477a.jpg Correspondent Bill Reising caught this gas price sign in San Mateo, CA. If you see the first $5 buck a gallon sign we want to see it! Then on to $6 and $7 and $8!! Send in your sign pics!

  1. Mr Diesel says:

    #31 gquaglia – So what? Do you rag on John Edwards for his huge McMansion? No, just pick on the easy targets that suit you at the time.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Do you rag on John Edwards for his
    >>huge McMansion?

    John Edwards is an ass for having a house like that (as are Bill Gates, Al Gore, etc.). At least he didn’t nickname it “Xanadu”, like Billy did for his 50,000 sq/ft castle.

    But none of them are making $40,000,000,000.00 record profits by gouging America, like Exxon-Mobil is. If they had been putting some of that 40 bil back into developing alternative energy sources (which they could make money off of also) instead of lining the pockets of Dick Cheney’s Secret Energy Cabal, maybe we wouldn’t be in this pickle.

  3. grog says:


    oil exists in a finite quantity and when it’s gone that’s it, it’s over, bye-bye, and if you think the days of cheap gasoline are ever coming back then there is no way around it — you are stupid.

    wake up.

    besides, you have no right to cheap gasoline, you’re just a spoiled brat

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    #33 Mister Mus’tard – Thank you for that gifted bit a pablum.

  5. gquaglia says:

    #36. What oil company do you work for?

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Thank you for that gifted bit a pablum.

    I think you’ve been sniffing your own fumes too long, Diesel. If you disagree with something I’ve said, stand up; be a MAN! Say what it is.

    Otherwise, your comments are nothing more than petroleum-soaked taunts at about the level of “nanee nanee boo boo”.

  7. Mr Diesel says:

    Mus’tard, I have said it in another post that you are nothing more than a mouthpiece for moveon.org and it is obvious to everyone here.

    gquaglia – I work for no one. In a way I am the epitome of being a democrat. I sit home watching Springer living off the taxes of others.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>you are nothing more than a
    >>mouthpiece for moveon.org

    blah blah. blah blah blah. i’m rubber, you’re glue. whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

    if you’ve got anything stubstantive to say, be a MAN! stand up and SAY IT. otherwise, STFU. you’re boring me.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    I know I’m a dickhead but what you?

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    I know I’m a dickhead but what are you?

  11. Mr Diesel says:

    #40 MM – Actually, after reading a lot of your posts lately it seems like blah blah blah pertains to you more than me.

    You should change you name to Mister MoveOn as it would be more accurate and appropriate.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #43 – Snnnnnoooooooore.

    #41, #42 – Christ, are you in 3rd grade, or 4th? Posting under somebody else’s name has got to be the most juvenile thing I’ve seen here on DU. And I’ve seen a number of juvenile things. The editors should look up your IP address and reveal you for the pantywaisted little pre-puber that you really are.

  13. MikeN says:

    Well at least a few leftists are willing to admit that they support the higher gas prices.

  14. Jamie says:

    So if it’ll take $5 in the US to get people thinking about smaller cars and electric vehicles, will it take $10 to get more people to ride bikes?

    Then again, I never bike to work, I have a recumbent trike.

    Our city is having a “Bike to Work” week. Great idea. Human-power is a very “renewable resource.”

  15. chuck says:

    #8 “Bear in mind that the dollar hast lost 44% of it’s value since the year 2000.”

    – true, but that means my salary in adjusted dollars is also 44% less.

  16. #26 – Mister Mustard,

    I really want to disagree with you very badly. Unfortunately, I can’t. You’re 100% correct.

    One point though, you may want to stop feeding the troll.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – This is great!! I really mean that. Look around … SUV sales are down … small car sales are up. This is what it takes to make that happen. It’s a good thing. Let’s hope the candidates stop the stupid gas tax holiday thing and start moving us in the right direction, higher CAFE standards, electric vehicles, and the rest.

    Thanks for spending my money.

    You live in New York, which makes you one of the lucky 10 million who can use things like feet and trains and cabs.

    I live in Indiana. If I don’t drive, I don’t eat. I bought the mini-van I have when I did because I needed storage capacity and gas was under 2 dollars a gallon and because I didn’t want to be the asshole in the SUV.

    I cannot afford to take on a new car payment, so I am stuck with keeping this car… which frankly, I need to keep.

    The economy is crashing down around us, our jobs are vanishing, our incomes are on a downhill slide, and rents and mortgages are climbing like Edmund Hillary… not to mention gas prices have doubled in 2 years (thus accounting for record earnings)…

    But liberals (of whom I am one) are happy because we’ll “learn” to drive less.

    Dear fellow liberals. Quit fucking teaching me. Do you think I am out joyriding with the windows down and the air on all over the country’s many desolate back roads? Even when gas was reasonable, I never passed up an opportunity to park and not drive. I don’t need a parent looking out for me.

    Cars in the midwest are like water to fish, cell phones to housewifes, crosses to clansmen… WE NEED CARS… and those of us who actually work (that is not the wealthy bastards that exploit us) are particularly vulnerable to this kind of price gouging… and I am flat out of sacrifices to make.

    So no Scott… it isn’t a good thing…

    I agree we need to ween ourself off the Saudi tit… I agree cafe standards are too low… cars are too big… Americans are too whatever… but I’m pretty fucking tired of being in the tax brackets that pays for everyone else’s greed and decadence.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #39 – Mus’tard, I have said it in another post that you are nothing more than a mouthpiece for moveon.org and it is obvious to everyone here.

    I am actually the one who would be more likely to be a mouthpiece for a fine political action group like moveon.org, and Mustard, while delightfully liberal (and thus smarter than most) isn’t quite the moveon type…

    Of course, to slack-jaws like you, everyone with a normal forehead looks the same.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mustard, while delightfully liberal (and
    >>thus smarter than most) isn’t quite the
    >>moveon type…

    I hate to disappoint you, OFTLO (and provide additional cannon fodder for the FIlthy One), but I am actually a member (albeit a dormant one at the moment) of moveon.org. I’ve contributed money, signed their petitions, supported their causes, and even went to one of their fine pro-Kerry rallies at the courthouse in downtown Minneapolis.

    BTW, I used to live in Indiana too, and I feel your pain with respect to the cars and gas prices. But short of upping the prices for gas to the point where the silent majority stop buying gas guzzlers and get out the bike and walking shoes, how do you suggest we wean ourselves off of the Saudi tit? With the tentacles Dick Cheney and his Secret Energy Cabal have embedded in our society and economy, they’re sure as fuck not going to lead the way.

  20. #49 – OFTLO,

    Point made. We need the higher prices. However, we need them to be because we’ve increased taxes on gasoline and reduced the rest of our tax bill. That would leave the amount paid, on average, more or less the same. When it goes to ExxonMobil, we all lose.

    Unfortunately, we, as a nation, have been all too happy for all too long to give huge sums of money to ExxonMobil. The current ream job we’re getting is just an extreme case of the same thing we were getting before. Had we done the right thing in 1973 … or 1981 … or 2001, things would be very different right now.

    So, yes, as Bill Clinton might say, “I feel your pain.”* And Yet, there was never a way around it. The signs were all there. And we as a nation ignored them. This was 100% foreseeable. Gasoline around the world was 2-4 times our prices and we ignored the signs. Do you see a way that this country was going to wake up without this?

    It’s painful.

    What was your plan to avoid this pain? Get the word our and have people buy more fuel efficient cars beforehand? That didn’t work. End oil subsidies and start putting the money into renewable energy and more fuel efficient vehicles? That didn’t work. What’s the alternative to our current situation? How could it have been otherwise in this nation of sheeple led by corporate America. Even now, we press on with our war for oil despite the lies that put us there which are now apparent to anyone with at least a tenth of a brain and despite the complete and utter lack of return on investment.

    What was our way around this?

    Perhaps we just haven’t been preying hard enough for a better resolution.

    * Dang!! I really wanted to post a link to an onion article with the title, “New President Feels Nation’s Pain, Breasts” but only have it in a physical book. I can’t find it online.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Perhaps we just haven’t been preying hard
    >>enough for a better resolution.

    Hey, knock it off with the God-bashing, Scottie. Unless you really meant “prey” (and not “pray”), and were suggesting that we go out like predators on the hunt for a better solution.

  22. bobbo says:

    #52–Bush had the last clear opportunity to save the USA after 9/11. Fuel independence should have been part of the “war on terror.” Instead, WOT was just a smoke screen/justification/FUD for one final round of corporate theft before our entire country goes into the wastebin of history.

    As you say—-it was all right there, and still is.

  23. #53 – Mister Mustard,

    I do make typos once in a while. I’m pretty careful though most of the time. In this case, I meant prey. It was more of a reference to our war for oil than to religiosity, probably about 90% to 10%. So, a hint of religion for the hint of religion I think is behind W starting Armageddon. Mostly though, it was a reference to the war for oil. I suspect profit was the larger part of the mind set in this case than getting caught up in the rupture, probably about 90/10 there too.

    #54 – bobbo,

    …before our entire country goes into the wastebin of history.

    It may not just be our country this time. The way we’re going, with a conservative forecast of a billion climate refugees by 2050, it sure looks global to me. The decline and fall of the Holy American Empire may be the last such fall for our species.

  24. Bil says:

    This was ‘self serve’ and located just South of SF on the Peninsula in a Metropolitan area. Not in the middle of nowhere.

    There were no cars getting gas there however… The prices all around this station were within 2c.

    I don’t drive much anymore. And never fly anywhere.
    The internet is the greatest gas saver ever invented..

    I did own two horses once… they were a lot of fun. and seemed to enjoy getting out on the road! ha!

  25. Les says:

    Kick their ass, take their gas!

  26. ECA says:

    Umm, I have a 1986 Olds, that gets about 35mpg on the highway…STILL..You dont need SMALL cars and small engines..

    Many companies USED to have many smaller stores around towns and Cities, they took those and MADE LARGE stores that would represent 20mile Area, rather then 1-3 every mile..
    Or arnt you old enough to KNOW that?

    Also that Many stores are moving to RICHER areas, they dont want to sell to those EQUAL in income to THOSe they hire.

    #51 MM,
    But it isnt the Poor with a BIG truck thats causing the problem, as THOSE trucks are doing WORK..Mostly..
    Teaching and being able to HAVE a economical car in the lower Class/income levels, would solve alot..
    Its those at the top with the $800,000 RV from HELL, the persons that BUY a NEW HumV every month..
    If those on the Bottom had a choice between the TRUCK and a decent CAR and cheaper running costs They would use the CAR…As the truck is for Work.
    for those that dont see it:
    CORPS love to buy things at Pennys on the dollar and selling it to the USA citizens at $2..
    they like to control the WHOLE distribution routes.. So that they can sell it at $1 If you buy 1000, and $2 if you buy 500, and $3 if you buy 100, and $5 if you buy 1 at a time..THEY STILL bought the product for Penny’s..

    We HAVe the OIL from Iraq, but we are forcing the price up, so we can SELL it to other countries for a HIGHER markup, insted of giving it BACK to the USA consumer to fight the COST of war.
    Lets see…
    India sells metal goods to the USA, but the PRICe of the goods does not Rise in India…The USA sells metals/wood to China, and the WHOLE USA market place goes UP in Price to MATCH the exaggerated PRICE we are selling/Exporting it for. THEN the USA gov. inflects a 25% tariff on Canadian WOOD products, against NAFTA rules..
    WHICH inflates housing costs, and building prices, WHICH raises Housing TAXES…
    and GUESS what..most of the money ISNT getting to the Gov..

  27. Stars & Bars says:

    Using Exxon’s Annual Report and IRS information I came up with the following data:

    Gross Profit $70.5 Billion
    Federal Tax $29.8 Billion
    Net Profit $40.6 Billion

    Federal Tax Rate 42.3%

    Exxons gross profit on 1 gallon of crude oil $0.41

    42.3% Federal tax on 1 gallon of crude oil $0.173

    Exxons net profit on 1 gallon of crude oil $0.237

    It takes 1.5 gallons of crude to make 1 gallon of gas

    Federal Tax on 1 gallon of gas $0.18
    or for 1 gallon of crude oil $0.12

    Exxons net profit per gallon of crude oil is $0.237

    Federal Governments profit on 1 gallon of crude $0.293

    The US Government makes $0.056 more on a gallon of crude oil than Exxon.

  28. MikeN says:

    Keep this up OFTLO, and I might just be your campaign manager yet. I’m curious if ten years ago, you were one of the people who say that drilling in ANWR was a waste of time because we wouldn’t get any oil for ten years. This was being said 10 years ago.

    Anyway, I expect gas prices to drop soon, but it still won’t be enough.

  29. ECA says:


    And what do they make from 1.5 gallons of crude..
    NOT just GAS… Other wise you would have a product that you are loosing 1/3 of JUST for gas.
    And the Fuel corps are getting 99.9% USE/processing into other materials.

  30. JimR says:

    ECA has a good point. Greed is forcing the price of oil up in the US and in Canada. Your dollar has NOTHING to do with it. Being at the mercy of those who control you, the corporate America and the US government, has everything to do with it.

    Canada is no different. We are floating in oil in Canada, we are raping the environment to do it… and what is the benefit? We sell you our oil and pay $1 more per gallon here for the privilege. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Government is corrupt, corporate America is corrupt, the police are corrupt, the FBI is corrupt, and the Mounties are corrupt.

    Misanthropic Scott, man, get with reality. Oil and gas will be use at increasing rates at the biggest profit attainable until it’s gone. The fat cats will eat themselves into a coronary and the fat corrupt offspring will take over and take up the task of wringing every last loose dollar out of you, leaving you with just enough to get by on… chicken feed for your eggs.

    I suggest you embrace global warming and figure out a way to survive in it, because you are being duped man. A little hope here and a little hope there to mollify the masses, but it’s steady as she goes.

    Then there’s the elephant in the room called China. They are eliminating the energy saving from 300 million CFL’s, one CFL for every US citizen, every 2 weeks. From a corrupt corporation or government point of view, this isn’t the time to shut down and retool.

    Obama, Hillary whatever… cartoon characters at best. They can’t possibly be the best you have, not even remotely close, but it’s the best your gonna get with the system you have in place for choosing them. Same for Canada of course. We don’t have it any better.

    My suggestion is for everyone here to get a bike and use it as often as possible. At least you’ll be a free reign chicken. FUCK! Where are my meds…


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