like the feds violating individuals property rights

  10. ArianeB says:

    The border fence is a joke, a waste of billions of tax dollars and private property violations all over the place.

    There are even treaty violations involved as the Tohono O’odham reservation extends into Mexico, and the tribe was given free reign to cross the border as part of the Treaty of Hidalgo.

    Not to mention the potential loss of species as this fence will block migration patterns of endangered animals.


    I have lived along the border for years, I know the terrain, its a waste of time and money.

  11. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #10, It is more humane than landmines and machine gun posts.

    Have you a better suggestion?

  12. jbenson2 says:

    #10 said “I have lived along the border for years, I know the terrain, its a waste of time and money.”

    Ah, the open border zealots never cease to amaze me. I probably would say the same thing if I lived on the Mexican side. Let the gringos take care of my medical and education costs.

  13. ECA says:

    good points..
    remind these folks WHy the USA use’s OIL..

    the corps tell you also…”ITS CHEAP.”
    So cheap that they are making $2-3 per gallon PROFIT..
    The profit for Mexico manufacturing is ABOUT the same. 100-1000 TIMES the makers COSTS..

  14. MikeN says:

    Yeah but 51 foot ladders cost money, and it takes time to climb and descend 50 feet, making it easier to get caught. Adding these costs of time and money and risk reduces the illegal population.

  15. Mr Diesel says:

    #13 arianeb – Don’t forget that the democraps want those illegal aliens voting for them. MAybe in Chicago where you don’t need to be a citizen, or have a pulse for that matter.

  16. grog says:

    this fence won’t work and if you think it will, you must be pretty stupid.

    a fence 1000’s of miles long, and that’s going to stop illegal immigration?

    wtf are you smoking? and where can i buy some?

  17. Raff says:

    Hey Grog…

    Ever heard of the great wall of china?

    Its been keeping people out/in for well over a millennium.

    I will admit that a wall and a fence aren’t quite the same thing… but still…

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ever heard of the great wall of china?
    >>Its been keeping people out/in for well over
    >>a millennium.

    Uh, the Great Wall of China is 15 – 25 feet high. It may keep out horse-drawn cannons and cripples, but any beaner worth his burrito could scale that thing in a Noo Yawk Minute.

    Walls may have been a great idea in 200 BC, but in this day and age, that sort of physical barrier is nothing more than a joke.

    The Mexican wall is nothing more than pandering to racists, bigots, xenophobes, and morons. And I’m sure Dumbya’s buddies are profiting somewhere along the way. Why else would we undertake such a stupid-assed project??

  19. bobbo says:

    #17-#18==Grog is absolutely right, as is Raff.

    A wall/fence alone won’t do it. It has to be “manned” with people able to defend it. THEN it can work.

    So–a fence, aggressive border patrol, no catch and release, national ID Card, employer penalties, and a declining USA economy could reverse the flow of workers in very short time. Then we could lease the fence to Mexico so they could keep us from going south.

    The ebb and flow of history.

  20. MikeN says:

    If the fence won’t do anything, then why are Mexico and the illegals objecting?

  21. MikeN says:

    The Palestinians objected to Israel’s defense wall because it was working.

    A border fence would certainly make things harder.

    I could argue that Best Buy’s security wrappers on their DVDs don’t stop crime.

    However, we both know that if they weren’t on there, they would be out more DVDs.
    Because of the fence and other security measures, some more people will be caught, and some people won’t even try.


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