477a.jpg Correspondent Bill Reising caught this gas price sign in San Mateo, CA. If you see the first $5 buck a gallon sign we want to see it! Then on to $6 and $7 and $8!! Send in your sign pics!

  1. bobbo says:

    This article kinda puts the hydrogen solution in doubt. I’ve seen this hinted at before, but this article directly says (in essence) it is NO SOLUTION.


  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Federal Tax Rate 42.3%

    Uh, the effective federal tax rate for Exxon-Mobil is 34%.


    And you forgot to factor in the $17,000,000,000.00 in tax breaks for the oil and gas industry allowable under the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

  3. MikeN says:

    I don’t see how people can say the falling dollar has nothing to do with gas prices. If I was selling something to you in exchange for Mark McGwire baseball cards, I would definitely demand more once people found out he was on steroids.

  4. #60 – MikeN,

    It’s not only about getting the results 10 years from now. It’s that the supply of oil in the entire ANWR would only be enough oil for 6-12 months.

    We need to get off the oil, not find the last few drops.

  5. JimR says:

    MikeN. You buy a lot of your oil from Canada. When out dollar was worth 60% of yours, your gas was 25% cheaper than ours. Now our dollars are at par and your gas is still 25% cheaper. Why is that?

    Prices for essentials are set to whatever they can squeeze from you without making you bankrupt. That’s the economic formula that keeps you in your place.

    Now excuse me while scratch for cracked corn and buckshot.

    MS, “We need to get off the oil, not find the last few drops.”
    …Nice daydream, but the day we’re off oil is when the last few drops are gone. Anything else is an impossibility… well unless the human race is all but wiped off the planet of course.

  6. 44 mpg (in the US0 by 2010 says:

    There is a way to begin to disconnect from “world market oil prices”!

    Currently, the US is paying about $600 BILLION/YEAR … JUST for IMPORTED OIL!

    IF … only 30% of US vehicles averaged between 42 and 58 mpg(US) combined average …


    * oil imports would be reduced 30%

    * there would be a 30% surplus oil refining capacity

    * $200 BILLION/YEAR would be “dumped” into the domestic economy

    * generating up to 2 MILLION “new” jobs

    * those “new” jobs & commerce would result in about $200 BILLION/YEAR in “new” tax revenues (State & Federal)

    * those “new” tax revenues provide an opportunity for a “pre-funded” REDUCTION in income taxes at a rate of about $700 per person per year

    * the user of one of these high mpg vehicles would potentially be saving 500 to 700 gallons of fuel per year (regardless what a gallon of fuel costs)

    The BIG QUESTION is DO those 42 to 58 mpg machines exist?

    The answer is YES! Ford and GM/Vauxhall have 72 vehicles TODAY in Europe that are rated between 42 and 58 mpg(US)[50 and 68 mpg(Imperial)] combined cycle.

    How about an Astra that gets 47 mpg? Would that get your attention? Or a family/upscale vehicle like the Ford Mondeo that is rated 44 mpg(US)?

    Obviously, with greater/wider acceptance and use of these (and future improved) very high mpg vehicles becomes … the GREATER the reduction in oil imports … resulting in even GREATER ECONOMIC energy being pumped into the US economy!

    The consumer (those that want to) can help make this happen by simply postponing vehicle purchase until the desired high mpg machine is available.

    The citizens (and non citizens alike) can petition Congress for QUICK … SERIOUS … ACTION to MAKE VERY HIGH MPG VEHICLES AVAILABLE … to THOSE … THAT NEED/WANT THEM!

    Of course these type of machines are not for just everyone!

  7. 44 mpg (in the US) by 2010 says:

    By the way, I forgot to mention that Ford and Vauxhall have a reasonably good collection of vans, trucks, and Minibuses with fuel economies ranging from 25 to 40 mpg for those that might be interested.

    Vehicles like the Ford Tourneo Connect or the Transit Tourneo … maybe the GM/Vauxhall Combo, Movano, or Vivaro.

    Unfortunately I do not have the link to Ford.

    For what it is worth …


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